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Found 9 results

  1. Pe scurt: Recomand Jabra 410 USB Speakerphone celor care cauta o solutie simpla, ieftina (momentan pe internet se gaseste la £61 gbp) si de calitate pentru teleconferinte si nu numai. Ideal pentru conferinte gen Skype, Google Hangouts, WebEx, Microsofy Lync, Adobe Connect, etc. unde calitatea este importanta - spre exemplu un mediu de afaceri sau invatamant. Raportul calitate-pret este unul excelent iar produse competitive (alternative) pe acest segment momentan sunt foarte putine care de multe ori nu vor oferi acelasi nivel de calitate. Descriere: Folosesc acest device de aproximativ 6 luni intr-un mediu educational, unde de obicei sunt 7-15 persoane intr-o incapere discutand cu alte 4-5 care se conecteaza prin Skype si Google Hangouts. Pentru webcam folosesc un Logitech C920 iar pentru audio acest Jabra 410. Device-ul este plug and play, odata connectat la orice Mac (versiunea 9 in sus) sau versiune de Windows (de la XP in sus) dureaza cateva secunde pana se initializeaza iar apoi este gata de functionare. Un lucru bun, care de multe ori da batai de cap celor care se ocupa cu astfel de conferinte este echo-ul - speaker-ul si microfonul fiind incorporate, nu vor creea feedback/echo pentru interlocutori. Cu microfoane si speakere separate aceasta se intampla de multe ori. Microfonul este unul omni-directional (boundary microphone) cu o raza destul de mare de captare a sunetului. Cu toate ca pe unele site-uri este descris (si de altfel recomandat) ca avand capabilitatea de a capta vorbitori la 1-2m distanta, l-am folosit si la 4-5m distanta si tot a functionat perfect. Doar vorbitorii au trebuit sa se asigure ca vorbesc clar, raspicat si cu putin suflet. Dupa cum se observa in pozele de mai jos, vine impachetat cu un pouch cu fermoar folositor pentru a preveni mizeria/praful si zgarieturile. Singurul defect care il pot gasi este cablul usb care este putin cam scurt, in special cand e folosit la un calculator fix si participantii sunt multi la numar iar microfonul trebuie plasat in mijlocul lor. Insa pentru aceasta au si o versiune (510) wireless, care functioneaza prin Bluetooth insa la un pret mai ridicat. Speakerphone-ul are pe margine niste controale folositoare prin touch pentru volum (+ si -), inchidere sau plasare apel si mute la microfon. Pe margine are si un input pentru casti mini jack in caz ca este necesar (folosinta 1:1). Calitatea sunetului este aproape perfecta, depinde bineinteles si de programul folosit cat si de viteza de internet a interlocutorilor. Indicatoarele luminoase si sonore sunt extrem de utile pentru a arata volumul curent al speaker-ului (lumini albe) si culoare rosie a LED-urilor indicand faptul ca microfonul este pe mute. Exista si niste variante mai scumpe, pentru cei care au cerinte mari, produse gen Clear One Chat 160 sau prooduse Polycom insa pretul acestora este unul prohibitiv, incepand de la £300 gbp in sus. Jabra 410 insa este apreciat si de alti cumparatori, avand un rating de 9.2/10 pe ebuyer, 4.8/5 pe Amazon UK si 4.9/5 pe Amazon US. Verdict: Un excelent microfon USB integrat cu speaker si touch controls, usor de folosit pentru orice device, (si in varianta bluetooth, wireless) la un pret-low cost, insa care nu neglijeaza calitatea si care poate fi utilizat in tele/video-conferinte 1:1, 1:many sau group:group. Cablul USB ar putea fi putin mai lung decat marimea actuala insa nu este o problema majora, doar ceva "nice to have". Nota: 9.5/10 Imagini:
  2. Am o problema cu un Grunding LCD care nu vrea sa imi redea fisierele video stocate pe stick USB atunci cand este conectat la tv. Mai am si un Hitachi dar acesta merge perfect... Vreo solutie?
