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  1. Manualul descrie folosirea Inflator din wifiway v 3.4. Ce este WPS nu va mai descriu.Nu aveti nevoie de dictionare de parole,si nici de alte artificii,este de ajuns ca routerul sa fie cu WPS activat,si in acest caz parola va fi aflata indiferent de cit este de complexa,si indiferent de cite ori o va schimba proprietarul. Odata pornit wifiway,se intra in menu,si se cauta modulul WPA-WPS. Se porneste Inflator si veti vedea daca va recunoaste placa de retea,adaptor wifi sau ce model este,exact ca in imaginea de mai jos. Daca placa de retea va este recunoscuta,dati click pe ea si mai jos va anunta ca a fost pusa in mod monitor,dupa care dati click next. In a doua imagine va trebui sa dati click in butonul pe care apare scris Scan for WPS enabled pentru a scana sa vedeti daca in zona aveti routere cu WPS activat. Timpul cit scaneaza este de 30 secunde,dar il puteti modifica dupa necesitati,si asteptati sa termine scanarea. Dupa ce termina de scanat,daca a gasit routere cu WPS activat le veti vedea in noua fereastra,exact ca in imagine... Inainte sa dati next,dati click pe reteaua pe care vreti,si veti observa schimbare de culoare,in albastru deschis....aceea este reteaua care ati ales-o,si urmeaza next. In urmatoarea fereastra vi se ofera posibilitatea de a seta tipul de atac dorit,dar in mod normal nu se bifeaza nimic,ci se da click pe RUN... Odata pornit atacul,veti observa in textul respectiv Trying pin....lucru care lasa de inteles ca a inceput probarea pinilor WPS Acum va trebui sa aveti rabdare citeva ore ca sa va scoata parola.Daca totul a decurs cum trebuie la final veti vedea cam asa: Manualul complet cu detalii,plus Reaver WPSCrackGUI 1.0.9
    1 point
  2. Dau invitatii nelimitate pe tracker-ul BIT-HDTV , postati aici un SS cu viteza voastra pe un server din Olanda iar daca sunteti acceptati va voi cere email-ul prin PM! //da-ti si voi REP daca a-ti primit invitatia !
    1 point
  3. Pai mai nou isi ia crash-uri singur ca prostu', din 30 in 30 de minute dar... fie: crashmybrowser.com, 5 metode diferite intre ele, cate un tab pentru fiecare. De scris nu m-am gandit la o metoda pentru ca nu stiu mult JavaScript, pe o versiune mai veche de Opera stiu ca ii puteam da crash cu multe iframe-uri intr-un HTML, acum nu stiu daca mai merge la browserele noi.
    1 point
  4. Salutare! Am facut acest topic sa prezint cateva lucruri descoperite in propriul windows 7 din curiozitate care poate vor fi interesante pentru cineva. Din cate am observat windows-ul incepe sa copieze anumite lucruri de la linux, lucru care o sa il arat mai tarziu. Pentru inceput am gasit intr-un loc din system 32 o lista cu toate serviciile respectiv toate porturile si ce ar trebui sa faca. # Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Microsoft Corp. # # This file contains port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA # # Format: # # <service name> <port number>/<protocol> [aliases...] [#<comment>] # echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active users systat 11/udp users #Active users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp qotd 17/tcp quote #Quote of the day qotd 17/udp quote #Quote of the day chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character generator chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character generator ftp-data 20/tcp #FTP, data ftp 21/tcp #FTP. control ssh 22/tcp #SSH Remote Login Protocol telnet 23/tcp smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver rlp 39/udp resource #Resource Location Protocol nameserver 42/tcp name #Host Name Server nameserver 42/udp name #Host Name Server nicname 43/tcp whois domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer gopher 70/tcp finger 79/tcp http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web hosts2-ns 81/tcp #HOSTS2 Name Server hosts2-ns 81/udp #HOSTS2 Name Server kerberos 88/tcp krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos kerberos 88/udp krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos hostname 101/tcp hostnames #NIC Host Name Server iso-tsap 102/tcp #ISO-TSAP Class 0 rtelnet 