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[Cracker] iPhone Backup

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Salut baieti si fete,

Am un bakcup de iPhone criptat.

Cunosc 5 caractere din parola si pozitia lor deci am nevoie de un mask attack.

Pe sistemul meu am o viteza de 6-7000 parole/secunda.

Am nevoie de un cracker cu un sistem puternic care sa imi poata face bruteforce pe restul parolei.

Platesc pentru parola, nu pentru "incercari".

Inca nu m-am gandit la un pret pentru ca nu am mai solicitat astfel de servicii.

Astept oferte/pareri/interesati.

Pentru moment nu am nevoie de PM-uri. Discutam la liber in thread.

Multumesc. :)

Sadik dar ai reusit sa faci ceva cu un iPhone 5 blocat iCloud? Macar ceva...sa intri in meniu?

Nu ma intereseaza sa sparg telefonul. Vreau acces la un BACKUP de iPhone4s care este protejat cu parola. Mai exact vreau sa aflu parola.


Indeed, iCloud provides easy way to backup iPhone.Go to Settings>iCloud and then scroll down to Backup.Here you can turn backups on and initiate a new backup immediately. If this is your first iCloud backup it might take a while to complete. Once the backup is complete, though, your iPhone will automatically backup when idle for an extended period of time and on an active wi-fi network. Of course, it is also simple to restore from iCloud after resetting your phone and choose "backup from iCloud".

Indeed, iCloud provides easy way to backup iPhone.Go to Settings>iCloud and then scroll down to Backup.Here you can turn backups on and initiate a new backup immediately. If this is your first iCloud backup it might take a while to complete. Once the backup is complete, though, your iPhone will automatically backup when idle for an extended period of time and on an active wi-fi network. Of course, it is also simple to restore from iCloud after resetting your phone and choose "backup from iCloud".
Otherwise, you can use other 3rd party tools to do that for you!

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