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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/15 in all areas

  1. Features: Undetected: Server Scan PHP Panel Strong data encryption Protected with latest technologies to prevent eavesdropping Update notifications Working with: Internet Explorer (all versions) Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Mozilla Thunderbird Outlook 2013 Pidgin Skype Logs Yahoo ETS Filezilla Steam Username BattleNet Username Windows Key COAILII v1.6: Coailii Password Recovery.exe — RGhost — file sharing PHP Panel: Coailii Password Recovery Admin Panel Changelog v1.6: Version 1.6: 1. Fixed Firefox sometimes requiring C++ 2010 redistributable. 2. Fixed Internet Explorer support for Windows XP and 7 4. Added Outlook support 5. Added Thunderbird support 6. Added BattleNet username recovery 7. Added Skype Logs recovery 8. Faster execution of several recovery modules Screenshot: Credits: @.Breacker betatesting Daca aveti intrebari sau intampinati probleme, postati aici!
    1 point
  2. Panda antivirus labels itself as malware, then borks EVERYTHING Spanish security firm in baffling tail-chasing auto-immune kerfuffle Panda users had a bad hair day on Wednesday, after the Spanish security software firm released an update that classified components of its own technology as malign. As a result, enterprise PCs running the antivirus software tied themselves in something of a knot, leaving some systems either unstable or unable to access the internet. A Panda spokesman confirmed the problem while advising that the issue was well in hand. "A bad update was published temporarily today [Wednesday] that resulted in some system files being detected by the Panda engine, a replacement update was promptly published removing the error and restoring the wrongly quarantined files," a Panda representative told El Reg. "At present we recommend NOT rebooting systems. This will allow us to update the system with the amended update. This update will also restore files previously detected," he added. An official advisory on the problem says that the issue was limited to Panda Cloud Office Protection, Retail 2015 products and Panda Free AV. Users are strongly advised not to restart their computer until a fix is available. El Reg heard about the Panda slip-up via a tip from reader Austin, who ought to be excused claiming overtime on the back of the problem. "Dozens of installs of Panda Antivirus across multiple sites all just detected components of itself as a virus, simultaneously," Austin explained. "Perhaps 60 in total across five sites, out of an installed base of around 300." "If you let it disinfect 'the problem' with a reboot, you have no network access post-reboot." "Files we've seen 'detected' include psanmodrep.dll and alertsmanager.dll – both key components of Panda Antivirus itself," he added. Users of Panda's antivirus took to Twitter to air their woes. Any of you with Panda Anti Virus - DO NOT REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER!!!! @panda_Security for updates- I've just lost 20 computers Worst antivirus every. Panda has today wiped files from system32 leaving rebooted computers bricked. Do not reboot, update Panda. False positives involving antivirus updates have affected all vendors from time to time. The consequent problems are at their worst when Windows operating system files are falsely classified as potentially malign and quarantined, resulting in unusable Windows systems. Panda's auto-immune screw-up would have caused comparable problems. Sursa: Panda antivirus labels itself as malware, then borks EVERYTHING • The Register
    1 point
  3. *UPDATE* - Pagina de /api (cea la care se conecta stealer-ul) era accesibila doar pentru userii inregistrati, am facut-o publica - Am facut pagina de /api available la request-uri GET, ca sa nu mai creeze confuzie - Am pus logging pe erorile de la API. Fisier de log: "logs/api.log". Va rog asigurati-va ca aveti permisiuni de scriere in directorul "logs/". Am updatat link-ul de download. Luati noua versiune fiindca la prima era un bug la api, nu mergea deloc. Ii multumesc lui @Pastilatu' pentru interes, feedback-ul lui m-a ajutat sa imi dau seama de cele de mai sus.
    1 point
  4. Unii fac downloadere, altii fac doar trolling.
    1 point
  5. Bai licurici ziceam de adresa de aici http://puu.sh/gxg40/7d3baad5be.png ca pe vechiu panel era api.php , deci banuiesc ca aici ar fi link-ul direct fara api.php din cate vad din cod . Numai plange in moloz ca am si specificat ca e intrebare de n00b . P.S: Am inteles e adresa/api . Licurici treci la perete , ai nota 4.
    1 point
  6. This shit is for real? Acces la toata baza de date? Alo, pamantu' ?
    1 point
  7. Cine este inca interesat sa participe la acest proiect sa imi dea pm mie sau lui @wHoIS, multumesc. Cine nu a primit inca un raspuns sa imi trimita pm dinou, este posibil sa fi sarit peste cateva pm-uri.
    1 point
  8. [New Domain] elmensajedelabiblia.org - info@elmensajedelabiblia.org - 1234 [New Domain] diocesistoluca.org.mx - info@diocesistoluca.org.mx - info [New Domain] contrapeso.info - prueba@contrapeso.info - 123321 [New Domain] hondaoptima.com - prueba@hondaoptima.com - 12345 nu stiu ce sunt astea dar dupa cum par sunt smtp-uri .. vreau sa stiu doar daca merg si sunt bune [am gasit un scanner pe un vps ]
    -1 points
  9. Buna. Vreau sa va pun cateva intrebari despre root pentru flood. In primul rand vreau sa va zic ca sunt nou in aceasta "lume" sa zic asa. si vreau sa cumpar de la cineva un root pentru flood. Vreau sa intreb daca il ii schimb parola il mai poate recupera? El de unde il are?. Acest root are si el un emai-l sau ceva?.. Adica , cum poate cineva sa aibe root-ul sau? (asta cu email-u cred ca e o intrebare tampita.. dar na:)) ) Am auzit de ceva root-uri pentru scan, le folosesti ca sa gasesti alte root-uri? .. Va rog sa ma lamuriti putin cu ceva informatii despre astea ca nu ma pricep foarte bine. Ps: Oricum, nu e vorba de teapa sau asa. e un baiat de la mine din judet, dar vreau doar sa stiu daca ii schimb parola daca mai are si el acces. a-si vrea sa fie doar al meu.. PS: Fara off-topic va rog.
    -1 points
  10. Dragut site, sper ca lumea sa se foloseasca de el cu capul
    -1 points
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