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Found 4 results

  1. http://www.digitalmunition.me/2015/06/how-microsoft-can-spy-on-you-and-how-to-stop-it/
  2. How Microsoft Can Spy On You And How To Stop It - Hackers Online Club (HOC) Edit: rog un moderator sa stearga, a mai fost postat recent, imi cer scuze pentru neatentie!
  3. Salut,as avea nevoie de informatii daca e posibil,situatie e in felul urmator: am un frate mai mic care este usor influentabil si suspectez ca s-a apucat de prostii cu prietenii lui ... iar eu vreau sa ii pun un spy pe telefon sa monitorizez exact sa vad daca e asa,sa ma pot baga la timp inainte sa o ia pe cai gresite Stie Cineva vreun Keylogger/Spy pentru telefon cu sistem operare android care as putea sa il downloadez gratis,am cautat pe google dar am gasit doar softuri care cer foarte multi bani si chiar nu imi permit.Are cineva vreo idee de unde as putea obtine un programel sa monitorizez telefonul ? Multumesc Anticipat
  4. Skype Spy USB Edition software allows you to monitor and track all Skype chats and activities, such as file transfers or calls. You can search monitored Skype data, make copies of data, and restore the data as well. Best of all, Skype Spy USB Edition is portable — you can easily run it from USB flash drive and use it on any computer without installation. In this way the app stays completely undetectable. It is a great option for anyone looking for an effective parental control solution or employee monitoring software. Free Skype Spy USB Edition (100% discount) Inca 4 zile si expira.
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