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Ubuntu 14.04 LTS vs. Windows XP: Pros and Cons

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[TD=colspan: 2]More and more people are looking towards the release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) as the natural Windows XP replacement, so we'll try to present the pros and cons for this decision.

A lot of Windows XP users are looking to make a change after their operating system will cease to receive security updates from Microsoft, in April. Like most people who are migrating to Linux, they have a lot of questions about various aspects, regarding its use and its capabilities. The truth is that probably Windows XP users are more scared than they should be, as we will show right now.


If you ever installed a Windows operating system, you will know how to install Ubuntu or any of its flavors. It uses a very simple and straightforward installer that doesn't bother the users with difficult choices.

The only drawback is that if you want to partition your system you might encounter some names that are not familiar, like swap or EXT4. The good news is that it’s unlikely that you will ever need multiple partitions.



Windows users also need to install drivers for new components, like Webcams for example. Some are supported by the operating system, other need manual installation.

The only driver that you will have to worry in Ubuntu is the one for the graphics card. It’s not quite clear from where you can change it at first and installing a newer one might take some adjusting. The good news is the when you will learn how to add a PPA or how to upgrade your packages, everything will seem a breeze.


Main interface

Ubuntu is somewhat different from Windows XP in terms of the general interface. Although it’s intuitive, some users might not want to invest the time to learn how to operate a new OS.

The good news is that Ubuntu has a lot of flavors that are a lot more similar with the way Windows XP looks, like Xubuntu or Lubuntu. Both are based on Ubuntu and feature pretty much the same software.


Applications and security

Installing applications in Windows XP seem easy, right? Double click on a package, hit next a couple of time (agree to an EULA agreement you don't actually read), and everything is set.

In Ubuntu things are a lot easier. Just open Ubuntu Software Center and search for the application you want. Click install and you're done.

Installing applications in Windows XP could be very dangerous, especially after Microsoft will pull the plug and end the stream of security patches. On Ubuntu you will never get viruses or malware, and the number of viruses for the Linux platform is extremely small. Whenever a problem appears, it only takes the developers a short while to fix it.

The only drawback on Ubuntu is that you might not find all the applications you were used to on Windows XP. Most of the bigger apps are cross-platform, but on Ubuntu you might need to search for alternatives.



Windows XP might seem a better platform for gaming, but the truth is that most game developers will soon stop to make their software compatible with a dying OS. Valve is putting a lot of effort towards the Linux platform and they are pushing the gaming industry in this direction.

Steam for Linux got more than 500 games in just one year and there is no sign that they are going to slow down. In the next couple of years, the Linux platform will surely be on par with any Windows OS. Adopting Ubuntu now and getting used to it, if you are a gamer, might a great idea.



If you are a Windows XP user and you have doubts about adopting Linux and Ubuntu, you might want to think twice about your decision to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8. Linux has it all and there is no good reason not to want an operating system based on it.[/TD]



Sursa: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS vs. Windows XP: Pros and Cons

L.E. Nu stiu de ce textul nu face break la sfarsitul randului :)) In cazul in care este vina mea (si sigur este) un admin poate edita.

Edited by vasile.dickulescu
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Frumoasa dezbatere, sau cel putin initiativa in sine.

Din pacate in realitate lucrurile nu stau chiar asa. Nu o zic ca un fan al Windows, pentru ca nu sunt. Si eu, printre multe alte persoane, astept cu nerabdare ziua cand Windows o sa reprezinte o minoritate.

INSA, punctele dezbatute mai sus sunt foarte putine.

Vorbim dpdv al unei firme, care pana acum, a rulat XP in toata retea, are angajati care nu sunt asa de priceputi, ei stiind doar sa porneasca, sa ruleze programul X, sa isi faca un tabel in excel si sa dea log off.

Un prim punct forte unde linux, respectiv Ubuntu pierde, este facilitatea de Remote Desktop.

Da sunt o gramada de alternative o sa ziceti, precum VNC, join.me, logmein, Team Viewer, unele gratuite, altele nu. Dar nu exista o varianta built-in in OS, precum Remote Desktop Protocol la Windows. Aici deja se pierd 70% din firme care depind de asta iar majoritatea nu vor sa auda de alternative third party.

Pe langa asta, trecea la Linux, pentru multe firme, ar insemna bani cheltuiti pentru training pentru staff-ul lor, lucru care multi dintre ei ar prefera sa evite, din motive evidente. Dar sa zicem ca asta nu ar fi o problema asa mare.

Apoi vine problema de Microsoft Office , Microsoft Exchange si altele.

Da, exista wine, dar aici revenim iar la problema de training, si implicit de bani cheltuiti.

Ar mai fi cateva lucruri de punctat, nu imi vin acum in minte.

Nu sunt pro windows, dar o sa mai dureze ceva ani pana cand adevaratii consumatori ( firmele ) isi vor indrepta privirea catre Linux / ubuntu.

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1. Ma enerveaza faptul ca ferestrele au close/minimize/maximize in coltul din dreapta. Stiu ca se poate schimba dar tot enervant este. Nu stiu unde au vazut ei prostia asta dar nu e de bine.

2. In general arata usor bine dar am urat si inca urasc la maximum cacatu' asta de interfata:


3. "Linux has it all" On my ass ! Stiu de vrajeala cu wine careia i se face atata reclama de parca ar fi leacul ptr. SIDA. Wine este un cacat pe bat. Wine ruleaza programe windows sub linux ca dracu'. Nu credeti, incercati sa vedeti.

Ca sa citez pe cineva de pe un forum SEO "You will waste your time debugging shit under linux than working on SEO".

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1. Ma enerveaza faptul ca ferestrele au close/minimize/maximize in coltul din dreapta. Stiu ca se poate schimba dar tot enervant este. Nu stiu unde au vazut ei prostia asta dar nu e de bine.

2. In general arata usor bine dar am urat si inca urasc la maximum cacatu' asta de interfata:


3. "Linux has it all" On my ass ! Stiu de vrajeala cu wine careia i se face atata reclama de parca ar fi leacul ptr. SIDA. Wine este un cacat pe bat. Wine ruleaza programe windows sub linux ca dracu'. Nu credeti, incercati sa vedeti.

Ca sa citez pe cineva de pe un forum SEO "You will waste your time debugging shit under linux than working on SEO".


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