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********* Attacker Package

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First one is - ********* external attack, allows you to execute udp flood web attack, into websites, this tool was made as external of LOIC, the following package contains :

#********* External Attack - A console application made in C# that allows you to flood the websites with ********* style , and sending 4096 packets each second. The program delays some seconds for each packet that it makes, so it flood effectively without lagging your own connections. Cool for DDoS attacks.


#********* DNS Extractor - Extracts the dns and ip servers of the following website, Developer included this program, cause in the target ip of AEA - ********* external attack you need to use an IP.





Edited by Lozls
New download link

Bun am si eu o problema am gasit un site care am vrut sa il flodez i-am luat ip cu anonymouse dns extracter... si dupa acea l-am pus in anony... external atacker mi-a zis sa apas orice buton pe tastatura si dupa ce apasa imi da erroare .. si am incercat sa il deschis cu administrator(sunt pe vista).


Ma eu chiar nu inteleg. Din cate am vazut "hackeri anoynmous" is grupari din astea de hackeri foarte buni si nu cred ca ar pune ei pe net programele lor and stuff . Tot ce se posteaza pe internet despre *********( gen programe , ********* OS ) ori sunt de astea de fatada , skiddies de astia , ori ceva ca sa fraiereasca lumea , pararea mea .

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