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Bullshit. Tipul asta nu intelege ce e bitcoin si nu are habar de tehnologia din spatele monedei. 1. Tranzactiile bitcoin costa mult prea mult (6$) si necesita prea multa putere de calcul. Bitcoin(si celelalte monede) trebuie sa se schimbe ca sa poata creste. 2. Da, pretul monedelor fluctueaza prea tare. E o piata foarte speculativa. Cine investeste in criptomonede risca sa piarda multi bani. 3. Bitcoin are valoare intrinsica! Valoarea bitcoinului este mai masurabila si mai tangibila decat aurul. Bitcoin apare ca PROOF of WORK! Adica e o munca depusa pentru fiecare BTC. Nu apar bani din aer. 4. Marimea blockchainului e alta problema pe langa tranzactii/secunda care trebuie adresata. Daca se gasesc solutii la problemele astea BTC are un viitor bun. Bitcon e ce e. Toate modedele din lume, si $ € £ sunt folosite de criminali si mereu o sa existe crime. Ca exemplu furtul de carduri nu a condus la disparitia cardului. Toata ideea criptomonedelor e sa nu fie controlate de guvern. Deci de ce ne plangem ca nu sunt controlate de guvern?!? Da BTC are probleme dar are si valoare la fel ca orice modeda($ € £). Pretul de trade e umflat si speculat dar in timp o sa se stabilizeze usor la o valoare constanta.3 points
Tutoriale in limba romana: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O2cqrDEdX_1Vag9wWQC6ovBgeoXDk0BB https://1drv.ms/f/s!ApMTkgZGX6psgSKu1b1xhgu1SjWJ Intra in subdirectorul Programare(RO) Acolo gasesti tutoriale limbaj de asamblare (majoritatea - 11), algoritmica, C++. Carte MySQL Romana, si Java.2 points
Bitcoin doesn’t have intrinsic or inherent value. This isn’t as serious a handicap as it might seem, because nothing has intrinsic value. Not government notes, not gold, not even grain, or salt. Intrinsic value cannot exist because value is subjective. Value exists only in minds. A mind imputes value to a particular instance of a thing in accordance with how useful it believes that thing will be in the service of satisfying its wants. Human wants are subjective. Wants, and their relative intensities, vary from person to person, and from day to day. https://medium.com/@mormo_music/bitcoin-has-no-intrinsic-value-neither-does-gold-464584a505e6 Another source of concern—that bitcoin is dicey because it lacks “intrinsic value”—is a weak argument. In truth, almost nothing in the world of trading and money has “intrinsic value.” Money has only the value that is ascribed to it over time. Fiat currency, issued by nations, has always faced distrust from skeptics who say it is backed only a government’s good faith. That helps explain the nostalgia for the gold standard, when dollars and other government paper represented a fractional interest in gold. Dig a bit deeper, however, and it becomes clear that gold itself has no intrinsic value. Its supply is limited (as is bitcoin, a strength of the digital currency), creating a relationship between supply and demand that cannot easily be manipulated. But gold itself has no value per se other than that ascribed to it by humans over time. It’s easy to believe in its value because people have done so for thousands of years, but that doesn’t translate into actual value, only greater trust. https://www.wired.com/story/bitcoin-has-no-intrinsic-value-neither-does-a-dollar1-bill/ Cum ii pana la urma cu valoarea intrinseca? Nu stiu de ce te agiti, fiecare varianta are avantaje si dezavantaje. Si nu vad cum ar functiona treaba(economia) doar cu crypto fara fiat, daca ne gandim la sustinerea guvernamentala si legislatia din spate. Poate sti tu mai bine cum ar fi fara monezi controlate de guverne sau legi.1 point
1 point
I’m tired of saying, “Be careful, it’s speculative.” Then, “Be careful, it’s gambling.” Then, “Be careful, it’s a bubble.” Okay, I’ll say it: Bitcoin is a scam. In my opinion, it’s a colossal pump-and-dump scheme, the likes of which the world has never seen. In a pump-and-dump game, promoters “pump” up the price of a security creating a speculative frenzy, then “dump” some of their holdings at artificially high prices. And some cryptocurrencies are pure frauds. Ernst & Young estimates that 10 percent of the money raised for initial coin offerings has been stolen. The losers are ill-informed buyers caught up in the spiral of greed. The result is a massive transfer of wealth from ordinary families to internet promoters. And “massive” is a massive understatement — 1,500 different cryptocurrencies now register over $300 billion of “value.” It helps to understand that a bitcoin has no value at all. Promoters claim cryptocurrency is valuable as (1) a means of payment, (2) a store of value and/or (3) a thing in itself. None of these claims are true. 1. Means of Payment. Bitcoins are accepted almost nowhere, and some cryptocurrencies nowhere at all. Even where accepted, a currency whose value can swing 10 percent or more in a single day is useless as a means of payment. 