QuoVadis Posted February 9, 2016 Report Posted February 9, 2016 In atentia celor care lucrati pe Upwork: a inceput un individ sa invite mai multe sute de oameni la "interviu" pentru un job de a "vinde" lucruri (fictive) pe ebay. Nu va bagati caci v-o muscati Omul va cere sa folositi conturi proprii de PayPal si Ebay si apoi clientii care nu primesc acele produse dar au dat banii vor trimite chargeback. El deja a primit banii iar voi trebuie sa ii scoateti si va frigeti. Mai jos e textul scamului: Hello there, Thanks for your interest for my job. My name is Robert Stevens and I'm 58 years old. Let me tell you more about the job. I run a small business from home. I buy at auctions different things like electronics, jewels, watches, car parts and more. I don't know too much about PC. I know that all things can be sold better online and I know that eBay is the number 1 website for online sales. As I'm new in this domain I made some researches and I found that premium users with a good feedback score can sell faster than a beginner. So, I need someone who own an eBay account with a minimum of 15 positive feedback as seller and no selling limits. Also must have no sending or receiving limits on his PayPal account. I will provide the photos and details of the items that need to be advertised. Your job is just to list the ads, I will talk with the people who are interested. You will be paid when the auction ends. I will pay you with £100 + 5% of the sale price + eBay posting fees. If the item is not sold, I will pay you only the eBay posting fees. But I'm sure that all my product will be sold. I do not sell items cheaper than £2.000 so for each sale you will earn minimum £200. I think it's fair enough. You can sell 3 items in one week so you can get £600 weekly. If the item will be sold, after you receive the money into your bank account, I will ship the product to the buyer and send you the documents confirming this, so you can easy send me the money without any doubts. I don't want to wait for you to send me the money after the buyer receive the product because I don't have any guarantee that after he will receive it, you will send me the money. Please do not understand me wrong but this is business. This is my only guarantee. The payment from the buyer will be received into your PayPal account linked with your eBay account. You deduct your money from the payment and transfer me the rest of them. This way you can be sure that you will be paid. Also I want to tell you from the beginning that I need serious people in my team so when you say something so be it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Cum va dati seama ca e scam? - vine cu alt nume fata de upwork - vrea sa folositi conturile proprii de ebay - vrea sa aveti minim 15 rating pozitive ca cei carora le "vindeti" sa prinda incredere pe produse scumpe - va cere sa nu aveti limite la paypal - spune ca pentru fiecare item castigati £200 - daca suna prea frumos sa fie adevarat.. cel mai probabil nu-i adevarat - el primeste banii si pana se descalceste treaba dispare - cumparatorul de pe ebay primeste o _!_ si face chargeback si primeste banii inapoi. - voi ramaneti cu datorii bunicele de minim £2000 - omul da un tun de cateva sute de mii si apoi isi vede de viata prin Caraibe ori alte cele 5 Quote
Silviu Posted February 9, 2016 Report Posted February 9, 2016 Zic să ștergi partea care detaliază acțiunea, pentru că nu vrem să le dăm idei și alor noștri. Quote
sicilianul Posted February 9, 2016 Report Posted February 9, 2016 53 minutes ago, Meteosensibilul said: Adevarul e ca si e foarte greu sa nascocesti planul individului, zici ca e design de racheta nucleara, da... Sunt multi copii aici care printre altele au "liber la internet" si idei de genul le modifica perceptiile sau chiar viitorul. Si eu zic sa ramana doar partea cu atentionarea.... 1 Quote