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  1. De ceva vreme au permis accesul catre o parte din resursele unui calculator cuantic pe care il aveau in laborator. https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qx/experience Au ceva tutoriale introductive si avansate + un mediu in care poti programa ceva efectiv.
    3 points
  2. C++ sau Java. Si o sa ai bazele necesare pentru multe alte limbaje. PS: In Romania, dupa parerea mea, momentan se cauta mult pe Java.
    2 points
  3. RESOURCES QISKit on GitHub Use our python-based software developer kit to write and run quantum algorithms Tare
    1 point
  4. Salut.Am 15 ani si vreau ca in timpul liber sa imi ocup timpul cu invatarea unui limbaj de programare.Dar cu ce sa incep ? Ma cam atrag c#,python deoarece sunt pasionat sa fac diferite proiecte ,dar nustiu de unde sa incep sa invat tot pas cu pas.
    1 point
  5. După părerea mea ce-l mai important limbaj este C , după care poti sa incepi cu un Lips sau perl Baftă !
    1 point
  6. tot asta o sa fie mai bun https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5459068
    1 point
  7. Hunting mobile devices endpoints - the RF and the Hard way Written by Sébastien Dudek · 2018-09-13 · in Hardware When conducting intrusion tests, knowledge of endpoints and exchanged data is mandatory to test targeted applications, devices, and remote servers. If the target provides an Android, or iPhone application, it is possible to extract some URLs, and with any luck some secrets by disassembling the application or/and capturing the generated network traffic. But when no Android nor iPhone applications are available, attackers need to be more creative, and use other tricks to get any interesting inputs/content/behavior. Moreover, secrets exchanged between a targeted device and its servers could be totally different from those exchanged between an application and its servers, as well as contacted URLs. Indeed, pentesters are in certain cases confronted to devices with hardcoded credentials, certificates, or any other information giving further access to intrude the system. In addition, the level of trust could be overestimated by vendors/constructors, who give more privileges to devices compared to basic users. So breaking into the device or/and directly intercepting its communication could be a real change during intrusion tests. This article is about getting those information from IoT devices that use the mobile network to exchange data and commands. Different techniques will be introduced: RF way: use of mobile data interception techniques; Hard way: dump and analysis of a firmware. To illustrate these attacks, examples will be based on a 3G intercom well deployed in France, which is powered with a PIC24FJ micro-controller. Articol complet: https://www.synacktiv.com/posts/hardware/hunting-mobile-devices-endpoints-the-rf-and-the-hard-way.html
    1 point
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