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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/20 in all areas

  1. De cand am postat din 3 Feb, LMT a crescut 3.3%, BAE doar 0.15% Incet dar merge.. Netflix-ul a crescut frumusel, dupa ce au anuntat in Decembrie planurile de content si subscriberi si pana acum 14%. Pacat ca nu am avut curaj sa dau long la mai mult.
    1 point
  2. x64dbg Plugin Manager x64dbg Plugin Manager Download Posted on 4th January by ntinfo Labels: Reversing Software x64dbg sursa: http://n10info.blogspot.com/2020/01/x64dbg-plugin-manager.html?m=1
    1 point
  3. Github: https://github.com/horsicq Site: http://n10info.blogspot.com/?m=1 Descriere: Detect It Easy 2.05 2.05 [+] Many bugs have been fixed. [+] JSON output in console version. [+] No UPX build for Windows version More info: http://ntinfo.biz Posted on 7th October 2019 by ntinfo Labels: Detect It Easy Reversing Software
    1 point
  4. Am dezvoltat o aplicatie pentru hackeri, dar nu o pot publica deoarece ar afecta tot Internetul... ./nytro --exploit https://nasa.gov Hacking in progres... Got access to admin panel: admin : WeWereNotReallyOnTheMoon@Fake Got root! ssh root@nasa.gov... root@nasa.gov:/ ./nytro --hack-facebook https://facebook.com/profile/MarkZukuBergu Hacking in progress... Got account password: IAmZaBossOfZaMoney2020 ./nytro --hack-my-firend Gigel Hacking in progress... Finding home address: Str. Tuicii, Nr. 2, Casa 3 Finding naked pictures... Holy shit, you don't want to see them... Este foarte periculoasa. Desi unii nu o sa creada, este mai pericoloasa chiar si decat Coailii v10.
    1 point
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