107/tcp #Remote Telnet Service pop2 109/tcp postoffice #Post Office Protocol - Version 2 pop3 110/tcp #Post Office Protocol - Version 3 sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind portmap #SUN Remote Procedure Call sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind portmap #SUN Remote Procedure Call auth 113/tcp ident tap #Identification Protocol uucp-path 117/tcp sqlserv 118/tcp #SQL Services nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol ntp 123/udp #Network Time Protocol epmap 135/tcp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution epmap 135/udp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution netbios-ns 137/tcp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service netbios-dgm 138/udp nbdatagram #NETBIOS Datagram Service netbios-ssn 139/tcp nbsession #NETBIOS Session Service imap 143/tcp imap4 #Internet Message Access Protocol sql-net 150/tcp sqlsrv 156/tcp pcmail-srv 158/tcp #PCMail Server snmp 161/udp #SNMP snmptrap 162/udp snmp-trap #SNMP trap print-srv 170/tcp #Network PostScript bgp 179/tcp #Border Gateway Protocol irc 194/tcp #Internet Relay Chat Protocol ipx 213/udp #IPX over IP rtsps 322/tcp rtsps 322/udp mftp 349/tcp mftp 349/udp ldap 389/tcp #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol https 443/tcp MCom #HTTP over TLS/SSL https 443/udp MCom #HTTP over TLS/SSL microsoft-ds 445/tcp microsoft-ds 445/udp kpasswd 464/tcp # Kerberos (v5) kpasswd 464/udp # Kerberos (v5) isakmp 500/udp ike #Internet Key Exchange crs 507/tcp #Content Replication System crs 507/udp #Content Replication System exec 512/tcp #Remote Process Execution biff 512/udp comsat login 513/tcp #Remote Login who 513/udp whod cmd 514/tcp shell syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler talk 517/udp ntalk 518/udp efs 520/tcp #Extended File Name Server router 520/udp route routed ulp 522/tcp ulp 522/udp timed 525/udp timeserver tempo 526/tcp newdate irc-serv 529/tcp irc-serv 529/udp courier 530/tcp rpc conference 531/tcp chat netnews 532/tcp readnews netwall 533/udp #For emergency broadcasts uucp 540/tcp uucpd klogin 543/tcp #Kerberos login kshell 544/tcp krcmd #Kerberos remote shell dhcpv6-client 546/tcp #DHCPv6 Client dhcpv6-client 546/udp #DHCPv6 Client dhcpv6-server 547/tcp #DHCPv6 Server dhcpv6-server 547/udp #DHCPv6 Server afpovertcp 548/tcp #AFP over TCP afpovertcp 548/udp #AFP over TCP new-rwho 550/udp new-who rtsp 554/tcp #Real Time Stream Control Protocol rtsp 554/udp #Real Time Stream Control Protocol remotefs 556/tcp rfs rfs_server rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord monitor 561/udp nntps 563/tcp snntp #NNTP over TLS/SSL nntps 563/udp snntp #NNTP over TLS/SSL whoami 565/tcp whoami 565/udp ms-shuttle 568/tcp #Microsoft shuttle ms-shuttle 568/udp #Microsoft shuttle ms-rome 569/tcp #Microsoft rome ms-rome 569/udp #Microsoft rome http-rpc-epmap 593/tcp #HTTP RPC Ep Map http-rpc-epmap 593/udp #HTTP RPC Ep Map hmmp-ind 612/tcp #HMMP Indication hmmp-ind 612/udp #HMMP Indication hmmp-op 613/tcp #HMMP Operation hmmp-op 613/udp #HMMP Operation ldaps 636/tcp sldap #LDAP over TLS/SSL doom 666/tcp #Doom Id Software doom 666/udp #Doom Id Software msexch-routing 691/tcp #MS Exchange Routing msexch-routing 691/udp #MS Exchange Routing kerberos-adm 749/tcp #Kerberos administration kerberos-adm 749/udp #Kerberos administration kerberos-iv 750/udp #Kerberos version IV mdbs_daemon 800/tcp mdbs_daemon 800/udp ftps-data 989/tcp #FTP data, over TLS/SSL ftps 990/tcp #FTP control, over TLS/SSL telnets 992/tcp #Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL imaps 993/tcp #IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL ircs 994/tcp #IRC protocol over TLS/SSL pop3s 995/tcp spop3 #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3) pop3s 995/udp spop3 #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3) kpop 1109/tcp #Kerberos POP nfsd-status 1110/tcp #Cluster status info nfsd-keepalive 1110/udp #Client status info nfa 1155/tcp #Network File Access nfa 1155/udp #Network File Access activesync 1034/tcp #ActiveSync Notifications phone 1167/udp #Conference calling opsmgr 1270/tcp #Microsoft