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RST Userbar

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Nu cred ca se mai poarta userbar-urile insa ma cam plictiseam si de template-uri bootstrap n-am chef sa ma apuc.



Pana acuma are doar un 'type'(nu ma pricep la photoshop).

Va treceti numele dupa cum apare pe profil(ex: rstforums.com/forum/members/farse/ )

Daca cineva se pricepe la photoshop si doreste sa faca ni?te backgrounduri frumoase, sa'mi lase PM cu .png .


$uname = str_replace('/','',$_GET['uname']);
if(!$uname) die("&uname=X&type=1");
$data = file_get_contents('https://rstforums.com/forum/members/'.$uname.'/');
header("Content-type: text/plain");
if(strpos($data,'This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.')!==false)die("No user found with name $uname");
if(preg_match('$ lastnavbit"><span>(.*?)</span>.*?Likes Received \(([0-9]+)\).*?<dt>Join Date</dt>.*?<dd> (.*?)</.*?<dt>Total Posts</dt>.*?<dd> ([0-9,]+)</$is',$data,$res))
$name = $res[1];
$likes = $res[2];
$join = $res[3];
$ndate = date('d M \'\'y',strtotime($join));
$posts = $res[4];

$img = ImageCreateFromPNG("rstmini.png");
imagettftext2($img, 11, 0.0, 10, 17, "0xFFFFFF", 'fonts/Sansation_Bold.ttf', "$name since $ndate with $posts posts and $likes likes");

header("Content-type: image/png");
}else {
echo "Nume:$name\nLikes:$likes\nJoindate:$ndate\nPosts:$posts\n\n\n\n";
function imagettftext2( $image , $size , $angle , $x , $y , $color , $fontfile , $text )
$negru = "0x000000";
imagettftext( $image , $size , $angle , $x-1 , $y-1 , $negru , $fontfile , $text );
imagettftext( $image , $size , $angle , $x+1 , $y-1 , $negru , $fontfile , $text );
imagettftext( $image , $size , $angle , $x-1 , $y+1 , $negru , $fontfile , $text );
imagettftext( $image , $size , $angle , $x+1 , $y+1 , $negru , $fontfile , $text );

return imagettftext( $image , $size , $angle , $x , $y , $color , $fontfile , $text );

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Imi place, mai ales designul lui Gecko. Problema e ca se loveste de regulament daca il punem pe forum.

1. Ac?iuni pentru care ve?i primi avertisment sau chiar ban: offtopic, post dublu(ave?i buton de editare), post inutil, redeschidere topic, insultare membru(atac la persoan?), nume topic inadecvat, informa?ie deja postat?, limbaj inadecvat(IRC style - sh, tz, CAPS, în culori sau agramat total), avatare mari sau care întrec bunul sim?, semn?turi penibile, linkuri cu referrer, imagini dinamice în semn?tur?.

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