  3. Stick-urile USB au devenit medii de stocare universale în ultimii zece ani. Acestea sunt folosite la nivel global de c?tre oricine are de mutat fi?iere de pe un computer pe altul sau pentru stocarea unor date importante, departe de hackeri ?i de eventualele probleme care ar putea ap?rea pe PC-ul surs?. Ei bine, un pasionat de hardware din Rusia a dezvoltat USB Killer, un stick USB care poate s? distrug? orice computer în care este introdus. Partea îngrijor?toare este c? acesta arat? ca orice stick obi?nuit. De?i nu avem nicio dovad? c? acest dispozitiv func?ioneaz? cu adev?rat ?i nici nu exist? o versiune comercial? a sa, descrierea modului în care func?ioneaz? este destul de conving?toare. Creatorul s?u nu s-a hot?rât înc? dac? dore?te s? ofere la liber specifica?iile tehnice ale acestui stick sau s? încerce s? scoat? ni?te bani de pe urma lui prin crowdfunding, îns? ia aceste dou? posibilit??i în considerare. Stick-ul „bucluca?” func?ioneaz? ca un invertor. Acesta se alimenteaz? cu energie electric? de la portul USB ?i încarc? codensatorii pân? la -110 V. Când acest voltaj este atins, invertorul este oprit, iar transistorul se deschide. Acesta împinge sarcina negativ? c?tre portul USB. Procesul este repetat pân? când toate componentele din computer care mai pot s? alimenteze USB-ul cu energie electric? sunt arse de c?tre dispozitiv. Momentan nu exist? prea multe motive de îngrijorare. Cei mai mul?i utilizatori de PC-uri ?tiu deja c? nu este indicat s? folose?ti stick-uri USB din surse dubioase. Dispozitivul exist? doar în mâinile creatorului s?u, care a declarat c? nu vede prea multe aplica?ii practice pentru acesta. USB Killer-ul a fost comparat chiar ?i cu cu o bomb? nuclear?: e bine s? ai în posesie un asemenea stick, îns? nu este indicat s? îl ?i folose?ti. Source : USB Killer: un stick care poate s? distrug? orice PC
  4. USBkill — A new program that once activated, will instantly disable the laptop or computer if there is any activity on USB port. Hey Wait, don’t compare USBkill with the USB Killer stick that destroy sensitive components of a computer when plugged-in. "USBKill" is a new weapon that could be a boon for whistleblowers, journalists, activists, and even cyber criminals who want to keep their information away from police and cyber thieves. It is like, if you are caught, kill yourself. In the same fashion as terrorists do. Here I am not talking about to kill yourself, but to kill the data from your laptop if the law enforcement has caught your laptop. USBkill does exactly this by turning a thumb drive into a kill switch that if unplugged, forces systems to shut down. Hephaestos (@h3phaestos), the author of USBkill, reports that the tool will help prevent users from becoming the next Ross Ulbricht, founder of the infamous underground drug marketplace Silk Road, who was arrested in a 2013 FBI raid in which his laptop was seized by law enforcement agencies. "USBKill waits for a change on your USB ports, then immediately kills your computer," a Github document states. Completely Wipe up any pieces of evidence before Feds caught you: Generally, the kind of activities on USB port include the police installing a mouse jiggler – a tool that prevents computer systems from going to sleep, and any USB drive being removed from the computer. "If this happens you would like your computer to shut down immediately," Hephaestos says. Simply, tie a flash USB key to your ankle, and instantly start USBkill when the police or any other law enforcement official caught you with a laptop. In case, they steal or take your laptop or computer with them, they would definitely remove the USB drive that will immediately shut down your laptop. The author of USBkill states that the program could be very effective when running on a virtual machine, which would vanish when you reboot. The author says that USBKill will be added to additional commands and functions. However, it does work correctly and efficiently in its current state as well. Source: USBKill — Code That Kills Computers Before They Examine USBs for Secrets
