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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/13 in all areas

  1. [h=1]100% Accurate SE Rank Tracking Guaranteed![/h] AccurankTracker saves you time and effort by checking the rankings of ALL of your websites with the click of a button and with no restrictions or pricey upgrades! You can rest assured that the rankings you are shown are the true rankings of your websites, guaranteed or your money back! But don't take our word for it, watch this video to see it in action! ---> Download : Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
    1 point
  2. Description: In this video I will show you how to execute your payload for meterpretere shell using shellcodeexec. Shellcodeexec is an exe and script that allows you to execute your payload and helping to exploit the target machine. Disclaimer: We are a infosec video aggregator and this video is linked from an external website. The original author may be different from the user re-posting/linking it here. Please do not assume the authors to be same without verifying. Original Source: Source: Execute Your Paypload Using Shellcodeexec
    1 point
  3. Agony.rar C++_Files_Merger.zip FBI-RAT.7z LocustPEA.zip ratling.rar Aryan RAT v0.4.rar Client.rar gh0st3.6_src.zip Mail Sender - C++.zip reptile Bot.rar AryanSourceRelease.rar [C++]_Port_Scanner_SOURCE_CODE.zip harvecter_bot.rar MSNContacts_src.rar Rhapsody reverse connecting RAT.zip Aryan v0.5.rar Cryptic3source-Crypter.rar hBot source.rar Nerzhul.rar ri0tv5 Bot.rar basic_keylogger_source.rar DCI Bot.rar JABT1.2 - Justin Another Binder Tool.rar Net_Bot Attacker 5.5 RAT+DDOS.rar SpecialTrojan_V_5.0.zip blacksun.rar Down Trojan RAT.rar Juu2_src IE7+FF steal.rar Polymorphic crypter.rar UDP Tunnel.zip BlindSpotv1.0 (Binder).rar el_backdoor_small_v0[1].02_src.rar latest server.rar ProAgent V1.21_source.rar Call_Of_Duty_6_Modern_Warfare_2_MPHack.zip Example_Drop&Drag.rar Little_Joiner.rar PsyRAT 2.rar [C++]darkcrypt0r.rar F0xit 0.1.rar Loading DLL infect PE.rar Rat-b.rar Download links for C___C___-_Pack_1.rar - Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple hosts Pentru cei care nu stiu, nu executati exe!! Sunt detectate, nu ma fac responsabil...
    1 point
  4. Ee nu, dac? face asta sunt 99% ?anse s? se bage pentru el/ei. Sun? la 112 când mai prime?ti apeluri de genul, poli?i?ti din localitate nu au cum s? nu intervin? dac? faci asta.
    -1 points
  5. bai tin minte ca am avut si eu cand eram pustan niste probleme de genu si la fel...aia de la politie se faceau ca ploua...da da da...o sa facem...lasa ca nu e nevoie de declaratie...mi-am bagat pula in ei si m-am dus la ipj la inspectoratu mare...acolo am intrat am vorbit cu 2 cheliosi cu tatuaje...doar poreclele a trebuit sa le zic...dupa alea ii aveau in baza de date pe shavei. Dupa frumos m-a trimis cu o solenta acasa cu folii...un nene a venit cu mine pana in scara iar urmatoarea zi a venit aceasi masina si m-a dus la sectia unde fusesem inainte..acum au inceput aia: dar ce ma asa speriat ai fost ca ai venit cu interventii ? -pai da-ten pula mea daca nu ma rezolvi..ce vrei sa astept sa`mi incarce astia bateriile. si hop atunci mi-a luat si declaratie, i-a chemat si pe restu acolo si cu parinti si cu catel purcel, circu dracu ideea e problem solved..dar tipii de la ipj au sunat la sectie si si-au bagat pula un pic this is the solution my friend...sau fa`o baieteste dar pula mea vezi ca astia se razbuna
    -1 points
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