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  1. @yooproject Felicitari, esti concurenta indienilor!
    7 points
  2. Ce este nou in Anti Desktop-Lock ? [smart Scan] Smart scan mai simplu , scaneaza 100 de procese in 2 secunde (eu am un DualCore cu 4GB RAM [vreau si eu un i7 ]). Sterge Lockerul din Startup [HKCU\...\Run] si [HKLM\...\Run] (daca are dreptul) Redenumeste Lockerul pentru a evita pornirea la startup in caza ca nu reuseste sa-l scoata din regedit .. Urmeaza sa-l mai fac sa-l scoata din folderul Startup (acum mi-am dat seama ca am uitat sa fac asta ...) Toate detaliile sunt luate cu WMI. Detecteaza daca RDP-ul este conectat direct la internet sau prin router (Direct Internet Connection/Internet Connection through Router) Debug si Log. Functie NOUA : Kill by Window Size prin care puteti seta Width si Height iar daca fereastra procesului >= Width >= Height atunci va inchide procesul. Functia cauta ferestre de procese cu WS_VISIBLE = TRUE WS_EX_TOPMOST = TRUE WS_MAXIMIZE = TRUE WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = TRUE WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT = TRUE WS_MINIMIZEBOX = FALSE. M-am folosit de GetWindowLong si GetWindowRect ... dar e buggy, cand merge cand nu merge ... am testat pe 40 de rdpuri si din pacate doar pe 12 din ele si-a facut treaba functia ... dar mai lucrez la ea.Functia a fost facuta pentru a va ajuta sa treceti de Lockere pe care programul nu le recunoaste.E BETA asa ca nu tipati daca nu merge, postati aici un screenshot sau dati-mi PM cu user/pass de RDP sa incerc eu (nu ma ating de rdp-urile voastre .. n-am ce face cu ele; le am pe ale mele) [Tools] Un Downloader cu Execute (Execute after download). Tools, in care am adaugat niste programe : Port Tester and Listener,[RST] Yahoo Mail Scanner,WinlogonHack,Admin Restore - sethc hack. Ele sunt descarcate de aici https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ahk7bxlt2o28drh/tools.txt [Nume-Program|Link-Download] si stocate in asa ca daca nu se incarca la cateva secunde dupa startup accesati linkul de mai sus si folositi Downloaderul pentru a le Descarca.Daca aveti sugestii .. lasati comment sau PM.Am sa adaug si Desktop Lockerul la care lucrez. [Kills] Iti listeaza toate procesele pe care le inchide [WMI] Este un WMI Explorer/Browser Multumiri lui ElChief pentru postul https://rstforums.com/forum/65696-wmi-delphi-code-creator.rst si https://rstforums.com/forum/65558-vbulletin-net-wmi-acces.rst O lista completa a Locker-elor : DesktopLock (by AZJIO) Desktop Lock by TopLang Software Login Sentinel by Viliam Bedec Simple Password Protection by Dragonphase LockThis! by Duriosoft Indocor 1 Click and Lock by IM-Soft Security System by Simone Zagni USB Desktop Lock by Micro Robotics Computer Lock Up by Rixler Software Screen Locker by Tobias J. Access Forbidden! 1.0 Access Forbidden! 2 Windows Lock by Dominick Lee Access Controller PC Locker PRO Locked by Tyler Conn Lock by Chris Harrison M Explorer Locker by Mohsen Ektefa Nockylock Sumra Soft Lock PC Now Desktop Lock by Madcrosoft SecureItPro by Quantrix WinShield by Mirskiy Solutions Dlock by Dager & Sons. PVT. Ltd. LockDown by Zinious Software Corporation Black Screen by R.J.L. Software Desktop Locker by Kevin Blaze Coolerz Inteset Secure Lockdown Password Booster Screen Lock Remote PC Locker by Ibrahim Ahmed Eusing Maze Lock / XUS PC Lock Windows Desktop Locker by Mc & RENOX ScreenBlur