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Code Signing - GRATIS/MOCA/FREE!!!!

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Zilele trecute am descoperit un site ce ofera Code Signing gratuit, valid pentru aplicatiile OpenSource.

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Code Signing Certificates

Aici avem prezentarea produsului, tot ce trebuie este sa complectam un formular:


Astfel cream un cont nou la ei si cerem acest certificat gratuit.

Putem incarca un certificat CSR, sau putem alege sa il genreze ei, daca alegem generarea, private key va fi instalat in browser, iar dupa eliberarea certificatului va trebui sa il instalam in acelasi browser, apoi il putem exporta si folosi in aplicatii.

Dupa ce totul este ok, vom primi un mail prin care suntem rugati sa trimitem scan dupa buletin/pasaport pt persoana fizica, sau juridica: scan dupa CUI, adeverinta de angajat al pers responsabile pt certificat, buletin/pasaportul persoanei.

Si o foaie prin care ne asumam raspunderea ca nu facem fals si ca tot ce am trimis e pe bune, nu photoshop :P.

Dupa o zi lucratoare, chiar daca pe site scrie 7, vom primi mail ca certificatul a fost eliberat, si link de download.

Certificatul are valabilitare un an, dupa care se poate reinnoi tot gratuit.

TESTAT MERGE PERFECT. (singura chestie e ca scrie la proprietar OpenSource, Gica Ion), unde Gica Ion, e firma, sau persoana/serviciul ce beneficiaza de certificat.

Acest certificat ajuta in mai multe cazuri:

Aplicatia necesita elevation.

Putem semna un driver pentru a-l putea instala automat, fara avertismente.

Antivirusii, ex: avast, considera toate executabilele noi suspecte, daca nu sunt semnate, la fel si alti antivirusi :P.

PS: pentru certificate ssl moca folositi https://www.startssl.com/ - folosesc de cativa ani si totul merge snur.

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"Microsoft like to make it so you can't compile drivers with visual studios and have to use an external program to do it. This is how you set it up so you can compile drivers (tested on visual studio 2010).

First you probably need an earlier version of the DDK if you are going to target drivers and XP+ so I suggest the windows server 2003 DDK, you can get it here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/0/f/90f019ac-8243-48d3-91cf-81fc4093ecfd/1830_usa_ddk.iso

Once you have installed it to whatever location you choose you should see a folder called "WinDDK" with a subfolder like "3790.1830" inside. This is what we need. Please note i will be using "C:\WinDDK" as my directory, you may have to change it.

Now you are ready to setup Visual Studio 2010 to work with it. Open it up and create a new Win32 Application. You need to set it up as a DLL and select empty project like so.


Once that is done go to "Build > Configuration Manager" Then set the top left box to release.

Now to set up Visual Studio to work with the DDK.

Configuration Properties > General


C\C++ > General

C:\WinDDK\3790.1830\inc\ddk\wxp; C:\WinDDK\3790.1830\inc\wxp; C:\WinDDK\6001.18001\inc\; C:\WinDDK\6001.18001\inc\crt;


C\C++ > Code Generation


Linker > General



Linker > Input

uuid.lib; ndis.lib; ntoskrnl.lib; int64.lib; hal.lib;


Linker > Manifest File


Linker > System


Linker > System


Linker > Advanced


Now if all was done correctly you should be able to add a new c file (remember to set extension to .c) then paste in the following code and it should compile.

#define _X86_
#include <ntddk.h>

DbgPrint("Hello World");


might help:P

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