Operations Manager opsmgr 1270/udp #Microsoft Operations Manager ms-sql-s 1433/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Server ms-sql-s 1433/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Server ms-sql-m 1434/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor ms-sql-m 1434/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor ms-sna-server 1477/tcp ms-sna-server 1477/udp ms-sna-base 1478/tcp ms-sna-base 1478/udp wins 1512/tcp #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service wins 1512/udp #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service ingreslock 1524/tcp ingres stt 1607/tcp stt 1607/udp l2tp 1701/udp #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol pptconference 1711/tcp pptconference 1711/udp pptp 1723/tcp #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol msiccp 1731/tcp msiccp 1731/udp remote-winsock 1745/tcp remote-winsock 1745/udp ms-streaming 1755/tcp ms-streaming 1755/udp msmq 1801/tcp #Microsoft Message Queue msmq 1801/udp #Microsoft Message Queue radius 1812/udp #RADIUS authentication protocol radacct 1813/udp #RADIUS accounting protocol msnp 1863/tcp msnp 1863/udp ssdp 1900/tcp ssdp 1900/udp close-combat 1944/tcp close-combat 1944/udp nfsd 2049/udp nfs #NFS server knetd 2053/tcp #Kerberos de-multiplexor mzap 2106/tcp #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol mzap 2106/udp #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol qwave 2177/tcp #QWAVE qwave 2177/udp #QWAVE Experiment Port directplay 2234/tcp #DirectPlay directplay 2234/udp #DirectPlay ms-olap3 2382/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 3 ms-olap3 2382/udp #Microsoft OLAP 3 ms-olap4 2383/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 4 ms-olap4 2383/udp #Microsoft OLAP 4 ms-olap1 2393/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 1 ms-olap1 2393/udp #Microsoft OLAP 1 ms-olap2 2394/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 2 ms-olap2 2394/udp #Microsoft OLAP 2 ms-theater 2460/tcp ms-theater 2460/udp wlbs 2504/tcp #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server wlbs 2504/udp #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server ms-v-worlds 2525/tcp #Microsoft V-Worlds ms-v-worlds 2525/udp #Microsoft V-Worlds sms-rcinfo 2701/tcp #SMS RCINFO sms-rcinfo 2701/udp #SMS RCINFO sms-xfer 2702/tcp #SMS XFER sms-xfer 2702/udp #SMS XFER sms-chat 2703/tcp #SMS CHAT sms-chat 2703/udp #SMS CHAT sms-remctrl 2704/tcp #SMS REMCTRL sms-remctrl 2704/udp #SMS REMCTRL msolap-ptp2 2725/tcp #MSOLAP PTP2 msolap-ptp2 2725/udp #MSOLAP PTP2 icslap 2869/tcp icslap 2869/udp cifs 3020/tcp cifs 3020/udp xbox 3074/tcp #Microsoft Xbox game port xbox 3074/udp #Microsoft Xbox game port ms-dotnetster 3126/tcp #Microsoft .NET ster port ms-dotnetster 3126/udp #Microsoft .NET ster port ms-rule-engine 3132/tcp #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service ms-rule-engine 3132/udp #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service msft-gc 3268/tcp #Microsoft Global Catalog msft-gc 3268/udp #Microsoft Global Catalog msft-gc-ssl 3269/tcp #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL msft-gc-ssl 3269/udp #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL ms-cluster-net 3343/tcp #Microsoft Cluster Net ms-cluster-net 3343/udp #Microsoft Cluster Net ms-wbt-server 3389/tcp #MS WBT Server ms-wbt-server 3389/udp #MS WBT Server ms-la 3535/tcp #Microsoft Class Server ms-la 3535/udp #Microsoft Class Server pnrp-port 3540/tcp #PNRP User Port pnrp-port 3540/udp #PNRP User Port teredo 3544/tcp #Teredo Port teredo 3544/udp #Teredo Port p2pgroup 3587/tcp #Peer to Peer Grouping p2pgroup 3587/udp #Peer to Peer Grouping ws-discovery 3702/udp #WS-Discovery ws-discovery 3702/tcp #WS-Discovery dvcprov-port 3776/tcp #Device Provisioning Port dvcprov-port 3776/udp #Device Provisioning Port msfw-control 3847/tcp #Microsoft Firewall Control msdts1 3882/tcp #DTS Service Port sdp-portmapper 3935/tcp #SDP Port Mapper Protocol sdp-portmapper 3935/udp #SDP Port Mapper Protocol net-device 4350/tcp #Net Device net-device 4350/udp #Net Device ipsec-msft 4500/tcp #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T