by InDeep Software XUS PC Lock Eusing Maze Lock Desktop Locker by ClickSoftwares The Legacy Locker by ClickSoftwares Lock PC Professional by PB Software LLC Public PC Desktop by Ixis Ltd Private PC Desktop by Ixis Ltd Smart PC Locker Free by NoVirusThanks Company Srl Malarky Software Workstation Locker Lock My PC by FSPro Labs Advanced Desktop Locker by Encrypt4all Lock Me (A n00b locker) Desktop Lock Express Andreal DeksLock GrekSoft Advanced ScreenLocker Transparent Screen Lock (ClearLock) Desktop Locker by MarkLee Desktop Lock Kernel Simple Desktop Lock by Securi-ONE Desktop Lock 5 Stardust Desktop Lock 5 Stardust Desktop Lock LuJoSoft DeskLock True Desktop Locker (fail) Screen Lock (Made in China) China Locker Desktop Locker/Trojan-Ransom Ycorrupt Desktop Locker Chinese Locker v2 Chris PC-Lock Desktop Locker (AutoIT) RDP DeskLock Multumiri lui h05th si fawkes pentru lockere 65 la numar Ma ajutati sa fac 100 ? [CommandLineArgs] Appname.exe -kfs : Kill Full Screen Appname.exe -ss : Start Smart Scan Appname.exe -kbws : Kill by Window Size (BETA) Appname.exe -debug:0 : Debug off Appname.exe -debug:1 : Debug on Appname.exe -log:0 : Log off Appname.exe -log:1 : Log on Appname.exe -ns : Non Stop Scan Appname.exe-k:[process] : va inchide [process], ex.: Appname.exe -k:iexplore -k:taskmgr SAU Appname.exe -k:iexplore,taskmgr (FARA .exe) Appname.exe -s:[process] : va porni [process], ex.: Appname.exe -s:iexplore.exe -s:taskmgr.exe SAU Appname.exe -s:iexplore.exe,taskmgr.exe Screens : Scan : Donwload Link : [RST] Anti Desktop-Lock v2 // -ss bug fixed //Acum verifica daca lockerul este in folderul Startup + Verifica scurtaturile (shortcuts) din Startup! Daca gaseste locatia lockerului in scurtatura, o sterge. Link "permanent": https://rstforums.com/proiecte/Anti_Desktop-Lock_2.exe TUTORIAL
    1 point
  3. ,,La prima vedere pare un site normal'' =)))) Eu n-as zice !
    1 point
  4. Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH. We call it clientless because no plugins or client software are required. Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access your desktops is a web browser. http://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/
    1 point
  5. Ieri a terminat de luat citostatice. Astazi am inceput sa-i dau iar Oxy E, plus vitamina C 1000 si apa alcalina, dupa ce a facut o pauza de vreo luna si jumatate. Mai are doua flacoane de Oxy E. In continuare se simte foarte bine. Am editat prima pagina a topicului si am sters datele bancare. M-ati ajutat destul si atunci cand trebuia, asa ca va multumesc mult inca o data. Rog un moderator / administrator sa scoata topicul de la sticky si sa-l inchida. Voi mai actualiza pe blog din cand in cand. Sper sa fie bine in continuare. Va multumesc mult!
    1 point
  6. Merge am incercat eu
    1 point
  7. Dupa cum spune si titlul va ofer un "pont" cum sa faceti BTC free. Este testat de mine si va pot oferi dovada ca am primit PLATA. Nu va ganditi ca va imbogatiti, este vorba de sume modice. Putin dar sigur.(mult mai bun decat nimic). Pentru detalii reply sau P.M.
    1 point
  8. Title: Meraki Dom XSS Security Reward Program : Meraki | Security, Reliability, and Privacy Affected Product: Meraki Inc. Date: 16.03.2013 Severity: Medium Status: Fixed . POC:
    1 point
  9. 300 euro pentru un site cu 200 vizite ? Eu fac astfel de siteuri la 20 euro.
    -2 points
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