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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/15 in all areas

  1. Eu tot nu inteleg ce legatura au programele de flood cu securitatea online si hackingul. Sa stii ca daca faci pe milogul tot nu primesti nimic. Nu ma intelege gresit, dar daca la 17 ani inca te mai intereseaza asa ceva ar trebui sa-ti faci un control. P.S: Cel mai bun flood este din cmd: ping + ip. Bafta. @aa7670 Despre ce vorbim. El nu doreste sa prinda radacini aici sa invete lucruri. El vrea un program de flood in pula mea sa le dea flood colegilor. Cand am spus acum cateva zile ca Romania nu are viitor mi-ati dat dislike.
    1 point
  2. orice mesaj de acest gen Maximum concurrent requests for this endpoint reached. Please try again shortly tre sa va duca cu gandul la o eroare ..ori a site ului ori a vostra dar cel mai simplu e sa mai stergeti cookieurile din cand in cand !!!
    1 point
  3. [h=1]The Bug Hunters Methodology[/h] Welcome! This repo is a conglomeration of tips, tricks, tools, and data analysis to use while doing web application security assessments, and more specifically towards bug hunting in bug bounties. These methodology pieces are presented as an abbreviated testing methodology for use in bug bounties. It is based off of the research gathered for the Defcon 23 talk "How to shot Web: better hacking in 2015". The current sections are divided as follows: philosophy discovery mapping tactical fuzzing XSS SQLi LFI CSRF web services mobile vulnerabilities The goal of the project is to incorporate more up to date resources for bug hunters and web hackers to use during thier day-to-day work. @jhaddix [h=2]Defcon Video[/h]Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B15XPa08CyxhQ1J2T2tOUUJuSFk/view Sursa: https://github.com/jhaddix/tbhm
    1 point
  4. Afiseaza te rog ce da la rularea comenzii: fdisk -l si df -h !
    1 point
  5. Ma bucur ca am putut sa gasesc cate ceva la ei, multe au fost deja trimise si am primit duplicate.
    -1 points
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