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Standard Template Library (STL), 1 of n Stephan T. Lavavej Welcome to another installment of C9 Lectures. In the following series, learn all about STL from the great Stephan T. Lavavej, Microsoft's keeper of the STL cloth (this means he manages the partnership with the owners of STL and Microsoft, including, of course, bug fixes and enhancements to the STL that ships as part of Visual C++). In this first part, Stephan introduces STL and then demonstrates many of its core features (iterators, algorithms, and data structures). As is Stephan's nature, he elaborates on technical details in very substantive way. The Standard Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators. STL provides many fundamental algorithms and data structures. The STL is a general purpose library: its components are heavily parameterized such that almost every component in the STL is a template. This is not an introductory series on C++. As such, it is expected that viewers already possess a working knowledge of the C++ language. Go ahead and open VC++ IDE and follow along--there are many examples provided on-screen and Stephan will monitor this thread and answer questions. Enjoy. Learn. Books mentioned by Stephen: The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial And Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis Effective STL by Scott Meyers [sTL Introduction lecture links] Part 1 (sequence containers) Part 2 (associative containers) Part 3 (smart pointers) Part 4 (Nurikabe solver) Part 5 (Nurikabe solver, continued) Part 6 (algorithms and functors) Part 7 (algorithms and functors, continued) Part 8 (regular expressions) Part 9 (rvalue references) Part 10 (type traits) Sursa: C9 Lectures: Stephan T. Lavavej - Standard Template Library (STL), 1 of n | Going Deep | Channel 91 point
eu unu as muri fericit maine seara, macar sa apuc sa imi fac damblaua, oricum mare cacat nu facem nici unu pe pamantul asta, consumam aerul degeaba, plm sunt atatia chinezi inteligenti care au nevoie de aerul asta, muriti in mortii vostri1 point
1 point
1 point
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Ma omule nu stiu ce sa zic....am inteles tot si mai nimic. E .Net sau VB6? Oricare dintre ele incearca sa gasesti ceva pe forumurile germane....din cate am inteles si ma rog mi s-a confirmat/demonstrat(forumuri,bloguri) cu proiecte/papers unele chiar foarte complexe ca Germanii chiar au adoptat visual basic ca limba si eu am invatat niste chestii pe care nu le stiam si acum imi sunt foarte utile. Am auzit ca si prin scoli se preda aceasta limba mai nou VB .Net. Tot ce zic e ca sigur gasesti ceva pentru tine sau pe cineva sa te ajute. Ok acum din cate am inteles sa zicem ca ca e Vb6 desi nu iti recomand ca desi e inca alesu multora....e vechi si sacadeaza din mai multe puncte de vedere. Totusi iti dau un set de functii(defapt intregul modul al proiectului) care sper sa te inspire cat de cat l-am folosit la ultimul meu proiect de grup in vb6: Il folosesc ca Credits poti sa il testezi sa iti faci o parere, atat timp cat nu il caci pe internet. KPD s-ar supara avand in vedere ca multi ati invatat win32 api(VB6) de la ei!! 'wh-team Repository. Be smart. Give us Credits for this. Option Explicit Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function ByteOut Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, lpString As Byte, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Type POINT X As Single Y As Single End Type Private Type Char C As Byte Target As POINT Start As POINT Pos As POINT m As Single v As Single Color As Long Bold As Boolean bReady As Boolean End Type Dim Chars() As Char Dim CharsUB As Long Dim R As RECT Dim bQuit As Boolean Dim bRunning As Boolean Private Sub Form_Deactivate() bQuit = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Randomize Timer GetClientRect Picture1.hwnd, R 'Call InitBackground Me.Show Dim Page As Long Const PagesUB As Long = 2 Page = 0 Call InitText(Page) Dim C As Long Dim CharsDone As Long Dim T As Long Dim bReverse As Boolean Dim tmp As POINT bRunning = True DoEvents Sleep 300 Do T = timeGetTime Picture1.Cls For C = 0 To CharsUB