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  1. La naiba — nici nu îmi venea s? cred, pân? nu am testat. Deci: Înregistr?m un nou cont Skype folosind emailul victimei (va ap?rea notificare precum c? ai deja cont cu acest email — nu te descuraja, mergi mai departe). Dup? ce complet?m formularul WEB, desc?rc?m Skype-ul ?i ne log?m folosind datele noului cont. ?inem Skype-ul la vedere — nu-l închidem În regim incognito deschidem aceast? pagin? https://login.skype.com/account/password-reset-request ?i introducem emailul victimei. A?tept?m. Vine notificare pe Skype, ceva legat de „Password Token”. Click. Se deschide Skype-ul. Nimic? Ap?s?m F5. Nimic? Iar??i F5... Hopa, apare mesajul cu „Password Token” — click pe URL f?r? s? ezit?m. Pe pagina ce se deschide introducem email-ul victimei. Alegem contul de Skype (desigur, nu cel ce l-am creat cu 5 minute în urm?), Next ?i „Voila!” — avem posibilitatea s? introducem o parol? nou?. Dup? ce schimb?m parola, ne log?m pe Skype folosind loginul victimei ?i parola abia introdus?. Din set?ri ad?ug?m o nou? adres? de email ?i... PROFIT! UPD: Îmi pare r?u, dar trebuie s? te anun? c?, vulnerabilitatea a fost reparat?... ?i, colac peste pup?z?, nici Mo? Cr?ciun nu exist?.
    2 points
  2. Windows Research Kernel The Windows Academic Program supplies universities with concepts, code, and projects useful for integrating core Windows® kernel technologies into teaching and research. The program includes Windows OS Internals Curriculum Resource Kit (CRK), ProjectOZ, and Windows Research Kernel. These components illustrate real-world examples of the principles taught in class and provide source code and materials for academic purposes. You can explore the program resources using the Online Resource Kit or download the components below. Download: http://jacekowski.org/WindowsResearchKernel-WRK.zip http://www.filetransfer.ro/5tk72D http://www.multiupload.nl/C0CW6Y105G http://www.speedyshare.com/8dR72/WindowsResearchKernel-WRK.zip A se vedea si: http://kernelexplorer.net/blogs/kore/archive/2009/04/19/Building-the-Windows-kernel.aspx
    1 point
  3. 256-bit AES Encryption for SSL and TLS: Maximal Security Updated 12/7/2011 with AES security data for the newest browsers and mobile devices. SSL and TLS are the workhorses that provide the majority of security in the transmission of data over the Internet today. However, most people do not know that the degree of security and privacy inherent in a “secure” connection of this sort can vary from “almost none” to “really really good … good enough for US government TOP SECRET data”. The piece which varies and thus provides the variable level of security is the “cipher” or “encryption technique”. There are a large number of different ciphers — some are very fast and very insecure. Some are slower and very secure. Some weak ones (export-grade ciphers) are around from the days when the USA did not permit the export of decent security to other countries. AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard, is a relatively new encryption technique/cipher that is the successor of DES. AES was standardized in 2001 after a 5 year review, and is currently one of the most popular algorithms used in symmetric key cryptography (which, for example, is used for the actual data transmission in SSL and TLS). It is also the “gold standard” encryption technique; many security-conscious organizations actually require that their employees use AES-256 (256-bit AES) for all communications. This article discusses AES, its role in SSL, which web browsers and email programs support it, how you can make sure that you only use 256-bit AES encryption of all secure communications, and more. More about AES AES has been available in most cryptographic libraries for a long time. It was available in “OpenSSL” starting in 2002 with v0.9.7. OpenSSL is the foundation of most SSL services in UNIX and Linux environments, such as that used by LuxSci. GPG, the open source implementation of PGP, also include an AES 256 option. So, while AES is the new kid on the block, it has been around long enough to permeate most software. However, as we shall see, this does not mean that is its actually being used on your computer! How Secure is 256-bit AES? AES is FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) certified and there are currently no known non-brute-force direct attacks against AES (except some side channel timing attacks on the processing of AES that are not feasible over a network environment and this not applicable to SSL in general). In fact, AES security is strong enough to be certified for use by the US government for top secret information. The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (i.e., 128, 192 and 256) are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level. TOP SECRET information will require use of either the 192 or 256 key lengths. The implementation of AES in products intended to protect national security systems and/or information must be reviewed and certified by NSA prior to their acquisition and use.” (Lynn Hathaway, June 2003 – reference.) If you have the choice of encryption methods, 256-bit AES is the method to choose. Also good are 128-bit and 192-bit versions of AES. Tutorial complet: http://luxsci.com/blog/256-bit-aes-encryption-for-ssl-and-tls-maximal-security.html
    1 point
  4. In pack se afla : * Am impresia ca sunt 1-2 tutoriale in engleza. Tutorial C++ Carte C++ in romana Carte JAVA in romana Carte MySQL Romana Carte PHP Romana Curs Java HTML - avansati si incepatori Introducere in PHP Lucrare JavaScript Manual de programare C Tutorial Pascal Programare Visual C++ Tutorial CSS [ Romana ] Tutorial PHP [ Romana ] Tutorial HTML XHTML Romana Download - Hotfiles Update 20 Octombrie 2012.
    -1 points
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