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Schimbarea adresei MAC

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Mai intai ce este o adresa mac...?

Pai orice pachet trimis unui sistem la distanta din retea contine adresa ip si adresa Mac al pc-ului tau.Multi dintre noi sunt inca sub impresia ca adresa ip poate fi schimbata ,de fapt chiar asa si este dar...adresa MAC e batuta in "cuie" , nu poate fi schimbata decat daca placa de retea este inlocuita.Asadar nu putem schimba MAC-ul unei placi de retea,insa cu singurata il putem schimba in sistemul de operare.

In continuare va voi prezenta pasii pentru a schimba adresa Mac pe cateva sisteme de operare.

Schimbarea adresei MAC in windows

In principiu chestia e facuta printr-un mic hack al registrului. Deschideti editorul de registri (pentru cei care nu stiu) Start->Run->regedit si navigati pana la urmatoarea locatie



Cheia de mai sus are in componenta mai multe subkey-uri cu numele ca 0000, 0001, 0002 etc. Fiecare dintre acste "chei" are o valoare "DriverDesc" in partea drepata care contine descrierea placii de retea. Trebuie sa mergi in fiecare intrare pana gasesti o descrierea la fel ca descrierea interfetei tale de retea curente. Dupa ce ai gasit trebuie doar sa creezi urmatorul string pt a seta noua adresa MAC (in hexadecimal).

NetworkAddress REG_SZ 111213141516

Dupa ce ai schimbat-o dai disable & re-enable placii de retea pentru ca schimbarile sa isi faca efectul. apoi foloseste comanda 'ipconfig /all' pentru a-ti verifica noua adresa MAC. strat->run->cmd->ipconfig /all

Pentru a seta interfata retelei inapoi la adresa originala trebuie doar sa stergeti valoarea de mai sus din registri.

Bun...Linux part

Schimbarea adresei MAC in linux se face mult mai usor ca in windows.Pe o platforma de linux trebuie doar sa folosesti comanda 'ifconfig' pentru a seta noua adresa MAC cum este dat in exemplul de mai jos.

ifconfig eth1 down

ifconfig eth1 hw ether 11:12:13:14:15:16

ifconfig eth1 up

Acum stiti ce poate fi schimbat si ce nu.

Sper ca am fost destul de explicit.Orice nelamurire o puteti posta aici.

-> Enjoy & Happy Learning <-


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nowledge]Nu am testat,dar presupun ca merge si la wifi , iar daca nu merge o poti face sa merga sigur cu cateva modificari

I like this guy ... sa speram ca mai vin si altii ca tine pe forum sa il scoatem din groapa in care s'a afundat.

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:| Sharingod , mai bine lasa ironia deoparte, suntem aici pt a comunica si a invata ,cand e vorba de gumit glumim si de luat la misto la fel :) radem,glumim,f***m platim..da in fine sa nu dam in off topicuri,cat despre "groapa" nu sunt sigur de cum se face..am o idee dar mai bine tac pana cand stiu sigur decat sa zic prostii...dar in scurt timp ma voi intoarce cu raspunsul pentru intrebarea lui catalyn1178... :roll:
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Pentru mine e o chestie extraordinara sa pot modifica MAC-ul. Aveam o placa wireless pe PCMCIA pe care o foloseam pentru chestia asta, insa mi-am luat recent un laptop nou si binenteles ca nu mai are slot PCMCIA si trebuie sa folosesc WiFi-ul laptopului. Oi fii eu mai paranoic, dar mereu m-am gandit ca iti poate afla MAC-ul, verifica carui laptop ii apartine, magazinul unde s-a vandut, ora si data, inregistrarea video si here you go ...

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catalyn1178 cred ca am gasit ce iti trebuie , un mic soft...dar regulile spun clar: "NO WAREZ!" Daca stafful imi va da voie sa postez programul il voi posta,daca nu pm me :) totusi aici, o sa dau descrierea acestui mic programel :)

SMAC is a powerful, yet an easy-to-use and intuitive Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility (MAC Address spoofing) which allows users to change MAC address for almost any Network Interface Cards (NIC) on the Windows 2000, XP, 2003, and VISTA Server systems, regardless of whether the manufacturers allow this option or not.

SMAC does not change the hardware burned-in MAC addresses. SMAC changes the "software based" MAC addresses, and the new MAC addresses you change will sustain from reboots.

SMAC helps people to protect their privacy by hiding their real MAC Addresses in the widely available wifi Wireless Network. SMAC also helps Network and IT Security professionals to troubleshoot network problems, test Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS,) test Incident Response plans, build high-availability solutions, recover (MAC Address based) software licenses, and etc...

SMAC is the first Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility (since 2002), and it is developed base on the extensive research of KLC Consulting, Inc. SMAC is continuous updated with the latest trend in the networking and security, as well as valuable customers' wishes and feedbacks.

SMAC is created and maintained by Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP), Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA), and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE), and professional software engineers. With combined efforts, SMAC is well designed to be an user-friendly tool for both the technical and non-technical users.

We are a proud leader in the Windows MAC Address Modification Utility Research. We have 500,000+ SMAC downloads from satisfied users all over the world, and we have received tremendous feedbacks from many IT professionals and Security experts about our input to the community. Yet, we don't just stop here. We strive to improve our products to bring the next generation of technologies to our customers.

SMAC is a MUST-HAVE TOOL for IT, Security, Networking professionals, online gamers, and everyone who needs a MAC Addresses Changer.

