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  1. Mass Mailer v.1.1 Am adus cateva modificari fata de versiunea anterioara : + continutul emailului poate fi si cod HTML + am adaugat delay time , astfel nu va supraincarca serverul cu requesturi de mail.. am incercat fara delay si mai bine de 80% nu s-au trimis , asa se trimit toate.Delay=0.8 secunde => 1.000 de mailuri = 13.3 minutie ( mie nu mi se pare mult , daca vreti modificati voi in send.php ) + notificare pe mailul propriu cand e gata cu trimisul emailurilor ( si statistici de la trimitere ) Orice idee de imbunatatire e binevenita. Pentru orice probleme intampinate/ daca va merge perfect , lasati comentariu sa stie si restul. Download Link : Download Mass Mailer v1.1.rar for free on uploading.com Codul este scris in php (+ putin html ) +rep
    3 points
  2. Am creat acest topic cu urm?torul scop: Fiecare poate aduce cate un block de code care face ceva util in sistem , poate fi rulat direct din shell , poate fi scris in orice fel de limbaj de programare suportat de c?tre sistemele *Nix-Like. Vreau sa fie ceva interactiv , deci in momentul in care eu prezint o bucata de cod , oricine imi poate face quote cu o alternativa mai usoara sau mai complicata. Incepem asa: Afiseaza adresa ip externa folosind libnotify-bin Requires: wget, libnotify-bin OS:Linux notify-send "Your ip is" "`wget -qO- http://whatismyip.org/`" Cine are alternative imi face quote si isi propune alternativa , daca nu propune o alta bucata de cod care face altceva si mergem mai departe Depinde doar de imaginatia voastra, codul poate sa faca orice
    1 point
  3. care aveti ceva de luat dp sharecash bagati link aici si o sa urc contentu pe alt site oferta limitata
    1 point
  4. Capture BAT is a behavioral analysis tool of applications for the Win32 operating system family. Capture BAT is able to monitor the state of a system during the execution of applications and processing of documents, which provides an analyst with insights on how the software operates even if no source code is available. Capture BAT monitors state changes on a low kernel level and can easily be used across various Win32 operating system versions and configurations. Capture BAT provides a powerful mechanism to exclude event noise that naturally occurs on an idle system or when using a specific application. This mechanism is fine-grained and allows an analyst to take into account the process that cause the various state changes. As a result, this mechanism even allows Capture to analyze the behavior of documents that execute within the context of an application, for example the behavior of a malicious Microsoft Word document The program has a console interface and a small set of parameters: -L output.txt output to a file. -C Copy all the deleted or modified files folder logs -N Save all incoming and outgoing traffic to a file. Pcap in logs -H Displays help Prerequisites: Microsoft Windows 2000 sp 4; Microsoft Windows XP sp 2; for Microsoft Vista no service pack is needed. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package f the network dump functionality is used, Capture BAT requires the WinPcap 4.0.1 libraries. The application will be installed into C:\program files\capture. Note that a reboot will be forced by the setup program. CaptureBAT.exe -cn-l report.txt report.txt Download: http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~cseifert/Capture-BAT/CaptureBAT-Setup-2.0.0-5574.exe MD5: c1894e46ffe89be6ca35729d9dab6145 http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~cseifert/Capture-BAT/CaptureBAT-Setup-2.0.0-5574-src.zip MD5: 0086e7c01e481992284092ea0f9de20f surse:1,2
    1 point
  5. sall baieti cine vrea sa facem schimb de logs preferabil prinste in rat sau isteal as fi bucuros sa facem schimb. Astept Un raspuns de la voi. Respect All
    1 point
  6. Copilasii care descopera Havij-ul si fac deface-uri gen ******** sunt cel mai usor de prins.Aia merita arsi pentru ca au tupeul sa se dea hackeri cand de fapt sunt simplii utilizatori.Nu-i de mirare ca nu i-a trecut prin cap sa foloseasca macar un proxy.
    -1 points
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