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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/18 in all areas

  1. Foarte slab. Contractele cu statul Roman se fac cu tupeu, pe multe milioane de Eur, ca poporul e prost si ageamiu.
    2 points
  2. Daca nu faci analiza matematica, algebra liniara, si matematica speciala chiar n-ai nici o sansa. Fara o integrala tripala nici nu esti in stare sa treci strada, da sa mai fii si administrator db...
    2 points
  3. Am primit pe contul de gmail, un mesaj : " Hello! I'm a member of an international hacker group. As you could probably have guessed, your account xxxx@gmail.com was hacked, because I sent message you from your account. Now I have access to all your accounts! For example, your password for xxxx@gmail.com: yyyyyy Within a period from July 31, 2018 to October 3, 2018, you were infected by the virus we've created, through an adult website you've visited. So far, we have access to your messages, social media accounts, and messengers. Moreover, we've gotten full damps of these data. We are aware of your little and big secrets...yeah, you do have them. We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know.. But the key thing is that sometimes we recorded you with your webcam, syncing the recordings with what you watched! I think you are not interested show this video to your friends, relatives, and your intimate one... Transfer $800 to our Bitcoin wallet: 1PwENLsmQ2Z6b4EJfXDeeXKBj9v878uHRf If you don't know about Bitcoin please input in Google "buy BTC". It's really easy. I guarantee that after that, we'll erase all your "data" A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount. Your data will be erased once the money are transferred. If they are not, all your messages and videos recorded will be automatically sent to all your contacts found on your devices at the moment of infection. You should always think about your security. We hope this case will teach you to keep secrets. Take care of yourself." Parola ce apare in mesaj nu este parola contului de gmail. Mi se pare interesant ca singurele locuri unde am folosit parola indicata in mesaj, sint profilele de client de pe pcgarage.ro si emag.ro , unde am utilizat-o impreuna cu adresa de gmail . In perioada iulie-octombrie nu m-am logat pe siteurile amintite. Parola nu a fost salvata pe deviceurile pe care le folosesc. ... cred ca ori pcgarage, ori emag au o problema ... p.s. Received: from [] ([]) by mx.google.com with ESMTP id d40-v6si12396077pla.217.2018. ... Senegal Dakar
    1 point
  4. DeepLocker, a novel class of highly targeted and evasive attacks powered by artificial intelligence (AI). DeepLocker was developed as a proof of concept by IBM Research in order to understand how several AI and malware techniques already being seen in the wild could be combined to create a highly evasive new breed of malware, which conceals its malicious intent until it reached a specific victim. It achieves this by using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) AI-model to hide its attack payload in benign carrier applications, while the payload will only be unlocked if—and only if —the intended target is reached. DeepLocker leverages several attributes for target identification, including visual, audio, geolocation, and system-level features. In contrast to existing evasive and targeted malware, this method would make it extremely challenging to reverse engineer the benign carrier software and recover the mission-critical secrets, including the attack payload and the specifics of the target. blackhat presentation slides DeepLocker: How AI Can Power a Stealthy New Breed of Malware https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeMe_-5W8UY state sponsored cibercrime ?
    1 point
  5. https://devdocs.io/ Mi-am adus aminte recent de el, poate mai ajuta pe careva.
    1 point
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