ipsec-msft 4500/udp #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T llmnr 5355/tcp #LLMNR llmnr 5355/udp #LLMNR wsd 5357/tcp #Web Services on devices wsd 5358/tcp #Web Services on devices rrac 5678/tcp #Remote Replication Agent Connection rrac 5678/udp #Remote Replication Agent Connection dccm 5679/tcp #Direct Cable Connect Manager dccm 5679/udp #Direct Cable Connect Manager ms-licensing 5720/tcp #Microsoft Licensing ms-licensing 5720/udp #Microsoft Licensing directplay8 6073/tcp #DirectPlay8 directplay8 6073/udp #DirectPlay8 man 9535/tcp #Remote Man Server rasadv 9753/tcp rasadv 9753/udp imip-channels 11320/tcp #IMIP Channels Port imip-channels 11320/udp #IMIP Channels Port directplaysrvr 47624/tcp #Direct Play Server directplaysrvr 47624/udp #Direct Play Server Am mai gasit o lista cu protocale (TCP,UDP,etc,) destul de interesanta , nu ca nu s-ar gasi pe google din primul search . # Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This file contains the Internet protocols as defined by various # RFCs. See http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers # # Format: # # <protocol name> <assigned number> [aliases...] [#<comment>] ip 0 IP # Internet protocol icmp 1 ICMP # Internet control message protocol ggp 3 GGP # Gateway-gateway protocol tcp 6 TCP # Transmission control protocol egp 8 EGP # Exterior gateway protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol udp 17 UDP # User datagram protocol hmp 20 HMP # Host monitoring protocol xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP rdp 27 RDP # "reliable datagram" protocol ipv6 41 IPv6 # Internet protocol IPv6 ipv6-route 43 IPv6-Route # Routing header for IPv6 ipv6-frag 44 IPv6-Frag # Fragment header for IPv6 esp 50 ESP # Encapsulating security payload ah 51 AH # Authentication header ipv6-icmp 58 IPv6-ICMP # ICMP for IPv6 ipv6-nonxt 59 IPv6-NoNxt # No next header for IPv6 ipv6-opts 60 IPv6-Opts # Destination options for IPv6 rvd 66 RVD # MIT remote virtual disk Interesant in systemul32 este ca gasim aprox. toate programele fara sa le arunce windows-ul in fata noastra(nu apar in bara start). Un program interesant mi s-a parut Resource Monitor care arata cam tot ce se petrece in calculator,arata toate programele care ruleaza ,arata toate programele care se conecteaza la internet si cat consuma,arata consumul de memorie,etc.Este un program complet. Am gasit un editor text fara interfata GUI. Cel mai interesant mi s-a parut Powershell-ul care accepta comenzi care pana acum erau specifice linux. Powershell-ul are 2 versiuni in windows-ul meu.V1 care seamana cu un command prompt normal dar accepta comenzi linux. V2 care este putin modificat ca aspect. Exista un program ,tot in acelasi loc (C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell), care este un pare a fi un compilator pentru shell-scripting. Interfata este destul de interesanta si putem da comenzi in timp ce scriem si shell-ul fara ca acesta sa fie "deranjat". Un lucru interesant este ca a ramas non-case sensitive. Am gasit si o lista cu niste comenzi care pot fi folosite in powershell si o descriere a lor. # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # THIS SAMPLE CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # IF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS MODIFIED, THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OR RESULTS IN # CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS CODE AND INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE USER. set-alias cat get-content set-alias cd set-location set-alias clear clear-host set-alias cp copy-item set-alias h get-history set-alias history get-history set-alias kill stop-process set-alias lp out-printer set-alias ls get-childitem set-alias mount new-mshdrive set-alias mv move-item set-alias popd pop-location set-alias ps get-process set-alias pushd push-location set-alias pwd get-location set-alias r invoke-history set-alias rm remove-item set-alias rmdir remove-item set-alias echo write-output set-alias cls clear-host set-alias chdir set-location set-alias copy copy-item set-alias del remove-item set-alias dir get-childitem