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Salut. Vand conturi de facebook 5000 prieteni Conturile cu vechime mai mica de 3 luni costa. 5000 prieteni-10 euro. Conturi cu vechime mai mare de 3 luni. 5000 prieteni- 15 euro. Prietenii sunt romani. Cine doreste sa-mi dea mesaj.1 point
Salut Vreau sa va prezint botul xBot, un bot folositor pentru skype, in caz ca vreti sa aflati ipuri repede, locatiile unor ipuri si multe altele Acest bot se poate folosi si in mesaje private gen ii trimiti lui mesaje, dar il poti baga si in confa Comenzi mai utilizate si folositoare: !resolve <username> Cu aceasta comanda aflati ipul unei persoane !repeat <mesaj> Botul va spune orice scrii dupa !repeat !ping <ip> cred ca stiti ce face !geoip <ip> Arata locatia unui IP Aceste comenzi sunt cele mai importante Restul comenzilor: !help - Shows Commands. !phelp - Shows Premium Commands. !aide - Shows Commands on French. !paide - Shows Premium Commands on French. !nhelp - Shows Commands on Netherlands. !nphelp - Shows Premium Commands on Netherlands. !contact - See how you can contact me. !resolve *username* - Resolves the IP, needs to be online. (1 API). !resolvedb *username* - Looks on the database this username. !cfresolve *webpage* - Resolves the IP of Cloudflare servers and the backend. !ping *IP* - Pings an IP or Website. !geoip *IP* - Locates the given host/ip address. !coolfont *text* - Cools your text. !e2name *email* - Attempts to find the full name of an e-mail address owner. !e2skype *email* - Gets Skype accounts associated with e-mail. !ip2skype *ip* - Shows all Skype accounts with that specific IP. !steam3id - Sends a 3 chars ID not taked. !skypecheck *account* - Checks if a Skype account exists or not. !portscan *host* - Scans all ports of given host. !btcbalance *Address* - Checks the current balance of any Bitcoin address. !infogen - Generates random personal information. !randomurl - Returns a random stupid/funny website. !randomproxy - Gets a random proxy. !adflybypass - Bypasses adf.ly. !genstring *length*- Generates a random string. !repeat *text* - Repeats what you said. !whois *website* - Whois lookup. !nightcore - Returns a random nightcore song. !redeem *code* - Redeems your premium code. Pretul Pentru a cumpara premium, este de 2.5 Euro. Un pret foarte mic zic eu Pentru al cumpara folositi comanda !buy . Va aparea un link unde puteti sa il cumparati Comenzi premium : !presolve *username * - 2 APIs of resolve. !pportscan *IP/host* - 3 APIs of PortScan. !pgeoip *IP* - 3 APIs of GEOIP. !pwhois *IP/url* - 2 APIs of WhoIs. !tweet "text" - Send tweets anonymously from @xBOTSkype. !doxhelper "string/email" - Scrapes Google for useful information/links. !yttomp3 "ID of Video" - Converts a video to mp3. !iplogger "ID of Video" - Creates you a link you can send to anyone to log their IP. !pspotify - Gives a free premium spotify account. Pentru al adauga dati add botului dati add idului de skype : elbrusmc Sper ca acest bot sa va ajute.1 point
Due to insufficient checking of privileges, it is possible to access the OTRS Install dialog of an already installed instance, which enables an authenticated attacker to change the database settings, superuser password, mail server settings, log file location and other parameters. Versions affected include OTRS 5.0.x, OTRS 4.0.x, and OTRS 3.3.x -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Advisory ID: SYSS-2017-018 Product: OTRS Manufacturer: OTRS Affected Version(s): OTRS 5.0.x, OTRS 4.0.x, OTRS 3.3.x Fixed Version(s): OTRS 5.0.20, OTRS 4.0.24, OTRS 3.3.17 Tested Version(s): 5.0.19 Vulnerability Type: Access to Installation Dialog Risk Level: High Solution Status: Fixed Manufacturer Notification: 2017-05-30 Solution Date: 2017-06-06 Public Disclosure: 2017-06-08 CVE Reference: CVE-2017-9324 Author of Advisory: Sebastian Auwarter, SySS GmbH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview: OTRS is a ticket management system. The manufacturer describes the product as follows (see [1]): "OTRS is one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management. With a fast implementation and easy customization to your needs it helps you reducing costs and increasing the efficiency and transparency of your business communication." Due to insufficient checking of privileges, it is possible to access the OTRS Install dialog of an already installed instance, which enables an authenticated attacker to change the database settings, superuser password, mail server settings, log file location and other parameters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vulnerability Details: The recommended way to install OTRS is to use the installation dialog found at http://vulnerablehost/otrs/installer.pl. After successful installation, OTRS prevents further use of this installer. Any authenticated user can access the installation functionality of OTRS by referencing the installer via a crafted url. The URLs that can be used to access the installer can be one of the following: * http://vulnerablehost/otrs/index.pl?Action=Installer * http://vulnerablehost/otrs/index.pl?Action=Installer;Subaction=Intro * http://vulnerablehost/otrs/index.pl?Action=Installer;Subaction=Start * http://vulnerablehost/otrs/index.pl?Action=Installer;Subaction=System At the end of each "installation" step, the user is redirected to the start page. Therefore, the next step of the installation dialog must be called directly using the Intro, Start (Database) or System subaction, respectively. By Using the installer tool, an attacker can change a variety of parameters, including the superuser password, database settings, mail server settings, log file location and instance ID. