Nytro Posted January 15, 2012 Report Posted January 15, 2012 Setup a Fake Access Point With BackTrack5 Posted Nov 6 2011 by NightRangerRecently I needed to setup a fake access point for a presentation, I fired up my Backtrack5 VM, Connected my Alfa AWUS036H USB adapter and started to configure the Fake AP.There are a lot of Tutorials and Scripts for setting up a Fake AP, The “Gerix” tool also have an option to auto set a Fake AP (for some reason this tool never worked for me).I started to setup my fake AP and had run into some trouble for a strange reason.I decided to put my experience here hopefully you’ll find it useful.Started by putting my Wlan interface in monitor moderoot@Blackbox:~/fakeap# airmon-ng start wlan1Found 1 processes that could cause trouble.If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working aftera short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!PID Name1558 dhclientInterface Chipset Driverwlan1 Realtek RTL8187L rtl8187 - [phy1]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132 (monitor mode enabled on mon0)I noticed the following error: “Unknown error 132?Tried using airodump-ng to see what happens…root@Blackbox:~/fakeap# airodump-ng mon0ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) failed: Unknown error 132Got the same error.The solution was simply to unload the RTL8187 and Load the R8187 driver instead as follows:root@Blackbox:~/fakeap# rmmod rtl8187root@Blackbox:~/fakeap# modprobe r8187Tried putting wlan In monitor mode againroot@Blackbox:~/fakeap# airmon-ng start wlan1Found 1 processes that could cause trouble.If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working aftera short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!PID Name1558 dhclientInterface Chipset Driverwlan1 RTL8187 r8187 (monitor mode enabled)Well, that fixed the problemroot@Blackbox:~/fakeap# iwconfiglo no wireless extensions.eth3 no wireless extensions.wlan1 802.11b/g Mode:Monitor Channel=10 Bit Rate=11 Mb/s Tx-Power=5 dBm Retry:on Fragment thr:off Link Quality=0/100 Signal level=50 dBm Noise level=-156 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0Now we can proceed to the fake ap setup process1. Install a DHCP Serverapt-get install dhcp3-server2. Edit “/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf” as follows (You can change ip address, pool and dns server as needed):ddns-update-style ad-hoc;default-lease-time 600;max-lease-time 7200;authoritative;subnet netmask {option subnet-mask;option broadcast-address;option routers;option domain-name-servers;range;}3. Put your wlan in monitor modeairmon-ng start wlan14. Start airbase-ng, you will need to specify the AP SSID and channel numberairbase-ng -e FreeWifi -c 11 -v wlan1 &5. Airbase will create a new adapter “at0? you will need to enable it and assign it with an ip address and subnet mask, the ip address you assign to this interface will be the default gateway that you specified in the dhcpd.conf file.ifconfig at0 upifconfig at0 netmask Add a routeroute add -net netmask gw Setup ip tablesiptables --flushiptables --table nat --flushiptables --delete-chainiptables --table nat --delete-chainiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT• Eth3 is my external interface which is connected to the internet change it to whatever yours isiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth3 -j MASQUERADE8. Clear dhcp leasesecho > '/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases'9. Create a symlink to dhcpd.pid (skipping this may cause an error when starting dhcp server)ln -s /var/run/dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid /var/run/dhcpd.pid10. Start the DHCP serverdhcpd3 -d -f -cf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf at0 &11. Don’t forget to enable IP forwardingecho "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwardThat’s All Folks!I have created a simple bash script to automate this process you will just need to change it to suit your configuration.#!/bin/bashecho "Killing Airbase-ng..."pkill airbase-ngsleep 2;echo "Killing DHCP..."pkill dhcpd3sleep 5;echo "Putting Wlan In Monitor Mode..."airmon-ng stop wlan1 # Change to your wlan interfacesleep 5;airmon-ng start wlan1 # Change to your wlan interfacesleep 5;echo "Starting Fake AP..."airbase-ng -e FreeWifi -c 11 -v wlan1 & # Change essid, channel and interfacesleep 5;ifconfig at0 upifconfig at0 netmask # Change IP addresses as configured in your dhcpd.confroute add -net netmask gw 5;iptables --flushiptables --table nat --flushiptables --delete-chainiptables --table nat --delete-chainiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPTiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth3 -j MASQUERADE # Change eth3 to your internet facing interfaceecho > '/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases'ln -s /var/run/dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid /var/run/dhcpd.piddhcpd3 -d -f -cf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf at0 &sleep 5;echoSursa: http://exploit.co.il/hacking/set-fake-access-point-backtrack5/ Quote
