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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/19 in all areas

  1. Abstract: Browsers are complicated enough to have attack surface beyond memory safety issues. This talk will look into injection flaws in the user interface of Mozilla Firefox, which is implemented in JS, HTML, and an XML-dialect called XUL. With an Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the user interface attackers can execute arbitrary code in the context of the main browser application process. This allows for cross-platform exploits of high reliability. The talk discusses past vulnerabilities and will also suggest mitigations that benefit Single Page Applications and other platforms that may suffer from DOM-based XSS, like Electron. Link: https://frederik-braun.com/firefox-ui-xss-leading-to-rce.html
    2 points
  2. Memorie desktop KINGSTON HyperX Fury 2x16GB DDR4, 2400MHz, CL15 - 550 Lei https://www.pricezone.ro/product/memorie-desktop-kingston-hyperx-fury-2x16gb-ddr4-2400mhz-cl15-hx424c15fbk232-p42405463 Solid-State Drive (SSD) ADATA SU650, 960GB, SATA3, 2.5" https://www.pricezone.ro/product/solid-state-drive-ssd-adata-su650-960gb-sata3-25-asu650ss-960gt-r-p42726620
    1 point
  3. Eu propun ban la toti handicapatii ce vin aici doar pt 1 cacat de invitatie pe fl. Ar trebui ca la inregistrare sa fie ceva complicat de completat, sa nu sa se mai inregistreze...gen ca asta de sus. Mereu cand mai deschid forumul, e plin de @cerere invitatie fl@..
    1 point
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