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Ca o completare la uploadul lui @Fi8sVrs (care abia acum am vazut ca e vechi de un an). Filmele fac parte din PWB nu PWK, dar materialele incluse sunt foarte folositoare si nu s-a schimbat mare lucru. Download https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/04e92146a9b3edd6316d54a7dead7c6120151026152622/6bf4267fc66cdc96fce6ca42051d01b720151026152622/debd3f Password bWF0YWlncmFzYQ==1 point
Daca ai nevoie de propolis brut sau mixat cu alcool dublu rafinat de 90 grade (amestecat timp de minim 6 luni) spune-mi si iti pot face rost gratuit direct de la apicultor. Luam asa ceva pentru raceli/gripa cand eram mic (cu apa bineinteles caci alcoolul era prea tare) sau pentru infectii exterioare. Nu stiu daca mierea ajuta insa iti pot face rost si de miere daca ajuta. Btw.. How to Make Vitamin C with Just One Ingredient - sursa Most store bought Vitamin C supplements are genetically modified. Manufacturers use genetically modified corn as one of the ingredients. Most commercial vitamin C supplements do not contain natural vitamin C. It’s often made from ascorbic acid which is a synthetic chemical derived from glucose. Ascorbic acid has been proven to destroy good bacteria in the gut and suppress the immune system. Health Benefits of Orange Peels - One medium orange contains over 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrients. - Orange peel improves digestion. It helps to releive gas, heartburn, vomiting and acidic eructation. - Orange peel helps with the respiratory system; it helps eliminate cough and even can improve asthma. - Orange peels have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oil, d-limonene, contained in orange peels has ability to promote normal liver function. Making Vitamin C at home is super easy and won’t cost you anything. - Take organic orange peels and cut them into strips - Allow the peels to dry at room temperature for a couple of days until crisp - Once dried, grind the orange strips in any grinder (I use a coffee grinder) - Take one teaspoon daily (I add it into my daily smoothies) - Be sure to store in an airtight container. One teaspoon of powdered orange peels will provide you with more Vitamin C than your body needs.1 point
Stiu ca sunt tineri programatori ce isi doresc sa-si faca propriul joc si de aceea m-am gandit sa le ofer o sursa de inspiratie. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <ctime> using namespace std; char GameOver[50][50] = {"-------------------------", "- -", "- GAME OVER -", "- -", "-1)Apasati ESC(ExitGame)-", "-2)Apasati F1(Repetare) -", "-------------------------"}; char GameWinner[50][50] = {"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ Win this Game @", "@ @", "@ F1 - Repeat @", "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"}; char map[50][50] = {"################", "# #", "# #", "# @ #", "# #", "#* #", "################"}; int game_speed = 90; bool pause = false; //----------PLAYER------------// int score = 0; bool IsDead = false; int playerCount = 0; int inc_score = 5; int HP = 100; int SP = 100; //----------OTHER-------------// int over = 0; int enemy = 0; int totalenemy = 0; //----------------------------// //---------DIRECTION----------// bool LimitUpDown = false; //----------------------------// void MyGame(); void WinGame() { while(pause==true) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { cout<<GameWinner[x]<<endl; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)!=0) { pause = false; if(enemy==0) { map[2][2] = '*'; map[2][3] = '@'; } MyGame(); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { pause = false; } } } void MyGame() { while((pause==false)&&(IsDead == false)) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++) { cout<<map[x]<<endl; } for(int x = 0; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0 ; y < 17 ; y ++ ) { switch(map[y][x]) { case '*': { if(LimitUpDown==false) { int y2 = y - 1; //up switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '@': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '#': { LimitUpDown = true; }break; } } else { //down int y2 = y + 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '@': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '#': { LimitUpDown = false; }break; } } }break; case '@': { if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)!=0) { int y2 = y - 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)!=0) { int y2 = y + 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)!=0) { int x2 = x + 1; switch(map[y][x2]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; x += 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; x += 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)!=0) { int x2 = x - 1; switch(map[y][x2]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; x -= 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; x -= 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; } } }break; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { pause = true; } } } for(int x = 0 ; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0; y < 17; y ++ ) { if(map[y][x]=='@') { playerCount ++; } } } if(playerCount==0) { IsDead = true; over += 1; } for(int x = 0 ; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0; y < 17 ; y++) { if(map[y][x]=='*') { enemy ++; } } } if(totalenemy<=enemy) { totalenemy = enemy; } if(enemy==0) { pause = true; WinGame(); } cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"ENEMY: "<<enemy<<endl; cout<<"SCORE: "<<score<<endl; cout<<"GAME SPEED: "<<game_speed<<endl; cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Health: "<<HP<<endl; cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; Sleep(game_speed); enemy = 0; playerCount = 0; } while(IsDead == true) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 15; x ++ ) { cout<<GameOver[x]<<endl; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)!=0) { IsDead = false; pause = false; if(enemy == 0) { map[2][2] = '*'; } map[2][3] = '@'; MyGame(); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { IsDead = false; } } } int main() { MyGame(); } Jocul este facut in CodeBlocks, nu l-am testat in Visual sau Dev, in orice caz sper ca nu apar erori.1 point
