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Romanian Man Charged in $1.5 Million ATM Skimming Scam

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A Romanian man has been arrested in a $1.5 million card-skimming operation that targeted 40 ATMs belonging to HSBC branches in New York.

Between May 2010 and this week Laurentiu Iulian Bulat and others allegedly installed card-skimming devices that stole card numbers and PINs on HSBC ATMs in Manhattan, Long Island and Westchester.

The devices recorded information embedded in the magnetic stripe of bank cards as customers inserted them into the ATMs. Pin-hole cameras the hackers installed in the ATMs recorded the PINs as customers typed them on the keypad. The thieves would return to the ATMs within a day or two to collect the stored data and subsequently embed it on blank cards. Then using the videotaped PINs, they withdrew about $1.5 million from customer accounts over about seven months, authorities say.

According to an affidavit filed by U.S. Secret Service Agent Eric Friedman (.pdf), Bulat was caught on bank surveillance cameras on Thursday morning – and on prior occasions – installing the skimmers and pin-hole cameras and made no attempt to hide his face.

Bulat, according to authorities, has been in the U.S. illegally on an overstayed visa. He’s charged with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of bank fraud. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 60 years in prison.



Da-l in masa, la puscarie cu el.Orice om cu un pic de creer poate sa-si faca acasa un skimmer, si sa se apuce de furat.

Vina este si a bancilor, ca nu-si securizeaza card-urile, insa probabil upgrade-ul ATM-urilor si costurile aditionale (software, card-uri, etc) depasesc cu mult ca valoare prejudiciul produs prin skiming, asa ca li se rupe.

Berbecii aia din forul legislativ, in loc sa fie preocupati de toate cacaturile, ar putea adopta legi "adevarate", sa-si protejeze cetatenii, insa in raport cu bancile, sau statul, oamenii de rand sunt prejudiciati/furati cat se poate.


E rookie oricum.

Sa nu iti protejezi fatza, nici macar oleaca, o prostie totala.

Asta e haiduc denala..lasa sa ma filmeze ca dau bufu' si ma ascund in ferentari ca locu ala e cazut de pe harta.

Si uite ca..nu e asa :)

Plus trebuie sa fii prost sa faci asemenea prejudiciu, nu inteleg cum stau taranii si se lacomesc sa ia cat mai mult, baaaa frate fura dracului 50-100K MAXIM si lasate sanatos de treaba.

Iei banutu, revii in tara sau te duci in alta, investesti LEGAL si faci banii pamantului.

Oportunitati sunt cu carul pentru suma aia de bani, minte sa ai!

Furi ca ghiorlanu milionu si astepti sa scapi, prostie.

Oricum ala e un peste mic ( o sageata ) cel care a incasat peste 50 % din banii aia e in Hawaii la soare si mai verifica din cand in cand contul sa vada cum sagetile lui il alimenteaza :)

Da cum sa nu, te crezi in filme tu.

Auzi la el, mai verifica din cand in cand contul sa vada cum sagetile lui il aminteaza, bre da ce don corleone esti tu :))

tu ai impresia ca contul ala e uber duper l33t secret securizat si bla bla.

+ comentu cu hawaii la soare

deja imi dau seama clar ce mentalitate ai si tu :))))

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