Thomas Wilhelm has delivered pen testing training to countless security professionals and now through the pages of this book you can benefit from his years of experience as a professional penetration tester and educator. After reading this book you will be able to create a personal penetration test lab that can deal with real-world vulnerability scenarios. Penetration testing is the act of testing a network to find security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by phishers, digital piracy groups, and countless other organized or individual malicious hackers. The material presented will be useful to beginners all the way through to advanced practitioners. The material presented will be useful to beginners all the way through to advanced practitioners. * Find out how to turn hacking and pen testing skills into a professional career * Understand how to conduct controlled attacks on a network through real-world examples of vulnerable and exploitable servers * Master project management skills necessary for running a formal penetration test and setting up a professional ethical hacking business * Discover metrics and reporting methodologies that provide experience crucial to a professional penetration tester * Learn through video the DVD includes instructional videos that replicate classroom instruction and live, real-world vulnerability simulations of complete servers with known and unknown vulnerabilities to practice hacking skills in a controlled lab environment Book contents: PART I - Setting Up Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Ethics and Hacking Chapter 3: Hacking as a Career Chapter 4: Setting up Your Lab Chapter 5: Creating and Using PenTest Targets in Your Lab Chapter 6: Methodologies Chapter 7: PenTest Metrics Chapter 8: Management of a PenTest PART II - Running a PenTest Chapter 9: Information Gathering Chapter 10: Vulnerability Identification Chapter 11: Vulnerability Verification Chapter 12: Compromising a System and Privilege Escalation Chapter 13: Maintaining Access Chapter 14: Covering Your Tracks PART III - Wrapping Everything Up Chapter 15: Reporting Results Chapter 16: Archiving Data Chapter 17: Cleaning Up Your Lab Chapter 18: Planning for Your Next PenTest Appendix A - Acronyms Appendix B - Definitions DVD contents: * Video courses offered by 1. Penetration Testing Fundamentals Course (HPTF) 2. Intermediate Penetration Testing Course (HIPT) * Server images to use in a penetration test lab 1. De-ICE LiveCDs - servers that provide hacking challenges of different levels of dif?culty; intended to mimic vulnerabilities found on real-world servers 2. pWnOS - a server designed with vulnerabilities that can be exploited using exploit code from; intended to be run within a VM 5. Hackerdemia - a LiveCD training platform used to learn various penetration test tools 4. WebGoat - a Web server configured with multiple web-based vulner- abilities; developed and maintained by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 5. BackTrack - a LiveCD Linux distribution containing multiple PenTest tools already installed and ready to use download book:FileServe sursa dvd