luceafaru Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 You can do all that, or you could just use SET (Social Engineer Toolkit) choosing option 1) Social-Engineering Attacks -> 8) Wireless Access Point Attack Vector.Demo hereYour work is admirable Nytro, and you deserve an A+ for writing this tutorial and the bash script, but realy, it's like reinventing the whell, it has been done before (much easier). Quote
Pugna Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 Your work is admirable Nytro, and you deserve an A+ for writing this tutorial and the bash script, but realy, it's like reinventing the whell, it has been done before (much easier).Idiotule, Nytro a oferit sursa si autorul, iar metoda prezentata e eleganta, nu click-click ca in SET, si pe langa asta nu vad rostul pentru care trebuie sa te dai rotund cu limba ta engleza. Posted Nov 6 2011 by NightRangerSursa: http://exploit.co.il/hacking/set-fake-access-point-backtrack5/ Quote
luceafaru Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 (edited) Controleaza-ti limbajul copil stresat. Cat despre click-click... de ce sa-ti ingreunezi munca cand poti face acelasi lucru usor (click - click)? Cat despre limba engleza, draga copil stresat psihic, din cate vad eu, suntem la sectiunea de tutoriale in engleza, dar stai linistit, ca pentru cei ca tine s-a inventat Google Translate.iar metoda prezentata e elegantaOare ce-i mai elegant... sa te pierzi in comenzi prin terminal sau sa dai click-click?Si o mica recomandare pt tine, mai iesi prin lume, mai socializeaza, fa-ti o prietena daca este posibil, munceste, distreza-te, nu sta toata ziua pe net ca te strica de cap, cum deja se vede ca a facut-o, te face sa te crezi hacker, ca scrii 100 de comenzi aiurea, pe cand altii dau 2 click-uri (vb ta, ca tare-mi place) si fac acelasi lucru. Dar deaia esti hacker ha? Sa scrii pana tampesti Nu e nici lame si nu esti nici script kidie doar pt ca folosesti un tool (SET) realizat de un pentester adevarat, care apare pe la conferinte alaturi de Kevin Mitnik (presupunand ca stii cine e).Hai, fa pasi. Edited January 26, 2012 by luceafaru Quote
luceafaru Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 (edited) Am citit mai multe tutoriale de-a lui Nytro pe site (unele facute de el, altele din diverse surse - ca cel de mai sus), iar, cum am spus si in primul post, munca lui este admirabila.Pacat insa ca exista utilizatori ai forumului, ca dl. de mai sus, care, cand li se prezinta o alternativa, incep a jigni datorita faptului (cred eu) ca creierul lor nu poate procesa atata informatie ori nu poate accepta ca faptul exista un tool care face asta deja. Edited January 26, 2012 by luceafaru Quote
aelius Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 (edited) Cat despre click-click... de ce sa-ti ingreunezi munca cand poti face acelasi lucru usor (click - click)? In general, este mai bine sa eviti folosirea tool-urilor si scripturile gata facute pentru ca folosesti munca altuia si nu iti pune creierul deloc la contributie. Toate problemele ce pot aparea in timpul configuratiilor manuale nu fac decat sa te ajute sa intelegi cum functioneaza mai exact. Un bun exemplu este ubuntu: Daca tot ce ai nevoie le faci 'over click', posibilitatea de a invata ceva nou este nula.Cel mai elegant este sa-ti faci tu ce vrei, nu sa folosesti ceva facut de altul. Iti ajuta creierul sa nu se atrofieze si sa devina un fel de pateu de porc, in plus, este vorba si de multumirea ta sufleteasca, atunci cand stii ca un lucru este facut de tine. Lasati lenea si faceti ceva util.Limba engleza este ok pentru ca este sectiunea de tutoriale in engleza.@luceafaru: De curiozitate, cunosti pe cineva care a tampit in urma scrisului si cititului ? Va rog sa vorbiti frumos in sectiunea de tutoriale, este singurul loc relativ curat ce ne-a mai ramas in urma invaziei de idioti.Multumesc Edited January 26, 2012 by aelius Quote
luceafaru Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 De e acord cu tine tex, cunosc aceasta metoda de atac cum se face si prin linie comanda, iar exact principiul de mai sus il foloseste si SET, tool-ul despre care vorbeam. Odata ce stiu cum se face, si am si un tool, nu vad pentru ce as scrie N randuri, cand poti sa scriu 1, return, 2 return si gata. La urma urmei, la orice lucru, nu conteaza metoda, ci rezultatul.Cat despre atrofierea creierului, sa fim seriosi, exista mai multe modalitati de stimulare decat terminalul din linux.Sanatate Quote