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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/20 in all areas

  1. Sau daca cauti pe site-ul lor oficial gasesti: amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-hd/amd-radeon-hd-6000m-series/amd-radeon-hd-6330m cel mai apropiat driver. Se poate sa mearga, avand in vedere ca diferentele dintre 6330 si 6300 sunt minime. Driverul din 2010 nu mai e suportat/updatat. Sunt sanse mari sa-ti crape pe win10. https://www.driverscape.com/download/amd-radeon-hd-6300m-series https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/amd-radeon-6300m-series-drivers/td-p/143970 https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics/why-there-is-no-driver-for-amd-radeon-6300m-graphics-at-amd-site/m-p/146418
    1 point
  2. Download: https://www.pcmatic.com/company/libraries/driver/detail.asp?driver=AMD~Radeon~HD~6300M~Series~.html Cel mai bine este sa ii contactezi Contact: https://www.amd.com/en/support
    1 point
  3. Ce fumati baieti? Nu inteleg de unde si pana une e ilegal sa vinzi coduri, jocuri, conturi etc. Cum adica "vinzi ceva ce nu iti apartine"? Din ce am cautat eu articol vanzari online "Vanzatorii ocazionali de pe platformele online nu datoreaza, insa, impozite statului pentru veniturile obtinute. Cei care obtin, insa, venituri avand caracter de continuitate din vanzari pe portaluri online au obligatii fiscale fata de stat si pot ajunge tinta verificarilor ANAF." In plus, de ce ai fi tu responsabil daca cineva foloseste invitatia sa sparga CIA si NASA? De unde ajungi tu responsabil pt activitatile altcuiva? Adica dupa parerea mea de non avocat: E legal sa vinzi invitatii si coduri de orice fel. Atata timp cat tu obtii invitatiile si codurile LEGAL. Fara tepe, furat conturi, etc. DA! Filelist nu iti permite sa vinzi invitatii. Dar asta tine de parte civila(ToS) Adica nu ai probleme cu politia. In cel mai rau caz, filelist te da in judecata civil. Dar cum filelist e un serviciu gri, inchis in romania, nu ai cum sa-ti faci griji đź‘Ť In realitate vei fi banat, blocat, sters de catre filelist. Deoarece ei pierd bani din donatii din cauza invitatiilor tale. ON: 100% agree! Ai viitor in vandut tigari si sosete in piata! Daca nu ai un viitor in pacanele si imprumutat de la camatari.
    1 point
  4. AVETI GRIJA, PE VIRUSTOTAL ESTE GASIT CA SI VIRUS (redirect catre VirusTotal) !!! de testat pe virtual machine. Download Spy Note is a free advanced Remote Administration Tool targeted for Android systems. It’s server is written in Java, and the client controller is written in Visual Basic .NET. After installation on an Android device, Spy Note will automatically remove it’s on-screen icon from the victim’s device. Spy Note’s essence is a kind of Trojan generator with some quite attractive features. It was popular in the deep web when first released, since being leaked it has become more popular. As a tool designed for remotely monitoring and controlling Android system/device. When comparing to competitor software (such as: OmniRAT, DroidJack, Dendroid), SpyNote will always come out on top. While there are simply a lot options and better stability across all Android versions.. As the version upgrades, the features of Spy Note become increasingly powerful, and bring more serious harm to victims. Although Spy Note now seems to have no large-scale use by hackers around the world, today anyone can download it for free.
    1 point
  5. Salut. Detin: 2.0 2.5" Hard drive enclosure Gembird cablul USB se bifurcĂŁ WD1600AAJS-00L7A0, DCM HANNHTJCH, Western Digital 160GB SATA 3.5 harde schijf USB Hub 4 porturi Ulterior am aflat de la cineva ca trebuia 3.5" , nu il mai pot returna. Ar fi o modalitate prin care il pot adapta? Multumesc
    0 points
  6. https://rstforums.com/forum/forum/37-black-seo-monetizare/
    0 points
  7. It was initially made for bash, but it supports zsh and ksh, too. If you want to use it with tcsh, make sure tcsh saves its history to ~/.tcsh_history. Installation Make sure you have ncurses packages installed. sudo apt install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev Then run: cargo install --git https://github.com/adder46/hstr-rs.git If on bash, add this to .bashrc: # append new history items to .bash_history shopt -s histappend # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # increase history file size HISTFILESIZE=1000000 # increase history size HISTSIZE=${HISTFILESIZE} # append new entries from memory to .bash_history, and vice-versa export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n; ${PROMPT_COMMAND}" Usage Making an alias should be the most convenient option, so you can add this to ~/.bash_aliases: alias hh=hstr-rs Screencast Download: hstr-rs-master.zip or git clone https://github.com/adder46/hstr-rs.git Source
    0 points
  8. @dixongsm mai traiesti bre?
