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[Book] SQL Injection Attacks and Defense

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SQL injection represents one of the most dangerous and well-known, yet misunderstood, security vulnerabilities on the Internet, largely because there is no central repository of information to turn to for help. This is the only book devoted exclusively to this long-established but recently growing threat. It includes all the currently known information about these attacks and significant insight from its contributing team of SQL injection experts.


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Am citi o buna parte din carte, foarta buna cartea, mai cumva altele?

Totusi nici in aceasta carte nu am gasit raspunsul la ointrebare:

Ce poti face atunci cand paramentrul vulnerabil e in mijlocul unui "GET" cu mai multe variabile.

  NullCode said:
Am citi o buna parte din carte, foarta buna cartea, mai cumva altele?

Totusi nici in aceasta carte nu am gasit raspunsul la ointrebare:

Ce poti face atunci cand paramentrul vulnerabil e in mijlocul unui "GET" cu mai multe variabile.

Pfff, nu are nici o legatura faptul ca sunt mai multe variabile, nici ordinea lor nu conteaza. Vezi mai inatai daca merge doar cu acel parametru, daca nu il pui la sfarsit ca sa nu te incurci si gata.

  Nytro said:
Pfff, nu are nici o legatura faptul ca sunt mai multe variabile, nici ordinea lor nu conteaza. Vezi mai inatai daca merge doar cu acel parametru, daca nu il pui la sfarsit ca sa nu te incurci si gata.

Mda..ce prost sunt, sunt nou in SQL injection si in PHP. Nu m-am gandit ca variabilele au un nume si nu ar conta ordinea.... Oricum multumesc...

  wvw said:

SQL injection represents one of the most dangerous and well-known, yet misunderstood, security vulnerabilities on the Internet, largely because there is no central repository of information to turn to for help. This is the only book devoted exclusively to this long-established but recently growing threat. It includes all the currently known information about these attacks and significant insight from its contributing team of SQL injection experts.


Linkul a expirat.

Linkuri noi, pentru cine are nevoie:


Hotfile.com: Transfer de fisiere cu 1 singur click: SQLInjDefCulata.rar

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