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NASA Face in Space

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Ce parere aveti despre programul asta implementat de NASA?

NASA wants to put a picture of you on one of the two remaining space shuttle missions and launch it into orbit. To launch your face into space and become a part of history, just follow these steps: First...Select the Participate button at the bottom of this page and upload your image/name, which will be flown aboard the space shuttle. Don't have a picture to upload? No problem, just skip the image upload and we will fly your name only on your selected mission! Next...Print and save the confirmation page with your flight information. Later...Return to this site after the landing to print your Flight Certificate - a commemorative certificate signed by the Mission Commander. You can also check on mission status, view mission photographs, link to various NASA educational resources and follow the commander and crew on Twitter or Facebook.

NASA Face in Space


Ahahahah cum e loki :)).

Totusi nu stiu la ce m-ar ajuta daca as avea poza trimisa prin spatiu.Sau poate vor sa faca androizi si au nevoie de fete sa aiba de unde sa aleaga nu le ajung cele din America =)).

ppff, chiar nu va duce capul:|

au trimis inregistrari cu "salut" sau nu stiu ce texte in mai multe limbi.

acuma trimit poze cu oameni ca sa vada alieni cum aratam:)

sau ceva de genu:P

no shit! .


Eu cred ca in spatele acestui proiect este alceva, cum ar fi sa vada cam cati doritori de-a ajunge in spatiu sunt,(ar fi o idee), au neovoie de o baza de date si folosesc acest pretext pentru a strange informatile dorite, sigur au un set de intrebari intrun chestionar care te pune sa-l completezi, si dupaia sa iti trimita poza ta si numele in spatiu, suna putin nostim, adevaratul raspuns sta in intrebarile din chestionar. Strang informatile dorite sub un alt pretext,stiu ca orice om doreste sa ajunga in spatiu dar acum iei selecteaza doar anumite persoane care au calitati deosebite, cum? punandule anumite intrebari si in functie de ce raspund sunt iei ii deosebesc, acuma cine stie!, poate acest proiect se termina cu un contract de lucru la NASA, si asa in cati va ani NASA&America ramane fara specialisti in IT

PS: Parerea mea

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