set-alias erase remove-item set-alias move move-item set-alias rd remove-item set-alias ren rename-item set-alias set set-variable set-alias type get-content function help { get-help $args[0] | out-host -paging } function man { get-help $args[0] | out-host -paging } function mkdir { new-item -type directory -path $args } function md { new-item -type directory -path $args } function prompt { "PS " + $(get-location) + "> " } & { for ($i = 0; $i -lt 26; $i++) { $funcname = ([System.Char]($i+65)) + ':' $str = "function global:$funcname { set-location $funcname } " invoke-expression $str } } Nu sunt lucruri noi ci doar cateva lucruri gasite in windows.Puteti sa aruncati o privire si voi prin system32 daca aveti windows7. Am postat doar pentru ca poate cuiva ii va placea.Unele lucruri sunt banale dar mie mi s-au parut interesante. In concluzie acum windows-ul poate fi mai accesibil si pentru uilizatorii de linux cu ajutorul acestui powershell.
    1 point
  5. Ti-am trimis ! Trimiteti-mi toti PM cu adresa voastra de mail si REP !
    1 point
  6. fara sa fac offtopic, sau sa minimalizez munca OP, cel mai exact geoip de pe planeta asta este cel de la MaxMind - GeoIP | IP Address Locator Demo este singura companie care lucreaza cu toate procesoarele de orice fel, sa si protejeze clientii de frauda din orice domeniu. si este axata numai pe acest lucru.
    1 point
  7. Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is a free program that scans the system for programs that are installed in an outdated version.The developers have just released the first beta version of Secunia PSI 3.0 for Windows. A new version of the Personal Software Inspector (PSI) tool from vulnerability management firm Secunia automates the updating of third-party programs that don’t already have auto-updaters built-in. When you start the program for the first time after installation, you are asked to run a scan on the system. Secunia compares the list of installed software with the latest versions stored in their database. A list of outdated programs are then displayed in the program interface. Though most software vendors release patches, its tedious for users to find these updates and download them, where Secunia inspector tool identifies vulnerable programs and plug-ins in your Computer, download and installs all the required patches to keep your Computer safe so that you can safely bank, shop and socialize online. Secunia PSI 3.0 is compatible with all recent 32.bit and 64-bit editions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Download:PSI 3.0 Beta Launch Sursa:The Hacker News [ THN ] - Updates to Security Experts and Hackers
    1 point
  8. About the Book Reflecting the latest developments from the information security field, best-selling Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, 4e provides the most current coverage available while thoroughly preparing readers for the CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 certification exam. Its comprehensive introduction to practical network and computer security covers all of the the new CompTIA Security+ exam objectives. Cutting-edge coverage of the new edition includes virtualization, mobile devices, and other trends, as well as new topics such as psychological approaches to social engineering attacks, Web application attacks, penetration testing, data loss prevention, cloud computing security, and application programming development security. Download Sursa
    1 point
  9. nu e mai simplu sa iti faci un cont pe un site de socks ?
    -1 points
  10. o poza cu jesus spanzurat...ca doar de asta s.a sinucis bastardu ala ca sa-l pupam in cur in fiecare an si sa-i mancam oualele
    -1 points
  11. programu asta se numeste Flux "Odata instalat si configurat, acest program va lumina puternic monitorul pe timp de zi pentru o imagine mai clara iar noaptea pentru a nu va obosi ochii va reduce lumina emanata de monitor cu o tenta de rosu care nu oboseste ochiul deloc. Recomandat celor care au monitoare CRT." ... download: http://rapidshare.com/files/210286665/FLux.zip
    -1 points
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