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How to resize Backtrack 5 virtual partition

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De curand m-am confruntat cu urmatoarea problema:

Imagine VMware de Backtrack 5 + lipsa spatiu pe partitia virtuala.

Recently I had the following problem:

VMware image with Backtrack 5 + not enough space on the virtual partition.


[highlight]Step 1:[/highlight] Go ahead and resize the HDD in the VMware image options.


[highlight]Step 2:[/highlight] Okay, so if you try to resize the partition as you would do it usually, you run into the problem, that you have to unmount the partition first. In order to solve this problem, go ahead and download the gparted live stable release. Get the iso version.

GParted - Browse /gparted-live-stable at SourceForge.net

[highlight]Step 3:[/highlight] Mount the gparted iso to your guest OS as a CD and then go ahead and boot it up.

Note that usually the boot sequence is out of order, so you got back to your normal guest OS. In this case, when you see the VMWare logo while booting, hit F2. (Keep in mind that your input needs to be hooked to the guest OS. If you do reboot from the guest OS, you should be fine.) Change the boot sequence in the boot tab so that the CD-ROM Drive is before the Hard Drive. Then Exit Saving Changes. If you still got your guest OS, then check if you connected your virtual CD-ROM drive to the guest.



Start GParted Live. Usually choose “Don’t touch keymap” and English (33) will do just fine. Also start up your X Environment with option (0) when it comes to that question. (Btw, you can hit Enter three times for these default options)


[highlight]Step 4:[/highlight] You should get GParted in the default view.


Right click -> Resize/Move on your Extended file system (for me it was Cyan colored.) Set it so there is 0 Free space preceding AND 0 Free space following.


Select your linux-swap and Resize/Move it. Notice that now you can make it slide. Go ahead and slide it all the way to the right. Resize/Move, then ignore the warning window.


Then once again select you extended partition and Resize it, so there is no unallocated space remaining. (E.g.: Grab the size slider and bring it over all the way to the right.)


By now, you should have your ext4, unallocated and extended partition in this order.

Go ahead and resize your ext4 partition to allocate the unallocated space.


Apply your work. (Don’t worry about if you finished with warnings, you will be just fine.)

There is an exit button, go ahead and click it, reboot.

Credits: How to resize a partition on a virtual image | Sn34ky T4nk

Edited by alien
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Trebuie sa defragmentezi datele de pe ambele partitii , daca pe aia de 80 ai windoze folosesti windows defragmentation tool ca sa iti aranjeze datele si pe linux ei bine pe linux fisierele nu se fragmenteaza astfel parerea mea e ca poti da srhink intai la partitia de 80 gb si dupa o maresti pe cealalta de 20 care sa zicem ca e mai mica si are mai multe lucruri pe ea .

Teoretic nu ar trebui sa ai vreo problema la redimensionarea partitiei de 80 gb mai ales ca is ocupati doar 10 .

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Pai eu nu as vrea sa sterg nici-o partitie! Ca sa intelegi: Am o partitie de 80GB si o partitie de 20GB (pe care am Ununtu). Eu vreau sa le transform in 50GB si 50GB, fara sa pierd absolut nici-o data!

Partitia de 80GB are ocupat doar 10!

Se poate lejer ce vrei tu cu Gparted. Datele nu se pierd, desi e recomandat sa-ti faci un backup inainte just in case.

Citeste totusi FAQ de aici GParted -- Frequently Asked Questions pentru siguranta maxima.

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