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proof of Concept (PoC): On a newly installed instance of OTRS, logged in as any valid user, navigate to index.pl?Action=Installer;Subaction=Start to change the database parameters or to index.pl?Action=Installer;Subaction=System to get a superuser password. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution: This vulnerability is fixed in the latest versions of OTRS, and it is recommended to upgrade to the latest patch level. Fixed releases can be found at: https://www.otrs.com/category/release-and-security-notes-en/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclosure Timeline: 2017-05-30: Vulnerability discovered 2017-05-30: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer by project member 2017-06-06: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer via security advisory 2017-06-06: Fix provided by manufacturer 2017-06-06: Vulnerability disclosed by manufacturer 2017-06-08: Public release of the security advisory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ References: [1] Product website for OTRS https://www.otrs.com/ [2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2017-018 https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Publikationen/Advisories/SYSS-2017-018.txt [3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy https://www.syss.de/en/news/responsible-disclosure-policy/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: This security vulnerability was found by Sebastian Auwarter of SySS GmbH. E-Mail: sebastian-auwaerter@syss.de Public Key: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/PGPKeys/Sebastian_Auwaerter.asc Key Fingerprint: F98C 3E12 6713 19D9 9E2F BE3E E9A3 0D48 E2F0 A8B6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web site. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright: Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0 URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJZORr6AAoJEOmjDUji8Ki2Lt0P/iZ6DLr1ezWAhEHLxEdsrmGT OTpXaT3ANvvzWf4HH5NsIF/Q+kZAymNsW53MXxLJA0wZCj9t5cKR4UHptgd83W0h oNe3yOnYWPMf0L25PqNBy0wWVLLKL2Zme3xhSEYiEmbOCYERjr6IeX5td1i+PwwC wOkrYt/98o+XwtkMk25QyrQ0/IypNescPX2wj6zkOHkv0FcZUDsrAyOPFYBEyQ9q 7VUnNnUZlZK5h8hJZQ63c+5I/Ql5FxqtzPdkiZeYkj3oavaipWTKm2goCFzU8fA1 V1V5/ohQNd1Rk5sH+0NtC3KIMhbCA2hmH586jyDAgtZg6oRPXrHM4wFZE2SICKWy HeXIc1HUs6cvPFkFaxTNFL3Grb5NBuDBGxgwC7IQQ23pR3vYU3ckXC7UOj69sYSS bvGtcleYU17J7ND3YgQeVzMr58S/9i/mhZ/ya4WIGCp+9zh4YZiKzGK0PqFON+nn OQrQBLTwwTZz/VJJyWeaNWc7m4R4BXwi/BeYlAV3t51srWwCUV23NxDEXjKu4TZ7 0f93N0qYcSpVi0CIwPtA5IDTVNhOWSLzeco1zitJvDq5V9l4gbyAISXOFV12RxSh cduM6hUc6ALp1UziHQRpD8xUhFbF03WVysN5wHXrM9+d+TaVZ92KOaCv6VIWDVBh 63bQpoUQZ8L4LfzusTTl =EuyE -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Source1 point
Nu trebuie sa fii niciun rezident intr-un paradis fiscal. Folosesti doar servicii din afara tarii pentru plati (cont bancar, firma si toate cele), astfel incat in tara pulei sa nu figurati cu niciun venit. Nu declarati absolut niciun venit la statul roman ticalosit. Nu vi se ofera nimic pe banii aia. - Nu deschideti firme in romania. Veti deveni prostituate iar statul pestele vostru. 80% din bani merg la stat. - Nu va faceti conturi bancare si carduri in Romania. In orice moment va puteti trezi cu conturile blocate sau verificati de ticalosi. - Daca va intreaba vreo curva de functionara cu ce traiti, spuneti ca futeti babe contra mancare si bautura si ca puteti oferi discount in cazul in care e interesata. Da-i in pula mea, nu e treaba lor.1 point
Salut Daca va intereseaza tutoriale Cisco gasiti mai jos: [1] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJZsdei_i2G3ZimBzqcmeg [2] https://ramonnastase.ro Spor la treaba !1 point
Lol... Nu te poti astepta de la nimic,insa iti pot confirma ca am facut multe tranzactii pe acest forum si nu am tras nici-o teapa ! Sunt baiat corect,nu banii ma fac pe mine, omenia conteaza. Daca am -16 asta nu inseamna ca am tras teapa,asta inseamna ca sunt baieti ca tine care dau reputatie - din orice !1 point
