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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/16 in all areas

  1. This step-by-step tutorial on Wireshark 2 starts with capturing and filtering traffic and follows with analysis and statistics, as well as all the new features of Wireshark 2. - Understand what network and protocol analysis is, and how it can help you - Use Wireshark to capture packets in your network - Filter captured traffic to only show what you need - Find out about useful statistics displays to make it easier to diagnose issues - Customize Wireshark to your own specifications - Analyze common network protocols and common network application protocols Download (valabil 7 zile): aHR0cDovL3guY28vd2lyZXNoYXJrMg==
    1 point
  2. Care de pe-aici vine anu asta la defcamp? Sa-mi cumpere cafea.
    1 point
  3. Daca tot inscrii site-ul in directoare web( nu ti recomand), e bine sa o faci doar cu SCOPUL DE A DIVERSIFICA ANCORELE/ CUVINTELE CHEIE. Vezi si cu site-urile dofollow, e bine sa nu mergi doar pe money keyword/s ci sa domine linkurile spre brand, naked links/ linkuri spre domeniu, etc. Ai mare grija la procentul diversitatii cuvintelor cheie. Daca chiar vrei linkuri dofollow pe site-uri puternice .ro si ai un buget consitent, scrie mi. Am intrati pe ziare.com, adevarul.ro, business24, acasa.ro, etc... in functie si de nisa ta. POATE UNUL DINTRE CELE MAI BUNE TUTORIALE SEO
    1 point
  4. Indians, indians everywhere :). Nu recomand!
    1 point
  5. Si daca are autorun disabled ce faci? Ai aici un mini tutorial, citeste si comentariile. Metoda prezentata in tutorial nu merge decat pe Windows XP, dar iti faci o idee. Ce iti trebuie tie este un USB SwitchBlade care emuleaza un CD-ROM pe o partitie separata de tipul CDFS. Cauta SanDisk U3 pe Google, poate gasesti pe undeva sa cumperi. Asta e ceea ce te intereseaza.
    1 point
  6. Trojan Spyware: https://github.com/MinhasKamal/TrojanCockroac Now, insert the USB-Drive in the subject's PC (Yes, you have to start the spreading process from somewhere!) Run the shortcut and the spyware will be injected. Now (after a restart) everytime any USB-Drive is inserted in the affected PC, the virus will copy itself in that, and the circle will start again!
    -1 points
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