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[FUD] RemotePenetration_v1.58 Public Beta.3 MODed by X0X

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Recovery:[+] Trillian

[+] Pidgin and Gaim

[+] PaltalkScene

[+] Live Messenger

[+] MSN Messenger

[+] Firefox 2.xx - 3.xx

[+] IE6

[+] IE7 - 8

[+] Filezilla

[+] Smart FTP (NEW)[+] FlashFXP

[+] CoreFTP

[+] NO-IP

[+] Outlook

[+] Custom CD-Key Grabber (Input own path to key you want to grab) (On the Public version you may only input one path)

Icon Options:[+] Replace Default Icon:

[+] Icon Hunter

Main Features:[+] FUD Scantime + Runtime

[+] All strings are encrypted

[+] All your inputted data, (FTP/SMTP information) is encrypted.

[+] All API's that can be encrypted/called dynamically are encrypted.

[+] No 3rd party applications used

[+] Uncompressed stub size: 132 kB.

[+] Compressed stub size: 45.5 kB.

[+] Option on builder to encrypt the logfile

[+] Can upload log file via FTP or SMTP

[+] Pick the logfiles attributes

[+] Hidden

[+] Read only

[+] System

[+] Randomness

[+] The logfile drops to a random location on the computer, with a random file name, then after it uploads then it deletes itself.

[+] Ability to import FUD stubs

[+] SSDT Unhooking (Not tested in Vista)

[+] Anti-Generic Sandbox

Other Features [+] Option to compress with UPX

[+] Validate PE

[+] Change the Date of the outputted executable's date

[+] Increase the files size

[+] Add NOP bytes to the file

[+] Log Decryption utility included in builder

[+] Load and Save your sessions!

Private Version [+] All of the listed features above + a unique stub that no one else has.

[+] AIM 6.xx recovery

[+] Miranda recovery

[+] No set number of CD-Key Paths (You can add as many keys as you want grabbed)

Possible Future Updates:[+] Because i rushed to release this, ill optimize the code on the next release (10-20kb smaller)

[+] If logfile size = 0kb then don't upload.

[+] Melt server option

[+] Install server option

[+] Custom fake error message

[+] Ability to test if your smtp/ftp creditnals are correct. (Verifys)

[+] CuteFTP, BrokerFTP, other FTP Clients

[+] HTML Logfiles

[+] Local recovery (Logfile drops locally instead of upload via Mail, FTP, etc)

[+] Google Talk



  Hellbound said:
wa numa prostii faceti futeti toate pc .. halal oameni ati ajuns wa ... si u benny totimpu afirmativ din partea ta ca merge da d fapt ui esti cap

mai copile, hai sa iti explic: cand foloseam eu remote penetration u te uitai in pizda mati si credeai ca e tv, am scris ca am folosit remote penetration nu ca am folosit versiunea asta de remote penetration, cauta pe 3 boarduri legate de criptere,joinere,etc si ai sa vezi de cand sunt membru si cand a aparut remote penetration, daca tu esti un taran coclit care mereu face figuri si da replici de cacat stai "jos" si nu mai comenta, cu mine sa nu te bagi in seama

  benny_loppa said:
mai copile, hai sa iti explic: cand foloseam eu remote penetration u te uitai in pizda mati si credeai ca e tv, am scris ca am folosit remote penetration nu ca am folosit versiunea asta de remote penetration, cauta pe 3 boarduri legate de criptere,joinere,etc si ai sa vezi de cand sunt membru si cand a aparut remote penetration, daca tu esti un taran coclit care mereu face figuri si da replici de cacat stai "jos" si nu mai comenta, cu mine sa nu te bagi in seama

mars si te culca in mortii matii de betivan prost.

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