With Chars(C) If .bReady = False Then .Pos.X = .Pos.X + .v .Pos.Y = .Pos.Y + .v * .m If Abs(.Target.X - .Pos.X) < Abs(.v) Then .Pos = .Target .bReady = True CharsDone = CharsDone + 1 End If End If Picture1.ForeColor = .Color Picture1.FontBold = .Bold Picture1.FontUnderline = .Bold ByteOut Picture1.hDC, .Pos.X, .Pos.Y, .C, 1 End With Next Picture1.Refresh Do 'If GetInputState Then DoEvents Loop Until timeGetTime - T > 3 If CharsDone > CharsUB Then 'Fertig CharsDone = 0 If bReverse = False Then T = timeGetTime Do DoEvents Loop Until timeGetTime - T > 8000 Or bQuit For C = 0 To CharsUB With Chars(C) tmp = .Target .Target = .Start .Start = tmp .v = -.v ' .m = (.Start.Y - .Target.Y) / (.Start.X - .Target.X) .bReady = False End With Next bReverse = True Else Page = Page + 1 If Page > PagesUB Then Page = 0 Call InitText(Page) bReverse = False End If End If Loop Until CharsDone > CharsUB Or bQuit bRunning = False If bQuit Then Unload Me End Sub Private Sub InitText(Page As Long) Dim T As String Dim TextRect As RECT Dim TextW As Long Dim TextH As Long Dim Line As Long Dim Char As Long Dim C As String Dim ColorMap() As Long T = GetText(Page) ColorMap = GetColorMap() TextW = Picture1.TextWidth(T) TextH = Picture1.TextHeight(T) With TextRect .Top = (R.Bottom - TextH) \ 2 .Left = (R.Right - TextW) \ 2 .Bottom = R.Top + TextH .Right = R.Left + TextW End With T = Replace$(T, vbCrLf, vbLf) CharsUB = Len(Replace$(T, vbLf, "")) - 1 ReDim Chars(0 To CharsUB) Dim Y As Long Dim X As Long Dim W As Long Dim Color As Long TextH = Picture1.TextHeight("Q") X = TextRect.Left Y = TextRect.Top For W = 1 To Len(T) C = Mid$(T, W, 1) If C <> vbLf Then With Chars(Char) .C = Asc(C) .Target.X = X .Target.Y = Y TextW = Picture1.TextWidth(C) Do .Start.X = (Rnd * R.Right * 2) - (R.Right \ 2) .Start.Y = (Rnd * R.Bottom * 2) - (R.Bottom \ 2) Loop Until (.Start.X + TextW < R.Left Or .Start.X > R.Right) And _ (.Start.Y + TextH < R.Top Or .Start.Y > R.Bottom) .Pos = .Start .m = (.Start.Y - .Target.Y) / (.Start.X - .Target.X) .v = 5 If .Start.X > .Target.X Then .v = -.v .Color = ColorMap(Line) .Bold = Line = 0 End With X = X + TextW Char = Char + 1 Else Y = Y + TextH X = TextRect.Left Line = Line + 1 End If Next End Sub Private Function GetText(Page As Long) As String Select Case Page Case 0 GetText = "wh-team CallBack Pipe(ACML 6 - Putty Hijack Version,W-Pannel 3.3 Compatible)" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Programming:" & vbCrLf & _ "iceyjoke" & vbCrLf & _ "iceyjoke@yahoo.com.au" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Testing:" & vbCrLf & _ "Arthacker" & vbCrLf & _ "hi.baidu.com/arthacker" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Phil Kay" & vbCrLf & _ "@Kay" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Special Thanks To:" & vbCrLf & _ "ARK(Local-Remote Pipe), KPD-Team,fa5t and others" Case 1 GetText = "This is free Software" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "You are free to copy and redistribute" & vbCrLf & _ "it as long as it remains unchanged." & vbCrLf & _ "(This includes the examples)" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "If you want to distribute programs created" & vbCrLf & _ "with this software, you can do this in any" & vbCrLf & _ "way you like. PS: Wh-team,Tudou, KPD-team, KDP,Baidu Only!! " Case 2 GetText = "Warranty" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "This program has been tested and" & vbCrLf & _ "seems to run stable." & vbCrLf & _ "However, i can not guarantee that this" & vbCrLf & _ "Software is bugfree." & vbCrLf & _ "You use this software of your own risk." & vbCrLf & _ "This Software is provided ""as it is"" without" & vbCrLf & _ "any warranty. " & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "If you have problems or suggestions just" & vbCrLf & _ "Mail me.mello" End Select End Function Private Function GetColorMap() As Long() Dim C() As Long Dim W As Long ReDim C(0 To 14) C(0) = &HFF& For W = 1 To 13 C(W) = QBColor(W Mod 15) Next C(2) = &HC0FF00 C(3) = &HFFFF& C(6) = &H8080FF C(7) = &HFF00& C(8) = &HAA00AA C(13) = &HAA00AA GetColorMap = C End Function Private Sub Picture1_Click() bQuit = True End Sub Dupa cum ai observat exemplul