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How I ranked Top 10 in Google in 3 days

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Author: newkid..

Here is my 2 cent

For one of my domain created one and a half months back, I was ranking good for specific searches. Say if I have reviewed any product, if you search for that product, I rank in the first page. Fair enough, but that does not bring massive traffic because I never did review based on product popularity, instead I just review what I find on my way and that too with no affiliate link and optimized only for adsense (getting 25% CTR ).

Lets be more specific, my domain relates to 'Make money online' and 'Work from home' and say I reviewed for website like 'sponsoredreviews', 'payperpost', 'mylot' etc. So if anyone search for these keyword, I always come in first page. I was quite satisfied because its a month old blog. But the click what I was getting is 100/day which was too dull for me. And for the main keyword like 'Make Money online' 'Work from home', 'Home based business'. 'make money guide, I was not ranking in the Top 100 (You know how competitive this keyword is)... And I did something which made my page to come in Top 50 in the first attempt and Top 10 in second attempt. Traffic surged from 100 /day to 3400/day on an average

I dont know if I can call it blackhat, but definitely not a white. Give a try for instant result....

what I did:

(1) I modified .htaccess file. At the bottom, I added

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^(.+)$ / [R=302,L]

What it does is, it forward all the internal pages to homepage.. You type anything www.yourdomain.com/****/****.html and it will come to www.yourdomain.com

(2) Added one plain HTML page in root directory named 'index.html'

(3) Edited that index.html like this

a) Title - Your 2 anchor keyword

B) In the body, 2 lines of text filled with your main keyword in <h1> tag

c) Search your keyword in google and pick any 3 result from top 10 result and copy the first para of each article

d) make this copied article in Bold

e) Add <h2> tag with your first Keyword

f) go to keyword tool in adword and type your main keyword and see all the relevant keyword coming into result. Note any 10 result (two short keyword, two 3/4 word keyword, six long tail keywords) and add these keywords under <h2> tag defined above and keep it in <h3> tag

g) Now repeat the steps (e) and (f) for your second Keyword (anchor text)

(4) Ping your blog through pingler and pingthatblog

(5) Leave it for a day

(6) after 24 hours, remove that added line in .htaccess file and rename or delete index.html file added into the root directory

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Asta e doorway page, si te penalizeaza goagle:P. Acum ani de zile era o combinatie....

Nu va mai bateti capu cu 1000 te trucuri seo de 2 lei, cel mai important lucru in seo, nu tine de seo, si anume CONTINUTUL!!!!

Altfel sunt 1000 de lucruri ca si structura de care trebuie sa tineti cont pt a fi bine vazuti de google, dar ele in general nu te urca ci doar te scad daca nu le faci.

Plecand de la un mod_rewrite facut pentru a sugera utilizatorului structura siteului cu scopul de a face mai usoara navigarea gen /categorie/produs/ /articole/articol/ /pagina/ .

Apoi nu sunt deacord cu inscrierile in directoare, pt ca 99.99% din ele sunt de proasta calitate si 50 linkuri de acolo poate insemna cat un link dintr-un site de calitate....dar te pot trage si in jos. Aici pot da un exemplu, un client a ascultat recomandarea mea a scos siteul din cateva sute de directoare si in 2-3 sapt a sarit o pagina in google, cu o pozitie mult mai solida.

Lista poate continua dar concluzia este una singura construiti siteurile pt oameni nu pt roboti, nu incercati sa pacaliti motoarele de cautare va veti pacasi singuri mai devreme sau mai tarziu!

PS: De voi tine sa faceti diferenta intre profi si amatori si sa alegeti unde vreti sa va incadrati.

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voi inca umblati cu de-astea ? Lasati palaria neagra in dulap si apucati-va de white . Conteaza continutu ,aspectul in primul rand . Sa fie un site care e folositor . Nu doar pt tine ,sa le trebuiasca oamenilor ce postezi tu pe el . Fa link exchange ,banner exchange cu siteuri cu pr mai mare. Lasati blacku ca va ia Gogu la bataie si va baneaza siteu .

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Exact ...

In SEO in momentul actual conteaza

1. SEO on page (cautati despre SEO Doctor, e un add-on SEO)

2. Relevant si pe cat se poate Unique Content

3. Link-exchange cu site-uri care aduc trafic, si daca nu aduc trafic sa aiba un PR cel putin egal cu al vostru, dar nu face-ti farm link ca google din cate am inteles penalizeaza

4. Cand faceti link-exchange folositi un "anchor text" corespunzator

Si daca chiar vreti sa ajungeti in top pe 1 sau mai multe cuvinte cheie recomand utiziarea google webmaster tool + googe adwords asta daca sunteti website-ul pe care il promovati va aduce un venit care sa amorizeze investita.

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