SMAC 2.0 Features:

* Automatically Activate new MAC Address right after changing it (you have the option to manually activate)

* Show the manufacturer of the MAC Address

* Randomly Generate any New MAC Address or based on a selected manufacturer

* Pre-load MAC Addresses List and choose the new MAC address from the list (Professional Edition)

* "IPConfig" button - click to show network adapter (IPConfig) info to confirm changes

* User-friendly GUI and easy-to-follow User Guide

* Change MAC Address in 3 clicks:

* Protect your personal privacy by hiding the real MAC Address of your Network Adapters

* Easy, intuitive, and user-friendly GUI for viewing and changing MAC addresses

* Display detailed information of all available adapters, or ONLY the active network adapters

* Displays the following information of your Network Interface Card (NIC)

o Device ID

o Active Status

o NIC description

o NIC Manufacturer

o Spoofed status (Yes/No)

o IP Address

o Active MAC addresses

o Spoofed MAC Address

o NIC Hardware ID

o NIC Configuration ID

* View and select the 10 Most Recently Used (MRU) MAC Addresses directly from the MRU list to spoof

* Generate comprehensive reports on Network Adapter details (Professional Edition only)

* Built-in logging capability allows users to track MAC address change activities (Professional Edition has the option to turn-on or turn-off this option)

* Remove spoofed MAC Address to restore original MAC Address

Why use SMAC?

Benefits and Applications of spoofing MAC address:

* Protect Personal and Individual Privacy. Many organizations track wired or wireless network users via their MAC Addresses... In addition, there are more and more Wi-Fi Wireless connections available these days, and wireless network use MAC Addresses to communicate. Wireless network security and privacy is all about MAC Addresses!

* Perform Security Vulnerability Testing, Penetration Testing on MAC Address based Authentication and Authorization Systems, i.e. Wireless Access Points. (Disclaimer: Authorization to perform these tests must be obtained from the system owner(s).)

* Build "TRUE" Stand-by (offline) systems with the EXACT same ComputerName, IP, and MAC ADDRESSES as the Primary Systems. If Stand-by systems should be put online, NO arp table refresh is necessary, which eliminates extra downtime.

* Some online Game Players (Gamers) require changing the MAC addresses to fix IP problems for some reason...

* Build High-Availability solutions. For example, some firewalls that run on multi-port NIC's (i.e. quad port NIC) require the same MAC address for every port.

* Troubleshoot Network problems. Arp Tables, Routering, Switching, ...

* Troubleshoot system problems

* Test network management tools

* Test incident response procedures on simulated network problems

* Test Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), whether they are Host and Network Based IDS.

* If for whatever reason you need to keep the same MAC address as your old NIC, but your old NIC failed...

* Some software can ONLY be installed and run on the systems with pre-defined MAC address in the license file. If you need to install one of these software to another system with a different Network Interface Card (NIC) because your NIC is broken, SMAC will come handy. However, you are responsible to comply with the software vendor's licensing agreement.

* Some Cable Modem ISP's assign IP addresses base on the PC's MAC addresses. For whatever reason, if you need to swap 2 PC's regularly to connect to the cable modem, it would be a lot easier to change the MAC addresses rather than to change Network Interface Card (NIC). (You need to check with your ISP and make sure you are not violating any service agreements.)

* Over 500,000 downloads by users from major corporations and from around the world, making SMAC the most stable and popular Windows MAC Address Modifying utility.

Cam asta e :)

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Este posibil sa verific daca un laptop se conecteaza la internet dupa adresa MAC a placii de baza ? Intreb deoarece mi-a fost furat laptopul si politia sta cu mainile in san (pardon - in fund) si poate am norocul sa dau de hot sau cel care l-a achizitionat ! Deasemenea mi s-a furat si un stik de internet de la RCS-RDS, oare dupa el nu se poate verifica ?

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Este posibil sa verific daca un laptop se conecteaza la internet dupa adresa MAC a placii de baza ? Intreb deoarece mi-a fost furat laptopul si politia sta cu mainile in san (pardon - in fund) si poate am norocul sa dau de hot sau cel care l-a achizitionat ! Deasemenea mi s-a furat si un stik de internet de la RCS-RDS, oare dupa el nu se poate verifica ?

Salut, fiindca este o situatie mai delicata, am sa sar peste toata morala cu reguli si asa mai departe si am sa trec la ajutor. Placa de baza nu are MAC (din cate stiu eu), ci placa de retea, dar da, fiecare hardware din calculator (placa de baza, placa de retea, cd-rom, dvd-rom etc.) au anumite caracteristici unice (numarul de serie ce i s-a alocat atunci cand a fost produs etc.). Nu prea vad cum ar putea politia sa-l detecteze dupa MAC. La fel se aplica si USB-ului, si el are o serie de identificare unica. Poate doar dupa acestea ar putea sa-si dea seama al cui e. Dar respectivele se pot inlocuii. Oricum, ai putea sa verifici la furnizorii de internet (deasemenea, cunoscuti si sub numele de "ISP" -- Internet Service Provider) impreuna cu politia (in caz ca au ancheta inca sub desfasurare) daca vreun IP ('client') cu MAC-ul xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx s-a conectat, iar pe baza acelor detalii sa ii dati de 'urma' (tracking?) impreuna cu ISP-ul. Desi in Romania, slabe sanse (opinia mea personala).

Mult succes!

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exista posibilitatea sa se faca asa ceva. Daca nu ma insel acum vreo cateva luni cineva ceruse niste informatii legate de o situatie in care cineva plantase un troian pe calculatoarele cuiva, iar acel cineva s-a dus cu pc-urile infectate la politie si au mers la usa faptasului. Deci daca ai noroc e posibil sa poti da si de urma laptopului daca v-a fi folosit pe meleagurile noastre. Cat despre schimbarea mac-ului doar daca ar sta sa modifice mac-ul la fiecare reinstalare intrucat la instalarea windowsului mac-ul original v-a fi scris in registri.

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