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About dicksi

  • Birthday 09/15/1931


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  1. The promise of virtual reality porn has been around for a while, but thanks to inventions like the Oculus Rift, we’re closer than ever to a world where your wildest fantasies can be beamed directly into your eyeballs (and where interacting with other people can finally become a thing of the past). One user on the notoriously lie-filled subreddit r/TIFU shared his recent experience with the new generation of porn. It might have been great in the moment, but apparently there are certain hazards that come along with operating it under the influence: It was a cool and sunny day in Colorado as I came home this afternoon. I worked on the car for an hour or so and came inside to notice half a joint a friend of mine had left over the night before. Ah, what the heck I thought (I should also mention I have not smoked in almost 10 years but everyone says I should bc of a medical condition that I have). ANYWAY, I grabbed a match, lit it up, took a few hits, made some left over spaghetti and meatballs, and then got into the shower. Best shower I have taken EVER. Getting out of the shower, I saw my phone had rang and was left with a text message by my girlfriend that she won’t be here for another hour since she was getting pizza with a friend of hers. I stepped out of the bathroom only in a towel and noticed a small window on the bottom of my desktop monitor notifying me that 70gigs of VR porn had finished downloading. The Oculus even happened to be connected and was sitting on my desk as if it were gently placed there by fate and whispered softly to me “Hey, we are alone now. How about a quickie? No one has to know.” How could I resist? I dropped my towel and loaded up the first POV video I could find and before I knew it a hot European 10 was going down on me in some tea joint of all places! I’m getting a blowjob in public this is CRAZY OMG!! (I am really f*cking high at this point). I flick the dial on my sound bar nice and high to really get a feel for the experience as a whole and then start masturbating furiously. At this time the oculus is shaking on my face violently distorting my vision completely as I come closer to climax and then BAM! I blow my load all over the place and I can’t even see where its going but I don’t even care! I slump into my chair in total relaxation and remove the oculus from my face. Sitting next to me is my girlfriend staring directly into my face eating her slice of pizza making a face which can only be described by this gif: In complete terror I projectile vomit the spaghetti and meatballs all over my naked body. I get up and walk shamefully into the shower covered in my own vomit and semen without saying a word. The shower felt really good on weed again though. While in the kitchen my girlfriend approached me and asked who the f*ck King John was. In my panicked and frantic original post I forgot to mention that the environment had a real Renaissance Faire kinda vibe to it. While under the affects of the marijuana I began to imagine I was having an affair with the Tea wench and said “how do you like King John’s fat dick?” as she looked into my eyes just before I came. Upon further review the European 10 is really more like a European 3 with a little bit of down syndrome. Or whatever it is that makes midgets heads look so weird. Said screenshot! NSFW VR Shot Also I guess this is how I looked after Ectoplasm Guy Wearing Oculus Rift Unknowingly Jerks Off In Front Of Girlfriend
  2. ZebraPay, companie ce ofer? o metod? simpl? ?i rapid? de efectuare a pl??ilor electronice prin terminale de plat? de tip self-service, a încheiat un parteneriat cu platforma Coinzone pentru procesarea tranzac?iilor cu moneda virtual? Bitcoin. În prezent, ZebraPay num?r? mai mult de 1.000 de terminale instalate în peste 150 de localit??i din România. Odat? cu implementarea Coinzone în terminalele ZebraPay, clien?ii pot folosi moneda virtual? Bitcoin pentru plata facturilor, achizi?ia de roviniete, bilete de tren sau abonamente la diverse publica?ii, precum ?i reînc?rcarea cartelelor pre-paid de telefonie sau realizarea pl??ilor online. ”Suntem încânta?i s? anun??m implementarea pl??ii cu Bitcoin la terminalele ZebraPay, al?turi de Coinzone, aceast? solu?ie venind în completarea metodelor noastre de plat? deja existente: cu numerar ?i prin aplica?ia SEQR. Inova?ia este