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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/11 in all areas

  1. O noua competitie, care sper ca o sa va placa. - Sintaxele nu se vor face publice, se vor trimite prin PM ! - Postati aici doar un screen-shot ca dovada ca ati rezolvat (fara a se vedea rezolvarea) Cerere: Extrageti ce vreti . Dificultate:Easy Metoda: Union Based Vulnerable Parameter: ICI - SURSA: HF Proof: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4452/icij.png NOTA:: Injectia se va face DOAR pe parametrul dat de mine. Solvers 1. daemien/denjacker 2. ZeroCold
    1 point
  2. Pentru cei ce nu stiu deja: Jailbreak > Cydia > Installous Cautati : Puffin (in Installous ). Download & Install - Nu merg jocurile in flash. Browserul se conecteaza din cate am vazut eu la un server extern si navigarea se face prin intermediul lor, nu stiu inca cum se face conversia sau daca e ceva in real time. Banda lor este foarte buna:
    1 point
  3. Discutam aici sa inteleaga si ceilalti. http://www.communityinclusion.org/staff.php?staff_id=129+order+by+1-- hai sa privim eroarea mai atent : error in query1: SELECT a.article_id AS article_idx, article_title, timestamp, article_blurb, article_year_pub, article_month_pub FROM article a, article_staff at WHERE at.article_id = a.article_id and at.staff_id = 129 order by 1-- ORDER BY rank, article_year_pub desc, article_month_pub desc limit 5.You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY rank, article_year_pub desc, article_month_pub desc limit 5' at line 3 De aici ar trebuii sa deduci : 1] commentul folosit pentru a termina query-ul e incomplet sau ... inutil. 2] nu poti folosi "order by 1 ORDER BY rank" -- > ptr ca iti va genera eroare de sintaxa. Incearca sa calculezi nr de coloane cu GROUP BY si apoi revino la punctul 1]. De fapt acolo e problema esentiala pentru rezolvarea competitiei.
    1 point
  4. Luati de mancati ;-) Proaspat ciordite dintr-un RDP. [Total] Servers=46 [Server0] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=premier Password=premier AuthType=0 [Server1] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=scott Password=scott AuthType=0 [Server2] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=fax Password=fax AuthType=0 [Server3] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server4] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server5] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server6] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server7] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=global Password=global AuthType=0 [Server8] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=susana Password=susana AuthType=0 [Server9] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=purple Password=purple AuthType=0 [Server10] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=violet Password=violet AuthType=0 [Server11] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=info Password=12345 AuthType=0 [Server12] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=premier Password=premier AuthType=0 [Server13] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=fax Password=fax AuthType=0 [Server14] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server15] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server16] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server17] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server18] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=global Password=global AuthType=0 [Server19] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=susana Password=susana AuthType=0 [Server20] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=purple Password=purple AuthType=0 [Server21] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=violet Password=violet AuthType=0 [Server22] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=info Password=12345 AuthType=0 [Server23] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=premier Password=premier AuthType=0 [Server24] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=scott Password=scott AuthType=0 [Server25] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=fax Password=fax AuthType=0 [Server26] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server27] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server28] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server29] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server30] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=global Password=global AuthType=0 [Server31] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=susana Password=susana AuthType=0 [Server32] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=purple Password=purple AuthType=0 [Server33] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=violet Password=violet AuthType=0 [Server34] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=info Password=12345 AuthType=0 [Server35] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=premier Password=premier AuthType=0 [Server36] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=fax Password=fax AuthType=0 [Server37] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server38] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=rootalias Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server39] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server40] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=admin Password=admin AuthType=0 [Server41] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=global Password=global AuthType=0 [Server42] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=susana Password=susana AuthType=0 [Server43] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=purple Password=purple AuthType=0 [Server44] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=violet Password=violet AuthType=0 [Server45] Name= Port=25 UserID=User BccSize=50 UserName=info Password=12345 AuthType=0
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Astazi va fi din nou disponibil, pentru toti cei de pe rst. Voi adauga si un API sa puteti integra in aplicatiile voastre. Singura limita va fi ca veti putea trimite un sms pe minut. Daca va ajuta si vreti sa spuneti multumesc, ajutati-ma sa strang voturi pentru un concurs dand like la Ne auzim pe seara. Free SMS for everyone.
    -1 points
  7. SEO, promovare pe twitter, facebook, un grup de yahoo etc.
    -1 points
  8. Cauta Gazette. Demo: gurascheiului.ro
    -1 points
  9. Mesaje gratis pentru bautorii competenti de palinca sau bauturi mai tari. PM me pentru parola. http://five.eu5.org/showergel/ Nu dati parola la copii!
    -1 points
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