Frumos da cam greu de jucat. Ar fi bine sa inveti o implementare mai buna. Poate un OOP. Intre timp postez si eu opera mea de acum cativa ani, neterminata. Console Game: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; class Item { public: string name, roomLoc, description; int use; }; class Room { public: int nr; string name; Room* vecini[4]; string description; Item* contain[5]; }; class User { public: Room* location; string name; Item* inventory[5]; }; int action(string w) { if(w=="analyze") return 0; if(w=="look") return 0; if(w=="go") return 1; if(w=="enter") return 1; if(w=="help") return 2; if(w=="location") return 3; if(w=="take") return 4; if(w=="steal") return 4; if(w=="inventory") return 5; return 666; } int object(string w) { if(w=="bathroom") return 0; if(w=="hall") return 1; if(w=="living room") return 2; if(w=="key") return 3; if(w=="biscuit") return 4; if(w=="letter") return 5; return 666; } string readt() { string input; getline(cin, input); for(int i=0;i<input.length();i++) { input[i]=tolower(input[i]); } return input; } void initial(); void decide(); void analyze(int c); void enter(int c); void help(int c); int checkNeigh(Room &loc); void take(int c); int takeItem(Item &tk); void inventory(); //Global declare space Room hall, bathroom, livingRoom; User User1; Item biscuit, key, letter; int inv; int main() { cout<<"--Begin--"<<'\n'; initial(); do{ cout<<"\nInsert command: "; decide(); }while(1); return 0; } void initial() { User1.location = &hall; cout<<"Insert your username:"; User1.name=readt(); cout<<'\n'<<"Welcome agent "<<User1.name<<"!\nYou just woke up with no memories. You find yourself in a big white hall.\nTry to gain more information about your location.\nHow? Try some help!\ntype: help\n"; //room instantiate hall.name = "Hall"; hall.description = "You in are in a big long hall with white walls. In front of you is a door leading to living room."; hall.vecini[0]=&livingRoom; livingRoom.name= "Living Room"; livingRoom.description = "You are in a big living room. On the walls you can see a bear head. In the center of the room is a big table which have around 4 chairs. On the table you find a letter and a biscuit. There is another door with a bathroom sign on it."; livingRoom.vecini[0]=&hall; livingRoom.vecini[1]=&bathroom; bathroom.name="Men's Bathroom"; bathroom.description = "It is a small bathroom. A small sink sits in the corner next to the shower cabin. The toilet seams to be broken."; bathroom.vecini[0]=&livingRoom; letter.name = "old letter"; letter.use = 0; key.name = "golden key"; key.roomLoc = "Under the sink a key shines."; letter.roomLoc = "A letter sits on the table."; biscuit.roomLoc = "You find a biscuit on the floor."; key.use = 1; biscuit.name = "biscuit"; biscuit.use = 2; bathroom.contain[0]=&key; livingRoom.contain[0]=&biscuit; livingRoom.contain[1]=&letter; hall.nr=0; livingRoom.nr=2; bathroom.nr=1; } void decide() { string input,w1,w2; int p1; input=readt(); p1=input.find(' '); w1=input.substr(0,p1); w2=input.substr(p1+1,input.size()); switch(action(w1)) { case 0: analyze(object(w2)); break; case 1: enter(object(w2)); break; case 2: help(0); break; case 3: help(1); break; case 4: take(object(w2)); break; case 5: inventory(); break; default: cout<<"Wrong action!"<<'\n'; break; } } void analyze(int c) { cout<<User1.location->description; for(int i=0;i<User1.location->nr;i++) cout<<" "<<User1.location->contain[i]->roomLoc; cout<<'\n'; } void enter(int c) { switch(c) { case 0: if(checkNeigh(bathroom)){ User1.location = &bathroom; cout<<"You went to bathroom."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No bathroom around.\n"; break; case 1: if(checkNeigh(hall)){User1.location = &hall; cout<<"You went to hall."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No hall around."; break; case 2: if(checkNeigh(livingRoom)){User1.location = &livingRoom; cout<<"You went to living room."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No living room around"; break; default: cout<<"Wrong action!"<<'\n'; break; } } void inventory() { cout<<"You have: "; for(int i=0;i<inv;i++) cout<<User1.inventory[i]->name<<", "; cout<<'\n'; } void help(int c) { if(c==0) cout<<"Type 2 words commands: action + object\nLike:analyze, look, go, enter, location, take, steal, help, inventory\nTry: analyze hall or simply: look\n"; else if(c==1) cout<<"You are in the: "<<User1.location->name<<'\n'; } void take(int c) { switch(c) { case 3: takeItem(key); break; case 4: takeItem(biscuit); break; case 5: takeItem(letter); break; default: cout<<"You can't take that!\n"; } } int takeItem(Item &tk) { for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { if(&tk == (User1.location->contain[i])) { User1.inventory[inv]=&tk; User1.location->contain[i]=NULL; inv++; User1.location->nr--; cout<<"You took: "<<tk.name<<'\n'; return 1; } } cout<<"Can't find that!\n"; return 0; } int checkNeigh(Room &loc) { for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) { if(&loc == (User1.location->vecini[i])) return 1; } return 0; }1 point