2. Store of Value. Extreme price volatility also makes bitcoin undesirable as a store of value. And the storehouses — the cryptocurrency trading exchanges — are far less reliable and trustworthy than ordinary banks and brokers. 3. Thing in Itself. A bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It only has value if people think other people will buy it for a higher price — the Greater Fool theory. Some cryptocurrencies, like Sweatcoin, which is redeemable for workout gear, are the equivalent of online coupons or frequent flier points — a purpose better served by simple promo codes than complex encryption. Indeed, for the vast majority of uses, bitcoin has no role. Dollars, pounds, euros, yen and renminbi are better means of payment, stores of value and things in themselves. Cryptocurrency is best-suited for one use: Criminal activity. Because transactions can be anonymous — law enforcement cannot easily trace who buys and sells — its use is dominated by illegal endeavors. Most heavy users of bitcoin are criminals, such as Silk Road and WannaCry ransomware. Too many bitcoin exchanges have experienced spectacular heists, such as NiceHash and Coincheck, or outright fraud, such as Mt. Gox and Bitfunder. Way too many Initial Coin Offerings are scams — 418 of the 902 ICOs in 2017 have already failed. Hackers are getting into the act. It’s estimated that 90 percent of all remote hacking is now focused on bitcoin theft by commandeering other people’s computers to mine coins. Even ordinary buyers are flouting the law. Tax law requires that every sale of cryptocurrency be recorded as a capital gain or loss and, of course, most bitcoin sellers fail to do so. The IRS recently ordered one major exchange to produce records of every significant transaction. And yet, a prominent Silicon Valley promoter of bitcoin proclaims that “Bitcoin is going to transform society ... Bitcoin’s been very resilient. It stayed alive during a very difficult time when there was the Silk Road mess, when Mt. Gox stole all that Bitcoin ...” He argues the criminal activity shows that bitcoin is strong. I’d say it shows that bitcoin is used for criminal activity. Bitcoin transactions are sometimes promoted as instant and nearly free, but they’re often relatively slow and expensive. It takes about an hour for a bitcoin transaction to be confirmed, and the bitcoin system is limited to five transactions per second. MasterCard can process 38,000 per second. Transferring $100 from one person to another costs about $6 using a cryptocurrency exchange, and well less than $1 using an electronic check. Bitcoin is absurdly wasteful of natural resources. Because it is so compute-intensive, it takes as much electricity to create a single bitcoin — a process called “mining” — as it does to power an average American household for two years. If bitcoin were used for a large portion of the world’s commerce (which won’t happen), it would consume a very large portion of the world’s electricity, diverting scarce power from useful purposes. In what rational universe could someone simply issue electronic scrip — or just announce that they intend to — and create, out of the blue, billions of dollars of value? It makes no sense. All of this would be a comic sideshow if innocent people weren’t at risk. But ordinary people are investing some of their life savings in cryptocurrency. One stock brokerage is encouraging its customers to purchase bitcoin for their retirement accounts! It’s the job of the SEC and other regulators to protect ordinary investors from misleading and fraudulent schemes. It’s time we gave them the legislative authority to do their job. Sursa: https://www.recode.net/2018/4/24/17275202/bitcoin-scam-cryptocurrency-mining-pump-dump-fraud-ico-value#0 points
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salut am cumparat asta http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B00CUFT02C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ce parere aveti?? vine fara sistem de operare si as avea nevoie sa imi spuneti cum sa ii instalez Windows e exclusiv ptr jocuri pc-ul mersi-1 points
exista un bounty (recompensa) ptr cine reuseste sa deblocheze bootloader-ul sau sa faca root la smartphone-ul Motorola Droid Turbo. ma gandesc ca sunt destui baieti destepti pe aici si poate pe cineva ar interesa. [bOUNTY] - Unlock our Bootloader / Root the … | Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo | XDA Forums-1 points
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