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mircea badea si mouse-ul

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Nu am nimic cu omu, inteleg ca e greu sa tii o emisiune seara de seara timp de 5 ani. Si e imposibil sa nu mai gresesti. Dar Mircea Badea prea se fute in cur uneori cu anumite replici, si daca ii zici ceva, nu sta sa analizeze cu atentie ce i-ai zis, sa se gandeasca la ce te-ai referit, e mai usor sa zica "basistule" direct. Asa cand i-am dat un comentariu despre un anumit lucru iar el a interpretat gresit si a sarit imediat cu replica "basistule".

Tara e de cacat, conducerea e de cacat. Dar el faza cu "basistule" o are parca in reflex.

Ca sa nu mai zicem ca sunt cazuri in care il pupa in pula pe Voiculescu.

De altfel e un om bun :)))


El e liber frate,nu il intereseaza de CNA.Se exprima liber,e singura emisiune super din romania in care poti sa inveti ceva.

Voi nu ati face la fel acelui mouse daca nu ar merge ? Pe bune,trebuie sa te exprimi liber.



"Badea was born in 1974 in Bucharest and attended the Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science in the early 90s. After graduating, he enrolled as a computer science student at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest"

But what about computer science?

Computer science or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.Computer scientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems.


"Badea has gained significant acclaim as an acerbic, satirical critic of Romanian politics and Romanian media outlets, in particular the coverage of Realitatea TV, Evenimentul Zilei or România Liber?. In spite of its self-professed satire mandate, În Gura Presei and Badea himself have been nominated for a number of entertainment, news and journalism awards"

What could i say ?

Unfortunately he is not stupid, he only searches to draw people's attention,

Knowing the social problems, the behavior of people he knows exactly what might pull people's ATTENTION.

He uses as a weapon weaknesses of the people.

Hunger, the crisis, poverty, the various other social problems led him to the first place.

This topic demonstrates the attention that this man already acquired, even if negative.


"Badea was born in 1974 in Bucharest and attended the Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science in the early 90s. After graduating, he enrolled as a computer science student at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest"

But what about computer science?

Computer science or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.Computer scientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems.


"Badea has gained significant acclaim as an acerbic, satirical critic of Romanian politics and Romanian media outlets, in particular the coverage of Realitatea TV, Evenimentul Zilei or România Liber?. In spite of its self-professed satire mandate, În Gura Presei and Badea himself have been nominated for a number of entertainment, news and journalism awards"

What could i say ?

Unfortunately he is not stupid, he only searches to draw people's attention,

Knowing the social problems, the behavior of people he knows exactly what might pull people's ATTENTION.

He uses as a weapon weaknesses of the people.

Hunger, the crisis, poverty, the various other social problems led him to the first place.

This topic demonstrates the attention that this man already acquired, even if negative.

Badea din Cibernetica Statistica si informatica economica a mers pe cibernetica unde e mai multa matematica decat informatica. Cibernetica se ocupa cu studiul matematic al sistemelor. De natura biologica, informatica, econimica, fizica etc.

Unde a fost el nu a fost tocmai CS. A facut si ceva info dar nu specializare.


Nu vreau sa va supar, dar cred ca va plangeti prea mult ca traiti intr-o tara de cacao, cel putin pe pagina 3. Mi se pare cel mai jalnic stereotip al momentului, urasc sa vad cum unii dintre noi se poarta de parca ar trai in Somalia sau in timpul vreunui razboi in care noi sa fim teatru de lupta. Daca nu va multumeste situatia actuala a Romaniei, incercati sa faceti ceva care sa va aduca mai aproape de ceea ce v-ar multumi, nu sa cascati urechile la aburelile unor oameni care sunt platiti sa va fraiereasca.

Just saying...


"Badea was born in 1974 in Bucharest and attended the Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science in the early 90s. After graduating, he enrolled as a computer science student at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest"

But what about computer science?

Computer science or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.Computer scientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems.


"Badea has gained significant acclaim as an acerbic, satirical critic of Romanian politics and Romanian media outlets, in particular the coverage of Realitatea TV, Evenimentul Zilei or România Liber?. In spite of its self-professed satire mandate, În Gura Presei and Badea himself have been nominated for a number of entertainment, news and journalism awards"

What could i say ?

Unfortunately he is not stupid, he only searches to draw people's attention,

Knowing the social problems, the behavior of people he knows exactly what might pull people's ATTENTION.

He uses as a weapon weaknesses of the people.

Hunger, the crisis, poverty, the various other social problems led him to the first place.

This topic demonstrates the attention that this man already acquired, even if negative.

corect e behaviour, nu behavior,he uses people`s weaknesses as a weapon,iar ultima propozitie e gresita. those led him to what? in the first place, nu to the first place. negative attention? never heard of this concept.

nu te supara, dar cred ca ai nevoie de o meditatie ceva la lb. engleza sau de un curs de lb. engleza. stick to what you know.

Posted (edited)

si avansurile nu sunt totuna cu critica.nu mai visa avansuri acolo unde nu-s. eu doar i-am zis omului ca s-a exprimat gresit in engleza.

Edited by 1749
corect e behaviour, nu behavior,he uses people`s weaknesses as a weapon,iar ultima propozitie e gresita. those led him to what? in the first place, nu to the first place. negative attention? never heard of this concept.

nu te supara, dar cred ca ai nevoie de o meditatie ceva la lb. engleza sau de un curs de lb. engleza. stick to what you know.

Poate ai vrut sa spui ca ai absolvit Facultatea de Limbi ?i Literaturi Str?ine dar nu ?tiai în care context sa introduci expresia.

Nu am absolut nimic cu faptul ca m-ai corectat sunt mul?umit sa vad ca cineva totu?i analizeaz? ceva ?i nu pierde timpul dar dac? vrei sa promovezi aplica ceva constructiv.

Putem critica intr-un mod constructiv în loc sa o facem doar pentru a ie?i în evidenta ?i pe lîng? asta comunitatea nu se bazeaz? doar pe critica .

Pe forum s-au creat diverse grupuri unde se studiaz? spre exemplu limbajele formale.

Experienta acumulat? ?i cuno?tin?ele dobîndite în cadrul facult??ii le po?i folosi intrun mod constructiv , într-un mod care s? le po?i face accesibile altora.

A?adar ai putea crea un grup NLC (Natural Language Coder) unde faci si tu cîteva lec?ii în leg?tur? cu:


Linguistic diversity

Controlled languages

Constructed languages

International auxiliary languages

Written languages

Sign languages

A fost doar un exemplu, po?i in continuare sa cite?ti forumul f?r? sa contribui cu nimic.

Ca fapt divers, forumul mai are si alte categorii inafara de Off-topic.


@python3 : si daca nu-ti place offtopicul atunci de ce postezi la offtopic?nu inteleg.sunt mai mult pasiva, asa ca da, prefer sa citesc forumul. critica nu a fost altfel decat constructiva, poate de-aia a si fost luata drept avans.

eu m-am specializat mai mult pe literatura,lingvistica am studiat-o atat cat sa ma exprim corect intr-o limba straina plus ca limbajul academic nu-mi vine ca o manusa, la examene am simplificat intotdeauna limbajul academic.

ma indoiesc ca ar interesa pe cineva taxonomy, linguistic diversity etc., desi ideea ta nu este neinteresanta.

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