un element de baz? al ZebraPay, iar prin implementarea platformei Coinzone devenim prima companie de profil din România ?i, din informa?iile pe care le avem, din lume, care accept? un portofoliu atât de complex de metode de plat?. Clien?ii nostri pot achita astfel serviciile oferite prin terminalele ZebraPay, folosind cea mai convenabil? metod? pentru ei”, a declarat Adrian Badea, CEO ZebraPay. Cu o pagina de plat? disponibil? în 11 limbi, Coinzone se integreaz? rapid cu cele mai importante platforme de eCommerce precum Magento, Prestashop sau WooCommerce. De asemenea, cu solu?ia Coinzone utilizatorii î?i pot adminstra pl??ile cu Bitcoin de oriunde: de acas?, de la birou, sau de pe mobil, având acces din orice interfa?? la instrumente de configurare ?i raportare. ”Pia?a din România este un hub al inova?iei în materie de Bitcoin, iar prin platforma Coinzone dorim s? impunem un standard al calit??ii în ceea ce prive?te pl??ile cu monede virtuale. Prin parteneriatul cu ZebraPay suntem încânta?i s? oferim clien?ilor Bitcoin din România o solu?ie perfect mulat? pe nevoile lor. În curând, vom oferi solu?ii similare ?i în alte pie?e din Europa”, a men?ionat Manuel Heilmann, CEO Coinzone. Coinzone, o afacere în care este implicat ?i Radu Georgescu Coinzone îl are pe antreprenorul român Radu Georgescu în postura de chairman of the board. Coinzone propune un nou payment gateway global pentru Bitcoin ?i monede virtuale cu localizare pentru Europa ?i t?rile emergente. Compania are opera?iuni în Statele Unite ?i Europa, dar ?i o puternic? prezen?? în România prin departamentul s?u de dezvoltare. Manuel Heilmann, Coinzone CEO ?i cofondator explic? de ce compania este atât de pasionat? în a sprijini clien?i din întreaga lume pentru a efectua pl??i: “Bitcoin va schimba fundamental modul în care oamenii efectueaz? pl??ile în pie?e unde sistemele tradi?ionale de plat? sunt mai pu?in dezvoltate. Deseori, firmele mici ?i mijlocii din Europa ?i din ??rile emergente au cerin?e speciale. Obiectivul nostru este de a r?spunde acestor cerin?e specifice, dincolo de simpla procesare a pl??ilor”. Ai bitcoin? Po?i pl?ti aproape orice cu aceast? moned? virtual? în România | adevarul.ro
  3. https://commerce.microsoft.com/PaymentHub/Help/Right?helppagename=CSV_BitcoinHowTo.htm https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/microsoft-now-accepts-bitcoin-bitpay/ You can now use Bitcoin to add money to your Microsoft account. Once you add money to your Microsoft account, you can use it as a payment option to buy apps, games, and other digital content from Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox Games, Xbox Music, or Xbox Video stores. Money added to your Microsoft account using Bitcoin cannot be refunded, so make sure to review your transaction before paying with your digital wallet. You can only use Bitcoin to add money to your Microsoft account and then purchase digital goods at select Microsoft online stores. You can’t use Bitcoin to purchase Microsoft products and services directly at this time. Support for adding money to a Microsoft account with Bitcoin is currently limited to the United States.
  4. CIA - FBI - DoD Officials Home Addresses: https://web.archive.org/web/20141210235615/https://8chan.co/anon/res/4.html https://www.quickleak.org/j13v8LhM CIA Nominee John Owen Brennan
  5. roaga-te la satan pt finantare ce crowdfunding,vrei sa cazi din grad?!
  6. www.rdgsoft.net/downloads/RDG.Malware.Detector.2014.zip
  7. "Singurul lucru pe care îl ?tiu este c? nu ?tiu nimic".
  8. fiecare roman are un ungur si un tigan in el!traiasca romanul din fiecare albanez!
  9. eMAG a vândut produse la 1 leu din gre?eal?. Comenzile vor fi onorate | adevarul.ro De exemplu, un telefon Samsung Galaxy S4 a putut fi cump?rat la pre?ul de 1 leu, redus de la 1.449 lei, un televizor LED Smart TV 3D Philips, 117 cm, Full HD a fost redus de la 4.246 de lei la 3 lei, Ultrabook Dell Studio XPS Duo 12 a fost redus de la 4.796 de lei la 3 lei. Valoarea total? a reducerilor gre?ite este de 1.157.200 de lei. Cea mai mare reducere, de 11.190 lei, a fost aplicat? unui echipament de re?ea, un switch Cisco Catalyst 2960, care a putut fi cump?rat la pre?ul de 8 lei fa?? de pre?ul de list? de 11.190 lei. În intervalul în care produsele au fost listate cu pre?urile gre?ite, de la 20:30 la 23:59, au fost comandate, în total, 730 de produse.
  10. https://media.8chan.co/b/src/1416447556199.webm
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