Researchers warned that subtitles can be hacked and made malicious, allowing attackers to take complete control of devices running vulnerable versions of Kodi, Popcorn Time and VLC. Do you use Kodi, Popcorn Time, VLC or Stremio? Do you use subtitles while you watch? If so, then you need to update the platform as Check Point researchers revealed that not all subtitles are benign text files and hackers can remotely take control of any device running vulnerable software via malicious subtitles. The attack is not in the wild, since Check Point developed the proof of concept attack vector; however, with news of the attack vector and an estimated 200 million video players and streaming apps running vulnerable software, attackers might jump on the malicious subtitle wagon to gain remote access to victims’ systems. Check Point pointed out that Kodi has nearly 40 million visitors per month, VLC has over 170 million downloads and Popcorn Time likely also has millions of viewers. With all being vulnerable, researchers called the malicious subtitle attack “one of the most widespread, easily accessed and zero-resistance vulnerability reported in recent years.” Subtitles are often treated as a trusted source, automatically downloading from third-party repositories. There are dozens of subtitle formats and numerous shared online repositories like OpenSubtitles.org. The repositories can be gamed, allowing attackers “to take complete control over the entire subtitle supply chain.” After an attacker manipulates subtitle rankings, a subtitle with malicious code would have the highest rank and automatically be downloaded without any user interaction required or even a man-in-the-middle attack. In different attack scenarios, instead of a video player or streamer automatically downloading the malicious subtitle file, a user can be tricked to visit a site using one of the vulnerable players or opting to download a tainted subtitle file to use with a video. You can see Check Point’s proof of concept attack in the video below. Do you use Kodi, Popcorn Time, VLC or Stremio? Do you use subtitles while you watch? If so, then you need to update the platform as Check Point researchers revealed that not all subtitles are benign text files and hackers can remotely take control of any device running vulnerable software via malicious subtitles. The attack is not in the wild, since Check Point developed the proof of concept attack vector; however, with news of the attack vector and an estimated 200 million video players and streaming apps running vulnerable software, attackers might jump on the malicious subtitle wagon to gain remote access to victims’ systems. Check Point pointed out that Kodi has nearly 40 million visitors per month, VLC has over 170 million downloads and Popcorn Time likely also has millions of viewers. With all being vulnerable, researchers called the malicious subtitle attack “one of the most widespread, easily accessed and zero-resistance vulnerability reported in recent years.” Subtitles are often treated as a trusted source, automatically downloading from third-party repositories. There are dozens of subtitle formats and numerous shared online repositories like OpenSubtitles.org. The repositories can be gamed, allowing attackers “to take complete control over the entire subtitle supply chain.” After an attacker manipulates subtitle rankings, a subtitle with malicious code would have the highest rank and automatically be downloaded without any user interaction required or even a man-in-the-middle attack. In different attack scenarios, instead of a video player or streamer automatically downloading the malicious subtitle file, a user can be tricked to visit a site using one of the vulnerable players or opting to download a tainted subtitle file to use with a video. You can see Check Point’s proof of concept attack in the video below. Check Point summarized the damage as: The attack vector “relies heavily on the poor state of security in the way various media players process subtitle files and the large number of subtitle formats.” The researchers added, “Media players often need to parse together multiple subtitle formats to ensure coverage and provide a better user experience, with each media player using a different method. Like other, similar situations which involve fragmented software, this results in numerous distinct vulnerabilities.” Check Point isn’t giving out too many technical details on how to pull off the attack, since the company believes there are similar flaws in other media players. However, Kodi, VLC, Popcorn Time and Stremio were all contacted and have issued fixes for the vulnerability. After Kodi rolled out a fix, XBMC Foundation’s Project lead Martijn Kaijser urged Kodi users to install the newest version as “any previous Kodi version will not get any security patch.” Via networkworld.com1 point
Discovery tool The INTEL-SA-00075 Discovery Tool can be used by local users or an IT administrator to determine whether a system is vulnerable to the exploit documented in Intel Security Advisory INTEL-SA-00075 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26755-1 points
-1 points
PLus ca mai un user spider care da dislike la orice aproape( ba poate postez eu ce nu il intereseaza, dar frate sari peste iti vezi de treaba ta, dintr un dislike primit de la unu ca el se poate ajunge la multe, in fine cert e ca nu un dislike desemnează persoana).-2 points