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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/18 in all areas

  1. La adresa http://hax.tor.hu/ se gaseste un wargame-hacking challenge destul de interesant care va v-a testa o multime de cunostinte (programare,php,xss,networking,criptologie,etc...).Cuprinde urmatoarele nivele Level 1. Make a nasa.gov URL display a text of my choice Level 2. debfKNH1AvtBo deGH9Aq./kiSY denjFRfA8kzL2 Level 3. Recognize Level 4. IP address is What contains 'art' that points to it? Level 5. Password is the owl's name Level 6. Let's see you do some easy SQL ninjitsu Level 7. snifflog.txt - ngrep format Level 8. Password is on a picture: not available from anywhere Level 9. Elementary Maths Level 10. A poem Level 11. As simple as hashing a string Level 12. Ultra Turing Level 13. PHP with source - needs exploiting and/or o-o-t-b thinking Level 14. Recognize #2 Level 15. download.com's uptime Level 16. root:hsmfs;g@ Level 17. Feed me! Level 18. Find all usernames Level 19. red+blue+green = ? Level 20. Recognize #3 Level 21. Backdoor on a suspended domain Level 22. MS-Word Level 23. Too easy Level 24. Defense Intelligence Agency Level 25. BitNinja Level 26. PHP filemanager with source - needs more exploit Level 27. The photo doesn't load Level 28. [url]telnet://hax.tor.hu:1800[/url] - Google Word Game Level 29. Circumvent PHP filters for XSS Level 30. Create the given image using a number Level 31. Find all usernames v2.0 Level 32. Exploit file2image.php Level 33. Defense Information Systems Agency - Level 34. Password is in the image Level 35. Follow the pattern Level 36. Root password needed Level 37. password = f(200) Level 38. Name the malware Level 39. China Science And Technology Network Level 40. I can has satellite? Level 41. Poem vs PHP Level 42. Criminal Minds FBI haxor scene Level 43. CNN's router Level 44. Blind SQL injection Level 45. Frogs n Toads Level 46. Seizure!!!!!!! Level 47. Backdoor is listening on host - find it Level 48. .htaccess editor vs basic auth Level 49. Forged DNS from the CIA Level 50. No info Astea dupa ce treceti de primele 5 ca sa va puteti inregistra. Momentan eu sunt la level13 si mi s-a parut destul de interesant si inovator.Try it out!
    1 point
  2. Uite boss codurile unicode pt emoticoane si imaginile aferente fiecarui os/etc: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html Bafta!
    1 point
  3. From Public Key to Exploitation: Exploiting the Authentication in MS-RDP [CVE-2018-0886] In March 2013 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released a patch for CVE-2018-0886, a critical vulnerability that was discovered by Preempt. This vulnerability can be classified as a logical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability. The vulnerability consists of a design flaw in CredSSP, which is a Security Support Provider involved in the Microsoft Remote Desktop and Windows Remote Management (Including Powershell sessions). An attacker with complete Man in the Middle (MITM) control over such a session can abuse it to run an arbitrary code on the target server on behalf of the user! This vulnerability affects all windows versions. Download this white paper to learn: How Preempt Researchers found the vulnerability How we were able to exploit authentication in MS-RDP What you need to do to protect your organization Download now. Sursa: https://www.preempt.com/white-paper/from-public-key-to-exploitation-exploiting-the-authentication-in-ms-rdp-cve-2018-0886/
    1 point
  4. Rig complet achizitionat pe 02.03.2018. Garantie factura https://imgur.com/a/994yg
    -1 points
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