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  1. //Edited new link Download from dropbox --> now 1. Aveti nevoie de un smartphone cu android nu conteaza versiunea sau modelul. 2. Download & install un root explorer pentru android, exemplu --> Root Browser Lite Sau pentru windows folosind usb --> Droid Explorer Adaugam fisierele descarcate in --> system/app/Dropbox.apk system/app/DropboxOOBE.apk system/framework/com.dropboxpartner.jar Setam : rw- r-- r-- (644) --> pe Dropbox.apk, DropboxOOBE.apk si com.dropboxpartner.jar Dupa ce restartam telefonul primim bonusul de 50gb pentru 2 ani. Acest exploit se folsoeste de versiunea dropbox pentru Samsung Galaxy S3 si oferta de spatiu gratuita oferita de Samsung. Sursa: HackForums
    1 point
  2. pe mine m-ai pierdut pe drum...scuze dar sa mor eu daca am inteles ce ne vinzi. plus ca modul tau de exprimare lasa mult de dorit si nu inspira incredere. ai scris ca si cum nu stii ce vinzi sau ai avea doua clase si ti-ai facut veacul facand leach de pe HF. scuze daca te jignesc cumva sau daca postul meu pare ofensator. astept te rog un edit la postul tau in care sa refaci ce ai scris si sa ne explici exact ceea ce ne vinzi dupa care poti sa postezi si un raspuns la ceea ce am scris eu aici. multumesc anticipat.
    1 point
  3. SAU DAT TOATE 12, NUMAI DATI PM. cand o sa mai am, o sa vedeti. noroc!
    1 point
  4. Vupen Last week, a French company specializing in finding vulnerabilities in software from Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and Oracle, published a tweet in which put on sale the first zero day vulnerability in Windows 8, "For Sale: Our first 0day for Win8 + IE10 with HiASLR / AntiROP / DEP bypass sandbox & Prot Mode (Flash not needed). " Vupen is known for selling vulnerabilities to governments and companies and not share the details of the same with software vendors affected. The company defends accusing them of malpractice ensuring that your information helps organizations to defend against hackers. Vupen has only taken a few days to find the first zero day vulnerabilities in Windows 8, released a couple of weeks, and its browser, Internet Explorer 10. It is said that a zero day vulnerability is when you have not made ??public nor is there a patch for it. Though already discovered some vulnerabilities in software running on Windows 8, it seems the Vupen is the first operating system that affects . since Microsoft say the company has encouraged researchers to participate in their Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure program, which requires time to fix the problem before posting the details of it, details that can take advantage of the cybercriminals to exploit bugs and launch their attacks. 's message of Vupen Twitter, writing on Wednesday, implies that the vulnerability could allow a hacker to overcome the security technologies of Windows 8. The message also indicates that the problem is not a failure depends on Adobe Flash. Whilst it is true that the market opportunity to develop a successful exploit is limited due to the recent launch of Windows 8 has not been confirmed to operate also in previous versions of the operating system or the Microsoft browser, secure in Infoworld.
    1 point
  5. Explica te rog ce inseamna black hat seo, daca poti sa ne luminezi si pe noi.
    -1 points
  6. Ia zii maestre, descanti si de umflaturi ? Nu vezi ca ala vrea munca patriotica
    -1 points
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