    0 points
  9. Overview ONLYOFFICE Community Server is a free open-source collaborative system developed to manage documents, projects, customer relationship and email correspondence, all in one place. Starting from version 11.0, Community Server is distributed as ONLYOFFICE Groups on terms of Apache License. Functionality Cross platform solution: Linux, Windows Document management Integration with Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, OwnCloud File sharing Document embedding Access rights management Customizable CRM Web-to-lead form Invoicing system Project Management Gantt Chart Milestones, task dependencies and subtasks Time tracking Automated reports Blogs, forums, polls, wiki Calendar Email Aggregator People module (employee database) Support of more than 20 languages Community Server (distributed as ONLYOFFICE Groups) is a part of ONLYOFFICE Workspace that also includes Document Server (distributed as ONLYOFFICE Docs), Mail Server, Talk (instant messaging app). Control Panel for administrating ONLYOFFICE Workspace can be found in this repo. Compiling To compile source, follow this instruction. Connecting your own modules You can now create your own modules and connect them to ONLYOFFICE Groups (packaged as Community Server). See this instruction for more details. Project information Official website: https://www.onlyoffice.com Code repository: https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/CommunityServer Docker Image: https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-CommunityServer License: Apache ONLYOFFICE Workspace: https://www.onlyoffice.com/workspace.aspx User feedback and support If you have any problems with or questions about ONLYOFFICE, please visit our official forum to find answers to your questions: dev.onlyoffice.org or you can ask and answer ONLYOFFICE development questions on Stack Overflow. Download: CommunityServer-master.zip or git clone https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/CommunityServer.git Source
    0 points
  10. Wasmtime is a Bytecode Alliance project that is a standalone wasm-only optimizing runtime for WebAssembly and WASI. It runs WebAssembly code outside of the Web, and can be used both as a command-line utility or as a library embedded in a larger application. Installation The Wasmtime CLI can be installed on Linux and macOS with a small install script: $ curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash Windows or otherwise interested users can download installers and binaries directly from the GitHub Releases page. Example If you've got the Rust compiler installed then you can take some Rust source code: fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } and compile/run it with: $ rustup target add wasm32-wasi $ rustc hello.rs --target wasm32-wasi $ wasmtime hello.wasm Hello, world! Features Lightweight. Wasmtime is a standalone runtime for WebAssembly that scales with your needs. It fits on tiny chips as well as makes use of huge servers. Wasmtime can be embedded into almost any application too. Fast. Wasmtime is built on the optimizing Cranelift code generator to quickly generate high-quality machine code at runtime. Configurable. Whether you need to precompile your wasm ahead of time, generate code blazingly fast with Lightbeam, or interpret it at runtime, Wasmtime has you covered for all your wasm-executing needs. WASI. Wasmtime supports a rich set of APIs for interacting with the host environment through the WASI standard. Standards Compliant. Wasmtime passes the official WebAssembly test suite, implements the official C API of wasm, and implements future proposals to WebAssembly as well. Wasmtime developers are intimately engaged with the WebAssembly standards process all along the way too. Language Support You can use Wasmtime from a variety of different languages through embeddings of the implementation: Rust - the wasmtime crate C - the wasm.h, wasi.h, and wasmtime.h headers Python - the wasmtime PyPI package .NET - the Wasmtime NuGet package Go - the wasmtime-go repository Documentation đź“š Read the Wasmtime guide here! đź“š Download: wasmtime-main.zip or git clone https://github.com/cfallin/wasmtime.git Source
    0 points
  11. http://www.megatypers.com https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/47808-cum-sa-faci-bani-rezolvand-captcha-uri/?tab=comments#comment-316622 Fix 200 "munca de chinezi" /pentru viitor, invatati limbajele cel putin la un low-level, iar ulterior puneti intrebari
    0 points
  12. ceva de genul vrei, puse pe tabel, si export, marca banu
    0 points
  13. Sa mor de nu am ramas in pom On: in ce limbaj? Edit: conctret pentru ce? pentru semafor, instalatie de brad etc..
    0 points
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