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  1. Vara asta au fost cateva turnee de tenis exhibition organizate pe regiuni. Turneele din Australia respectiv Franta, aveau un delay sesizabil fata de momentul in care 2 bookmakeri de pe piata de la noi isi actualizau statsicile pe site. Practic aveai avantaj de 1 punct in fata lor. Personal, pana sa dau de chestia asta credeam ca sunt super rare momentele astea dar aparent nu. Campionatul de volei de plaja organizat in br, etapa trecuta la fel, exista un delay de 1 pct intre streamul de pe siteul lor oficial si stats de la bookmakeri, iar in cazul asta se putea profita plasand pariuri pe prima echipa ce va ajunge la 5 pct de ex, iar in cazul in care nu se intampla asta puteai da cashout lejer. De asemenea, la dota2 exista un delay de minim 6 minute intre game time si streamul de pe twitch. Sunt anumite site-uri ce iti preiau informatia din api ul jocului cred, si poti vedea in timp real diferenta de networth si cate killuri sunt facute, iar folosidu te de asta uneori ai timp sa plasezi biletul inainte de un swing mare de networth. Site ul despre care vorbesc are cred aceiasi sursa ca bookmakeri, dar uneori dureaza mai mult pana ei actualizeaza cota. In cazul asta e mai mult de speculat si nu e un safe bet ca in cazurile de mai sus. Dupa ce am prins treaba cu tenisul, m am apucat sa citesc despre treburi de genu' si am ajuns la ideea de courside betting care iar mi se pare realizabila, deoarece bookmakeri de pe la noi inca te lasa sa pariezi pe punctul in curs. Momentan nu am avut ocazia sa testez personal. Pandemia a afectat mult si zona pariurilor sportive si s a ajuns la chestii de genul : https://www.espn.com/chalk/story/_/id/29206521/gambling-table-tennis-blowing-the-matches-legit P.s daca aveti vreo idee cum putem specula mai mult situatile descriere mai sus, pm me sa stam de vorba
    1 point
  2. The Cybersecurity research firm Cisco Talos has recently detected an activity that are linked with the cryptocurrency botnet. The experts claimed that these attacks are targetting different businesses within sectors like the government, retail, and technology. Some variants also support RDP brute-forcing, and experts have identified that the attackers also use tools such as Mimikatz, as it helps the botnet increase the number of systems participating in its opening pool. Lemon Duck Malware Lemon Duck is a botnet that has automatic spreading capabilities. Its concluding payload is a modification of the Monero cryptocurrency mining software XMR. Lemon Duck is one of the most complicated mining botnets with various impressive methods and techniques to cover up all its operations. According to the reports, the security experts have recently seen a recovery in the number of DNS requests that are connected with its command and control and mining servers. That’s why the security experts have decided to take a close look at its functionality by prioritizing previously less documented modules like the Linux branch and C# modules that are loaded by the specific PowerShell component. What’s new? This threat has been active since the end of December 2018, and there has been an apparent increase in its activity at the end of August 2020. Infection vectors The cybersecurity team, Cisco Talos, has affirmed that they had recorded 12 independent infection vectors ranging from standard copying over SMB shares and tried to use the vulnerabilities in Redis and the YARN Hadoop resource manager and job scheduler. Not only this, but the Talos experts have also noticed a huge increase in the number of DNS requests connected with Lemon Duck C2 and mining servers, and it has been done at the end of August 2020. GPUs used by Lemon Duck for mining GTX NVIDIA GEFORCE AMD RADEON Modular Functionalities In Lemon Duck, the modules that are included are the primary loader; it checks the level of user privileges and all the elements that are relevant for mining, like the type of the accessible graphic card. If these GPUs are not identified, then the loader will get download and run the commodity XMRig CPU-based mining script. Moreover, other modules are included in the main spreading module, a Python-based module packaged using a Pyinstaller, and a killer module designed to impair known competing mining botnets. Open-source PowerShell projects code included in Lemon Duck Invoke-TheHash by Kevin Robertson Invoke-EternalBlue PowerShell EternalBlue port BlueKeep RCE exploit (CVE- 2019-0708) PowerShell port Powersploit’s reflective loader by Matt Graeber Modified Invoke-Mimikatz PowerShell module Apart from this, the threat actors behind Lemon Duck want to make sure that their operation must be profitable. That’s why the Lemon Duck has checked all the infected machines for other known crypto miners and shuts them down accordingly. Via
    1 point
  3. Am un var care juca (sau inca joaca) la pariuri, pe fotbal. Dar el joaca fotbal, a jucat in liga a 3-a si pe langa asta se uita la meciuri. La multe meciuri. Adica el stie si daca de la o echipa lipseste un jucator si cum au jucat in ultimele meciuri si o gramada de astfel de lucruri. Si castiga insa nu baga multi bani deci nu a facut o avere. Nu ai cum sa faci decat daca se fac blaturi si stii de ele. E o poveste publica, cineva care nu si-a dat identitatea, lucra ca nu mai stiu ce la o echipa de fotbal. Si cineva de acolo de la echipa il punea sa ii bage la pariuri, sume destul de mari. A vazut ca a castigat persoana respective, o data, de doua ori si a decis sa bage si el fix ce baga acea persoana. A facut o gramada de bani. Se faceau blaturi si uneori chiar scorul exact se stia de dinainte. Sugestia mea e sa nu va complicati cu asa ceva ca nu merita, deloc.
    1 point
  4. Am de vreo 5-6 ani srl si in timp ori iti creezi conexiuni si contacte, ori daca cumperi o cantitate mai mare ai discounturi, etc. Fara firma sau daca nu esti o agentie sau ceva nici nu prea iti raspund cei de la publicatiile mari individual la emailuri. @iulikcei care au evenimentul libertatea si capital mai ai si ceva reviste online si au o cifra de afaceri de 17 milioane de lei pe an si 253 de angajati... despre ce vorbim aici?
    1 point
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