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Google Glass - How it feels

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Welcome to a world through Glass.

It’s surprisingly simple.

Say “take a picture” to take a picture.

Record what you see. Hands-free.

Even share what you see. Live.

Directions right in front of you.

Speak to send a message.

Ask whatever’s on your mind.

Translate your voice.

Answers without having to ask.

Strong and light.

Evolutionary design.

Charcoal, Tangerine, Shale, Cotton, Sky.

See how Glass feels.


  • translate-after.jpg

Video: http://www.google.com/glass/start/how-it-feels/


Edited by Nytro
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Stiam ca doar anumite persoane au fost alese sa primeasca asa ceva. Si ulterior sunt rugati sa ofere un feedback.

Acestia sunt mai mult in perioada de testare si incercare. Se fabrica doar un numar limitat. Au precizat ca daca se vor dovedi cu adevarat eficienti si utili in viata reala, pot dezvolta afacerea.

Eu cred ca doar au vrut sa arate ca sunt cei mai buni si pot forma un monopol.

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