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HexorBase is a database application designed for administering and auditing multiple database servers simultaneously from a centralized location, it is capable of performing SQL queries and bruteforce attacks against common database servers (MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL ).HexorBase allows packet routing through proxies or even metasploit pivoting antics to communicate with remotely inaccessible servers which are hidden within local subnets.

It works on Linux and Windows running the following:









To install simply run the following command in terminal after changing directory to the path were the downloaded package is:

root@host:~# dpkg -i hexorbase_1.0_all.deb

Icons and Running the application:

Software Icon can be found at the application Menu of the GNOME desktop interfaces

Icon can also be found at /usr/share/applications for KDE and also GNOME:

There you find "HexorBase.desktop"

To get the source code for this project from SVN, here's the checkout link:

root@host:~# svn checkout hexorbase - Revision 3: /

Heres a video on how the program works

Video Credits: "Maurizio Schmidt"

HexorBase - The Database Hacker Tool - YouTube

Download: http://hexorbase.googlecode.com/files/hexorbase_1.0_all.deb

Description: 249 KB

Debian installer for linux based systems

SHA1 Checksum: 49ff0cf9e48341fef830f0744d29becfaaa37ad0

Download & source project

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Ok mi-am dat seama cum functioneaza tocmai de accea postez un mic tutorial pentru functionarea programului.

Deschideti terminalul.

Executati urmatoarea comanda exact cum e scrisa:

sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-mysqldb python-psycopg2 python-pymssql python-qscintilla2

Asteptati sa termine de updatat si instalat apoi descarcati hexorbase schimbati calea cu cd catre pachetul de instalare si dati

dpkg -i hexorbase_1.0_all.deb

asteptati sa se instaleze apoi rulati-l.

Edited by MagicThunder
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