asta nu tine de label dar altul nu am la indemana si nici nu ma prea am chef de teste pentru unul.Dupa cum tiam zis e nasol in vb6(daca asa ar fi al tau), tot ce trebuie sa stii e win32 api gen Ce ai vazut mai sus,bineinteles oricand poti apela la DirectX.... In .Net sta cu totu altfel problema...e mult mai usor de facut datorita runtime .Net si functiile lui definite(mai putin win api, mai putina bautura respectiv nedormit noaptea;) ) Oricum daca iti place exemplul il poti modifica si daca nu ma insel chiar o sa iti placa , din cate am inteles din ce ai scris mai sus cam asta e asemanator. As fi putut sa folosesc label dar in picturebox poti face mai multe:) Off: Nu uita ce tiam zis mai sus, eu zic sa cauti ajutor in alta parte pe forumuri dedicate limbii dorite....aici nu cred ca ai sa gasesti mare lucru(forum de securitate IT, Doh!!), si nu spun cu rautate dar am postat si eu o mica problema de parsing in vb .Net http://rstcenter.com/forum/33335-%5Bhelp%5D-vbulletin-net.rst (mda intrebare si ar mai fi raspunsul care tot eu Trebuie sa il dau NU?? , mai degraba stergeti-mi threadu, oricum am rezolvat problema de unu singur, sau puteti sa o mutati la chalenges sau la comice.) Unii de pe aici chiar bat cu pumnul in piept ca le au in python sau VB. Net , Dar se pare ca raman cu propria cunostinta cand vine vorba de low level text parsing. De REGEX numai zic nimic:)) Tu continua sa incerci cum tiam zis Ai chrome...o sa iti fie usor La noi nu prea gaesti, defapt cam peste toti oamenii is secretosi cand vine vorba de visual basic. In .Net te mai ajuta youtube:d Daca intradevar Inseamna ca codul de mai sus e de ceva ajutor, ramane sa il imbunatatesti. Uite Aici un mic proiect cu acest cod: GirlShare - Download credits.rar Sa ai o zi buna, sper ca te-am ajutat...daca vrei sa fii mai specific in ceea ce priveste proiectul tau imi poti lasa un pm.-1 points
-1 points
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[+] Am vazut ca majoritatea userilor noi care apar pe forum cauta asta si am vazut ca mai este un topic in care toti scriu si nu le raspunde nimeni la intrebari si mai mult de atat buti nu sunt buni ceea ce ii face pe ei sa creada ca programul nu e bun. O sa fac eu sa zicem "tutorialul" acesta pentru userii care nu stiu ce au de facut. [+] Pentru inceput avem nevoie de o arhiva cu cateva "floodere" (sunt cele pe care le folosesc si eu ) Arhiva contine 3 foldere : - Flooderi - IR IDMakerV3.2 - Multi Yahoo Boots Checker La Flooderi sunt programele , La IR IDMaker V3.2 este un program cu care puteati realiza buti foarte usor ,si la Multi Yahoo Boots Checker se afla un program cu care puteti scana lista voastra de buti si sa salvati buti care mai merg si sa scapati de cei care numai merg. [+] Intrati la Flooderi si deschideti pe rand doar : -Big Killer Release -Fusion Ym v2 -GMC Booters Restul de 2 le lasati acolo pentru ca nu merg si mi-a fost lene sa le sterg..^^ La toate cele 3 programe o sa vedeti ca va apare Load la fiecare dintre ele. Dati la Load pe rand la fiecare si selectati fisierul .txt din folderul Flooderi numit dEv1L Boots buni. Faceti la fel la toate si dupaia dati la toate log in. Asteptati putin sa se incarce toate . O sa ia ceva timp sa se incarce..Nu mult.Cam 45 de secunde . Dupa ce s-au incarcat buti bagati idiul acolo la Victim si dati in felul urmator. La Big Killer Release dati Flood ,la Fusion Ym dati Fast YM Flood iar la Gmc booters dati Boot 1. Acum victima va fi scoasa de pe mess.Nu dureaza foarte mult ..depinde de viteza netului. [+]Cam asta e tot ca sa flodati pe cineva. [+]Ca sa creati buti faceti in felul urmator : Intrati in arhiva IR IDMakerV3.2 Intrati in IR IDMaker . Cand ati intrat in el bifati : -Random Boot name -Randomize Name and Lastname -Randomize information Si apasati butonul start. Acum v-a aparut codul captcha in dreapta pe care va trebui sa il scrieti in stanga butonului Create..Dupa fiecaredata cand scrieti codul apasati pe Create.Si un boot se va creea. Dupa dati Save si veti putea salva buti creati unde vreti. [+] Daca "tutorialul" meu v-a fost de ajutor apasati pe butonul REP de sub avatarul meu. Sper ca am fost de folos noilor membri care cautau asta.-2 points