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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/16 in all areas

  1. Cauta un CaptivePortal, sunt o gramada gata facute. De obicei autentificarea in Captive Portal este facuta intr-un server radius, iar acesta poate sa aiba in spate un mysql. Din aplicatia ta scri direct in mysql, ce e folosit de radius, iar radius+captiveportal se ocupa de autentificare. Pentru a-ti usura munca, iti recomand sa folosesti PfSense, este un router os, bazat pe freebsd, foarte light, ce are si captive portal, si radius. Configurezi apoi radius sa foloseasca un mysql extern, unde ti aplicatia, partea de comanda si control. Si that's it! CaptivePortal din PfSense suporta template-uri deci poti face o pagina faina, ce sa informeze/ceara o actiune de la user, chiar cont nou, poti folosi link extern catre partea de plati/user management a aplicatiei tale ce o whitelistezi astfel incat userul sa nu trebuiasca sa fie autentificat pentru a accesa aplicatia ta. Mai mult poti configura din radius (efectiv din mysql) ce limite de viteza vrei pe grupuri de useri sau pe useri individuali, iar pfsense si implementarea lui de CaptivePortal se ocupa de tot! Mai mult PfSense va trimite statistici catre radius ce vor fi stocate in mysql, si poti scoate din ele niste grafice faine, poti vedea ce useri sunt conectati, de cat timp...etc, se numeste radius accounting. PfSense se ocupa de asemenea de dhcp si toate celelalte necesare . Spor!
    2 points
  2. Modelul asta de placa e superok, atat pentru jocuri cat si pentru muzica/filme. Daca nu ai bani pt nou, ia resigilat, sau cauta-o pe olx, okazii, forum computergames, etc. Este foarte simplu de montat, doar il infigi intr-un slot pci. Din bios-ul placii de baza dezactivezi sound-ul incorporat (inainte de dezactivare dezinstalezi driverele aferente sound-ului). Pasii sunt urmatorii: - dezinstalezi drivere, tot ce tine de sunet. - dai restart, intri in bios, dezactivezi soundul - montezi noua placa de sunet - instalezi noile drivere Astfel, vei avea sunet 5.1, care va suna WOW pe langa scartaitoarea incorporata.
    1 point
  3. Depinde de vechimea domeniului si de rank , seo....de exemplu pentru un site de stiri google indexeaza la cateva ore, dar pentru site-uri mici o data la cateva zile. Depinde si cum declari in sitemap. https://moz.com/community/q/how-long-does-it-take-for-google-to-index-a-sitemap-should-i-be-worried
    1 point
  4. Vezi sa nu fie pe caci unele routere sunt pe 1.1. in loc de 0.1. Baga un ipconfig /all in cmd prompt si fa-i o poza si pune-o aici.
    1 point
  5. Prosecutors suspect man hacked lottery computers to score winning ticket Former security director may have tampered with number generator to win $14.3M. Prosecutors say they have evidence indicating the former head of computer security for a state lottery association tampered with lottery computers prior to him buying a ticket that won a $14.3 million jackpot, according to a media report. Eddie Raymond Tipton, 51, may have inserted a thumbdrive into a highly locked-down computer that's supposed to generate the random numbers used to determine lottery winners, The Des Moines Register reported, citing court documents filed by prosecutors. At the time, Tipton was the information security director of the Multi-State Lottery Association, and he was later videotaped purchasing a Hot Lotto ticket that went on to fetch the winning $14.3 million payout. In court documents filed last week, prosecutors said there is evidence to support the theory Tipton used his privileged position inside the lottery association to enter a locked room that housed the random number generating computers and infect them with software that allowed him to control the winning numbers. The room was enclosed in glass, could only be entered by two people at a time, and was monitored by a video camera. To prevent outside attacks, the computers aren't connected to the Internet. Prosecutors said Tipton entered the so-called draw room on November 20, 2010, ostensibly to change the time on the computers. The cameras on that date recorded only one second per minute rather than running continuously like normal. "Four of the five individuals who have access to control the camera's settings will testify they did not change the cameras' recording instructions," prosecutors wrote. "The fifth person is defendant. It is a reasonable deduction to infer that defendant tampered with the camera equipment to have an opportunity to insert a thumbdrive into the RNG tower without detection." Tipton has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and his attorney has said the theory about computer tampering isn't "factually viable." On December 23, a little more than a month after Tipton allegedly tampered with the computers, a man at a convenience store was video taped buying a Hot Lotto ticket that later won the $14.3 million payout. Authorities identified the man as Tipton, but as an employee of the association that administered the lottery, he was barred by law from buying lotto tickets or claiming lottery prizes. The winning ticket went unclaimed for almost a year. Hours before it was scheduled to expire, a company incorporated in Belize tried to claim the prize through a New York attorney. In January, Tipton was charged with two counts of fraud. The allegations that he used his insider access to tamper with the RNG were first made in the court documents filed last week. Besides the event in the draw room on November 20, prosecutors offered other evidence supporting the theory Tipton tampered with Hot Lotto computers. The former security director "was 'obsessed' with root kits, a type of computer program that can be installed quickly, set to do just about anything, and then self-destruct without a trace," prosecutors wrote. They went on to say a witness would testify at trial that Tipton told him before December 2010 that he had a self-destructing rootkit. The trial had been scheduled to start Monday, but it was delayed before jury selection could get underway after defense attorneys asked for a continuance. The trial is now scheduled for July 13. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/04/prosecutors-suspect-man-hacked-lottery-computers-to-score-winning-ticket/
    1 point
  6. @krunch https://mega.nz/#F!90RmXZYZ!gop6iYHkrQ_2NP7ZzD-1xw Sursa se tot schimba, eu o sa tot postez link ul de download cand se cere
    1 point
  7. https://www.udemy.com/certified-whitehat-hacker-level-1/ https://www.udemy.com/certified-ethical-hacker-and-penetration-tester-training/ https://www.udemy.com/python-for-offensive-security-practical-course/
    1 point
  8. " Mentionez ca script-ul nu imi apartine dar accept donatii :https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=189467411&token=2VLN1Par " du-te-n mortii ma-tii, ce tupeu
    -1 points
  9. Salut ! Vrei sa stii cate vizite unice,afisari sau online ai pe siteul tau ?Sau sa-ti maresti vizitele sitelui tau ? Daca da,adaugati siteul in top pe (P.S: Daca aveti probleme postati aici)
    -2 points
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