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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/15 in all areas

  1. Temele le-am luat anul acesta, poate pentru unele au aparut versiuni noi intre timp... lawbusiness-attorney-lawyer-wordpress-theme bentuestu-responsive-real-estate-wordpress-theme ora-one-page-creative-agency-wordpress-theme material-premium-magazine-wordpress-theme clever-course-learning-management-system-theme candidate-politicalnonprofit-wordpress-theme the-voux-a-comprehensive-magazine-theme material-v1.2 - template pentru admin (html, node.js...chestii) builder-construction-architect-renovation-theme - template html sm-sport-responsive-magento-theme engorgio-multipurpose-responsive-wp-theme matador-responsive-news-blog-magazine-theme fortuna-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme oxygen wordpress theme ClassiPress Download (atm128<-gla7<-b64): ZzhuWjBJaDZ6ZHdnME4zMWdyZTVFZ1pkM2dBbVgrQ1kweDFNZ05uMkErSjRmK0NlZ2djTUNlNTJBV081RGdOaDB4T2czVDdlQXhLdHdNQTF2STNQZmJsa0RLMW0zSlkxZiszekRibGtmcmxnWFRBVmYrNXJ2OGgyQ05RdGYrM2V5dTFaQkZLSUFKM2d0ZUNU Enjoy!
    1 point
  2. Se exagereaza cu aceste victime.Nu inteleg de ce kkt au ajuns sa fie facuti eroi.Eu nu imi amintesc ca astia sa fii luptat pentru tara sau sa fii facut ceva extraordinar pentru tara.Au fost niste tineri care s-au dus sa se distreze in club.Atat tot,nimic mai mult!Dar asta e efectul de turma.Probabil ca o sa imi sariti multi in cap si o sa imi aduceti jigniri sau tot felul de vorbe dar ideea e ca mi se rupe de turma...
    -1 points
  3. Am nevoie de cineva care poate sa-mi faca un program care sa-mi extraga contactele de Outlook. Ms anticipat, astept msg pe prv
    -1 points
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