  5. Can Hackers turn a remote computer into a bomb and explode it to kill someone, just like they do in hacker movies? Wait, wait! Before answering that, Let me tell you an interesting story about Killer USB drive: A man walking in the subway stole a USB flash drive from the outer pocket of someone else's bag. The pendrive had "128" written on it. After coming home, he inserted the pendrive into his laptop and instead discovering any useful data, he burnt half of his laptop down. The man then took out the USB pendrive, replaced the text "128" with "129" and put it in the outer pocket of his bag… Amen! I’m sure, you would really not imagine yourself being the 130th victim of this Killer perdrive, neither I. This above story was told to a Russian researcher, nicknamed Dark Purple, who found the concept very interesting and developed his own computer-frying USB Killer pendrive. He is working with electronic manufacturing company from where he ordered some circuit boards from China for creating his own USB killer stick. "When we connect it up to the USB port, an inverting DC/DC converter runs and charges capacitors to -110V," the researcher explained. "When the voltage is reached, the DC/DC is switched off. At the same time, the field transistor opens." At last, he successfully developed a well functioning USB killer pendrive which is able to effectively destroy sensitive components of a computer when plugged-in. "It is used to apply the -110V to signal lines of the USB interface. When the voltage on capacitors increases to -7V, the transistor closes and the DC/DC starts. The loop runs till everything possible is broken down. Those familiar with the electronics have already guessed why we use negative voltage here." It is not possible for hardware to prevent all damage to physical systems in some scenarios. It may be possible for an attacker to exploit SCADA vulnerabilities and remove safety controls used by power plants or put it into an unstable state. Stuxnet worm is one of the real example of such cyber attacks, which was designed to destroy centrifuges at the Nuclear facility and all this started from a USB drive. Also in 2014, a security firm demonstrated an attack on Apple’s Mac computer by overriding temperature controls, which can actually set the machine on fire. So if we say that a computer could be converted into a bomb, then of course it’s true, a hacker can probably make your computer explode as well. Therefore, next time when you find an unknown USB flash drive, just beware before inserting it into your laptop. Because this time it will not fire up your important files or data stored on your laptop like what malwares do, instead it will fire up your Laptop. Source : This 'Killer USB' can make your Computer explode Original Source Rusian : USB killer
  6. Salut , Am Mouse + Keyboard prin USB WIFI , ambele sunt pe acelasi USB , vreu sa le conectez la un telefon LG G3S Vreu sa le folosesc pe RDP de pe telefon .. Nu stiu cum sa instalez Driver-u , cum sa il fac sa mearga , am vazut pe net ca este posibil de a conecta la un telefon Mouse + Keyboard , dar nu am gasit si cum ? Cum sa ilstalez Driver , si cum sa il fac sa functioneze ?! Are cineva idee cum as putea face ?!
  7. Skype Spy USB Edition software allows you to monitor and track all Skype chats and activities, such as file transfers or calls. You can search monitored Skype data, make copies of data, and restore the data as well. Best of all, Skype Spy USB Edition is portable — you can easily run it from USB flash drive and use it on any computer without installation. In this way the app stays completely undetectable. It is a great option for anyone looking for an effective parental control solution or employee monitoring software. Free Skype Spy USB Edition (100% discount) Inca 4 zile si expira.
  8. Predator Locks and Unlocks Your PC with a USB Thumb Drive PREDATOR locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device, and works as follows: you insert the USB drive you run PREDATOR (autostart with Windows is possible) you do your work... when you're away from your PC, you simply remove the USB drive: once it is removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens when you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place: keyboard and mouse are immediately released, and the display is restored It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return. Screenshot: Download: http://www.predator-usb.com/predator/dl/free/InstallPredator.zip [x86] http://www.predator-usb.com/predator/dl/free/InstallPredator_x64.zip [x64]
  9. O jucarie unica. Reportofon cu dimensiunile si forma unui memory stick obisnuit. Microfon sensibil, pana la 6m distanta si baterie reincarcabila incorporata.Puteti inregistra informatii sau conversatii cu acest stick USB mic si mai ales subtil. Arata exact ca un Memory stick USB este usor de folosit si nu da de banuit. evindet poate fi folosit si pentru stocarea diverselor informatii avand si aceasta functie de stick usb. Mai multe detalii pe Spionaj - STICK USB SPION-REPORTOFON
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